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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-2934052022-23 TEA Data Collection Updates

Data Collection updates to support various changes announced by TEA for the 2022-23 school year are now available. Note that these changes do not affect current reporting for the 2021-22 school year.

  • Incident Management
    • A new action attribute with a label of E1734 Safe Supportive School Program Team Review now appears within the Action record directly above the existing attribute for E1725 Non-Membership Discipline Ind.
    • This element indicates whether the Safe and Supportive School Program (SSSP) team conducted a threat assessment related to a reported disciplinary incident.
  • Staff Information Page
    • Texas-specific fields are now grouped under a new "Texas Staff Information" panel.
    • Auxiliary Role ID (E1594) now appears directly below the Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation Code (E1722).
    • Three new fields that will be used in Texas Ed-Fi Staff reporting are added. Note that these fields are from the core/common extension table of Users.
      • Hire Date (S_USR_X.HireDate): The date the staff member was hired.
      • End Date (S_USR_X.ExitDate): The date the staff member's employment ended.
      • Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS (S_USR_X.State_ExcludeFromReporting): Indicates the staff member is excluded from all PEIMS and TSDS reporting.
PSSR-2888172022-23 TEA Data Collection Updates for Students

Updates to support student data collection changes announced by TEA for the 2022-23 school year are now available. Note that these changes do not affect current reporting for the 2021-22 school year.

  • Student > State/Province – TX > Graduation Information > Performance Acknowledgements > Certifications/Licensures
    • A new element IBC Certification Result (E1733) now appears in all records dated 06/01/2022 and beyond with the following dropdown list values:
      Select Code (NULL)
      (01) IBC Earned
      (02) IBC Exam Passed (IBC not Earned)
      (03) IBC Exam Failed
    • IBC Certification Result (E1733) will first be reported in the 2022 Fall PEIMS Submission for all certifications earned over the summer. The element will also be reported in TREx and in the PEIMS Summer Submission next year.
    • Related Validations
      • If Date is 06/01/2022 or greater, IBC Certification Result (E1733) is required in all records with a reportable TEA IBC code.
      • If IBC Certification Result (E1733) is (03) IBC Exam Failed, IBC Exam Fee Amount must be 0 or blank.
  • Student > State/Province – TX > Dyslexia Screenings and Risk Codes
    • Two new fields to capture Dyslexia Screening Exception Reasons are now available. These indicate the reason a student in kindergarten or first grade was not screened for dyslexia or related disorders during the dyslexia screening window.
      • Grade KG Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (E1732): S_TX_STU_X. E1732_Dys_Screen_Exc_KG
      • Grade 01 Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (E1732): S_TX_STU_X. E1732_Dys_Screen_Exc_01
    • These fields conditionally display in records dated 08/01/2022 and beyond with the following dropdown list options.
      Select Code (NULL)
      (01) Grade 1 Withdrew on or Before January 31st
      (02) Grade KG Withdrew on or Before Last Day of School
      (03) Grade 1 Enrolled after January 31st
      (04) Student Currently Identified and Receives Dyslexia Services
      (05) Dyslexia Screening Inappropriate (ARD or 504 Committee Doc)
      (06) Dyslexia Screening included in SPED or 504 Evaluation (ARD or 504 Committee Doc)
      (07) Parent/Child Repeated Refusal for Dyslexia Screening (Doc Required)
      (08) Student Absent; No Make-Up Provided (Non-Compliance)
      (09) No Qualified Staff to Conduct Dyslexia Screening (Non-Compliance)
      (10) Technology Access or Software Failure Prevented Screening (Non-Compliance)
      (11) No Dyslexia Screening Instrument (Non-Compliance)
      (12) Other Reason (Doc Required, Potential Non-Compliance)
    • Related Validations
      • If Dyslexia Risk Code is (03) Not Screened, Dyslexia Screening Exception must not be blank.
      • If Dyslexia Screening Reason Exception is not blank, then Dyslexia Risk Code must be (03).
  • Child Find Special Program Record
    • New element Eligibility Delay Reason Code (E1731) now appears as the last element in the Child Find record with the following dropdown list values:
      Select Code (NULL)
      (01) LEA Delay - Lack of Available Assmt Personnel
      (02) LEA Delay - Scheduling
      (03) LEA Delay - Late Report from Contracted Personnel
      (04) Parent Delay - No Records for Parent who Fails/Refuses to Produce Child for Eval
      (05) Parent Delay - Detailed Records for Parent who Fails/Refuses to Produce Child for Eval
      (06) LEA Agreement with Parent to Timeframe (No Records Maintained)
      (07) LEA Agreement with Parent to Timeframe (Detailed Records Maintained)
      (08) Part C (ECI) Did Not Notify/Refer Child to Part B at least 90 Days Prior to Child's Third Birthday
      (09) Other
    • Eligibility Delay Reason refers to the reason why the eligibility determination was completed beyond the required timeframe.
      • For SPPI-11, the required timeframe is 30-calendar days from the date of the completed full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE).
      • For SPPI-12, the required timeframe is by the third birthday for a child receiving early childhood intervention (ECI) services.
PSSR-269514Career and Tech Verification Report Updates

Career and Tech Verification Report: Version 22.6.1
PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report (Career and Tech Option): Version 22.6.1
Updates to the CTE verification reports are now available.

  • Career and Tech Verification Report
    • A new parameter supporting the selection of students is added.
    • The logic related to the exclusion of CTE Vocational Contact Hours is updated to account for multiple periods of exclusion sourced from the Section record and/or the Career and Tech Special Program record.
    • In the case of multiple CTE records, the records are now sorted by date with the most recent record on top, followed by the next records in order.
    • The label for Displaced Homemaker is updated to "Out of Workforce".
    • The obsolete CTE Ind Override element from the prior Career and Tech special program record is removed.
  • PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report for Career and Tech
    • The label for Displaced Homemaker is updated to "Out of Workforce".
    • The obsolete CTE Ind Override element from the prior Career and Tech special program record is removed.
PSSR-279161New Ed-Fi Section Identifier Fields and Calculation Process for Scheduled Classes

New fields are available on the Sections page to support the new TEA Ed-Fi ODS reporting model for PEIMS and TSDS pilots beginning in the 2022-23 school year. In addition, a new calculation routine and nightly process are implemented to keep the Ed-Fi Section Identifiers in synch with the Section records for scheduled classes. Note that these fields and calculations do not impact current reporting for the 2021-22 school year.

  • New Fields on Sections Page: Two new columns are added to the S_TX_SEC_X table and to the Sections page.
    • Ed-Fi Section Identifier (E1056- Calculated): S_TX_SEC_X.E1056_SectionIden_Calc
      • This is a calculated, read-only field that appears below the existing Class ID Override field.
      • For Ed-Fi reporting, the new 255 character Section Identifier will replace the existing 14 character Class ID (Unique Section Code) field used in the current xml interchange reporting.
      • The Ed-Fi Section Identifiers will be reported in Master Schedule Sections, Staff Sections, Student Sections and Student Transcript records to fulfill a similar purpose as the current Class ID code.
      • The calculated Ed-Fi Section Identifier is composed of the following elements, each separated by an underscore character, to allow easy identification of the source PowerSchool section record:
        • School Year (such as 22 for the 2022-23 school year)
        • School # (such as 001)
        • Course # (such as 4567Alg1A)
        • Section # (such as 1234)
        • Scheduling Term (such as YR, S1, S2, T1, T2, etc.)
        • 14 character Class ID (override if populated, otherwise the calculated value): the Class ID field is included to support record matching between the legacy and Ed-Fi records during the pilot and parallel years of the TEA Ed-Fi project.
    • Ed-Fi Section Identifier (E1056- Override): S_TX_SEC_X. E1056_SectionIden_Ovr
      • This 255 character field appears directly below the calculated Ed-Fi Section Identifier.
      • If populated, this will serve as an override to the calculated Ed-Fi Section Identifier with a similar purpose as the existing Class ID Override in the current xml reporting.
    • The existing calculated Class ID and Class ID override fields remain valid for the current xml reporting until the 2024-25 school year. The override field is now positioned directly below the calculated field.
  • New Ed-Fi Section Identifier Calculation and Nightly Process
    • A new preference is added to the Texas Preferences panel in District Setup to allow the district to set the time for the auto-code process. The default is 3:00 am.
      • The nightly process runs automatically at the designated time to calculate and store the Ed-Fi Section Identifiers in any new section records created since the prior day.
      • Existing Section Identifiers are left in place and are not recalculated.
    • Sections Page
      • If a user creates a new section and submits the page, the Ed-Fi Section Identifier will be calculated and stored during the next nightly process. If a user re-submits the Sections page again prior to the next nightly process, the Ed-Fi Section Identifier is calculated and stored at that time.
      • If a user edits an existing section to change the Section Number or Term or enters a Class ID override, the Ed-Fi Section Identifier is re-calculated and stored immediately.
  • Note: In a subsequent release, a similar Ed-Fi Identifier field and calculation process will be provided for manual entry stored grades records entered in Historical Grades for non-scheduled classes.
PSSR-292796Updates for EOY Reporting: Incident Management Verification Report and SELA Special Program Record

Incident Management Verification Report: Version 22.6.1

The Incident Management Verification Report is updated with logic to correctly report Test for Primary Behavior and suppress extraneous invalid records from the report.

The SELA Student Record is updated to re-add the “Rubric” and “Other” Tools/Assessment fields per the TEA guidelines.

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