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Understanding Operational Keys and Updatable Fields

Following is a description and examples of how the operational keys and updatable field values are used in CALPADS reporting.

Operational Keys

Every record contains one or more operational keys. An Operational Key is a set of fields that identify the record(s) to be processed. (For a list of extracts and their operational keys, see Index of Extract Processing Types and Operational Keys.) 

Note: Extracts using Transaction or Effective Date processing only include records where the operational key values have changed since the last time data was saved to the CALPADS Submission History table.

Transaction Type = A - Add/Update

A transaction type indicates whether the record is being added, deleted, or replaced. By default, PowerSchool submits records to CALPADS with a blank transaction type. If data in any operational key differs from the value that CALPADS has on file for that student, then the record is added to CALPADS. If data in all the operational key fields is identical, then the record is updated.

For example, a new student, John Smith, is enrolled in school, and the record contains a new value in the operational key field, School Entry Date, so the record is added to CALPADS.

New/Existing Record

Transaction Type

Student Name

School Entry Date (Operational Key)

No Existing Record




New Record from the District


Smith, John

9/10/2016 (New)

Transaction Type = D - Delete (and Add)

If the value for any operational key changes for an existing record, PowerSchool submits two records: the existing record with a delete (D) transaction type and the updated record with a blank (add) transaction type.

For example, if the School Entry Date is corrected for John Smith, PowerSchool sends the old School Entry Date record with a delete (D) transaction type and the new School Entry Date record with a blank transaction type. The School Entry Date is an operational key, so CALPADS deletes the old record and adds the new, corrected record.

New/Existing Record

Transaction Type

Student Name

School Entry Date (Operational Key)

Existing Record in CALPADS


Smith, John

9/10/2016 (Old)

New Record from the District


Smith, John

10/10/2016 (New)

Transaction Type = R - Replace (available for SSID Enrollment only)

If the extract is run using Replacement submission mode, all records that meet the selection criteria are submitted with a replace (R) transaction type. The replace transaction type allows districts to replace individual records in the CALPADS Operation Data Store (ODS) that match the current student, school and school year for students with a School Start Date in the current year. The replace transaction type should only be used for records that require major updates.

Updatable Fields

Every record contains one or more updatable fields. Updatable fields are fields that can be updated through the record type. If the value for an updatable field changes for an existing record, PowerSchool submits the record with a blank transaction type. CALPADS refers to the operational key to determine whether the record is new (add) or existing (update). If all the operational key values are identical, then the record is determined to already exist in the CALPADS ODS, and the record is updated based on the new values in the updatable fields.

For example, if John Smith exits a school, you might update the exit date for his enrollment. When the SSID Enrollment record is submitted, PowerSchool sends a blank transaction type. If CALPADS determines that all the operational key values match what is on file for the record, indicating that the record is not new, then the exit date is updated in the existing record.

New/Existing Record

Transaction Type

Student Name

Student School Exit Date (Updatable)

School Entry Date (Operational Key)

Existing Record in CALPADS


Smith, John

Blank (Old)


New Record from the District


Smith, John

4/2/2010 (New)

10/10/2009 (No change)

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