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Golden State Seal Merit Diploma (GSSMD) Extract


The Golden State Seal Merit Diploma (GSSMD) extract reports records for students who meet GSSMD requirements. The extract consists of two parts: the School Student Summary and the District Insignia Request Form. The School Student Summary provides detailed information on student qualifications for the GSSMD, while the District Insignia Request Form extracts the number of GSSMD-eligible students by school.

The School Student Summary is for district and school-use only and is not required for state submission. Submit only the District Insignia Request Form.

Note: Because of the complexity of calculating GSSMD student eligibility, it is recommended that results are manually verified.

GSSMD Eligibility

For GSSMD eligibility, students must be eligible to receive a high school diploma and demonstrate curriculum mastery in at least six subject areas. To qualify for GSSMD, a student must meet one requirement for each of the six subject areas.

English-Language Arts (ELA)

Students must meet one of the following ELA requirements:

  • A grade of B+ (or numeric equivalent) or higher in a single ELA course (each semester) completed in grade nine, ten, or eleven.

  • A score of Standard Met or higher for the high school Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment for ELA.


Students must meet one of the following math requirements:

  • A grade of B+ (or numeric equivalent) or higher in a single math course (each semester) completed in grade nine, ten, or eleven.

  • A score of Standard Met or higher for the high school Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment for math.


Students must meet one of the following science requirements:

  • A grade of B+ (or numeric equivalent) or higher in a single science course (each semester) completed in grade nine, ten, or eleven.

  • A GSSMD-qualifying score on a science exam produced and/or administered by the LEA.

U.S. History

Students must meet one of the following U.S. history requirements:

  • A grade of B (or numeric equivalent) or higher in the required U.S. history course.

  • A GSSMD-qualifying score on a U.S. history exam produced and/or administered by the LEA.

Additional Subject Areas

Students must meet one of the following for EACH of the two additional subject areas:

  • A GSSMD-qualifying grade or score for ELA, math, science, or U.S. history that is not already used to meet eligibility.

  • A grade of B (or numeric equivalent) or higher in subject other than ELA, math, science, or U.S. History.

  • A GSSMD-qualifying score on an exam produced and/or administered by the LEA for a subject other than ELA, math, science, or U.S. History.

Selection Criteria

Student Selection Criteria

The report selects student records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

School Selction Criteria

  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • There must be at least one student whose Expected High School Graduation Date falls within the selected term (Expected Year of Graduation).

Historical (Stored) Grade Selection Criteria

The report selects historical grade records from the [StoredGrades] table based on the following criteria:

  • The stored grade must not be excluded from GSSMD reporting.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.

  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection who meet the selection criteria.

  • All students – Run the report for active students in grade levels 8 to 12.

  • For school year 23-24 or higher, grade level mapped to LTK will be displayed. 

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report. Running the report for selected students will return records for all selected students regardless of state reporting exclusion or Expected Year of Graduation.

Semester 1 Final Grade Store Codes

Enter the final grade store codes from the first semester to include in this report.

Note: Separate store codes by commas.

Semester 2 Final Grade Store Codes

Enter the final grade store codes from the second semester to include in this report.

Note: Separate store codes by commas.

Expected Year of Graduation

Choose an expected graduation year for which to run the report.

Update GSSMD Indicator

Select the checkbox to modify the value for the Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Indicator on the Graduation and UC/CSU Information student page. The value for the Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Indicator field is updated to either Y or N based on the results of the GSSMD report. It is always recommended to preview the results before updating the data. Unselect the checkbox to preview the report results.

Course Details to Report

Select Yes or No for each of the following course details to indicate whether to include the detail in the report output:

  • School Year

  • Local Course Number

  • Course Name

  • Store Code

  • Earned Grade

Test Details to Report

Select Yes or No for each of the following test details to indicate whether to include the detail in the report output:

  • Test Score Name

  • Test Date

  • Test Score

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report:

  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.

  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.

  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.

  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.

  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

To run the report on a specific day, enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy An incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Enter the time at which you want the report to run

Example: 7/29/2015 10:05 AM.

Report Output

School Student Summary

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Report Output Format: This report outputs as a .CSV file.

The latest score for each subject will be published if there are more than one test score from different years.

Data Element



School Number

The identifier of the school where the student is enrolled.


CDS School Number

The 7-digit school number.


School Name

The name of the school where the student is enrolled


Student Number

The student's local identifier.


State Student Number

The student's state identifier.


Student Name

The student's last and first name.


State Course Code (Math)

The ID number of the GSSMD-qualifying math course.

[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = M (Mathematics)


Test Name (Math)

The name of the GSSMD-qualifying math test.



Details (Math)

This field displays details based on the specified report parameters and which qualification the student meets for this requirement, either a course grade or a test score. Unless otherwise specified in the report parameters, all details output.

If the student meets the math requirement based on the grade received in a GSSMD-qualifying math course, the following details display and the information repeats for each semester:

  • School Year

  • Course Number

  • Course Name

  • Store Code

  • Grade

If the student meets the math requirement based on the score received on a GSSMD-qualifying math test, the following details display:

  • Test Name

  • Test Date

  • Test Score


[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

[StoredGrades]Course_Name or



or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = M (Mathematics)










State Course Code (Science)

The ID number of the GSSMD-qualifying science course.

[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = S (Science)


Test Name (Science)

The name of the GSSMD-qualifying science test.



Details (Science)

This field displays details based on the specified report parameters and which qualification the student meets for this requirement, either a course grade or a test score. Unless otherwise specified in the report parameters, all details output.

If the student meets the science requirement based on the grade received in a GSSMD-qualifying science course, the following details display and the information repeats for each semester:

  • School Year

  • Course Number

  • Course Name

  • Store Code

  • Grade

If the student meets the science requirement based on the score received on a GSSMD-qualifying science test, the following details display:

  • Test Name

  • Test Date

  • Test Score


[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

[StoredGrades]Course_Name or



or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = S (Science)










State Course Code (ELA)

The ID number of the GSSMD-qualifying ELA course.

[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = E (English Language Arts - ELA)


Test Name (ELA)

The name of the GSSMD-qualifying ELA test.



Details (ELA)

This field displays details based on the specified report parameters and which qualification the student meets for this requirement, either a course grade or a test score. Unless otherwise specified in the report parameters, all details output.

If the student meets the ELA requirement based on the grade received in a GSSMD-qualifying ELA course, the following details display and the information repeats for each semester:

  • School Year

  • Course Number

  • Course Name

  • Store Code

  • Grade

If the student meets the ELA requirement based on the score received on a GSSMD-qualifying ELA test, the following details display:

  • Test Name

  • Test Date

  • Test Score


[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

[StoredGrades]Course_Name or



or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = E (English Language Arts - ELA)










State Course Code (History)

The ID number of the GSSMD-qualifying history course.

[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = U (US History)


Test Name (History)

The name of the GSSMD-qualifying history test.


[S_CA_SGR_X]GSSMD_Subject = U (US History)


Details (History)

This field displays details based on the specified report parameters and which qualification the student meets for this requirement, either a course grade or a test score. Unless otherwise specified in the report parameters, all details output.

If the student meets the history requirement based on the grade received in a GSSMD-qualifying history course, the following details display and the information repeats for each semester:

  • School Year

  • Course Number

  • Course Name

  • Store Code

  • Grade

If the student meets the history requirement based on the score received on a GSSMD-qualifying history test, the following details display:

  • Test Name

  • Test Date

  • Test Score


[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

[StoredGrades]Course_Name or



or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = U (US History)










State Course Code (Other)

The ID number of the GSSMD-qualifying course.

[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = O (Other) or M (Mathematics) or E (English Language Arts - ELA) or S (Science) or U (US History)


Test Name (Other)

The name of the GSSMD-qualifying test.



Details (Other)

This field displays details based on the specified report parameters and which qualification the student meets for this requirement, either a course grade or a test score. Unless otherwise specified in the report parameters, all details output.

If the student meets the first other requirement based on the grade received in a GSSMD-qualifying course, the following details display and the information repeats for each semester:

  • School Year

  • Course Number

  • Course Name

  • Store Code

  • Grade

If the student meets the first other requirement based on the score received on a GSSMD-qualifying test, the following details display:

  • Test Name

  • Test Date

  • Test Score


[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

[StoredGrades]Course_Name or



or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = O (Other) or M (Mathematics) or E (English Language Arts - ELA) or S (Science) or U (US History)










State Course Code (Other)

The ID number of the GSSMD-qualifying course.

[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = O (Other) or M (Mathematics) or E (English Language Arts - ELA) or S (Science) or U (US History)


Test Name (Other)

The name of the GSSMD-qualifying test.



Details (Other)

This field displays details based on the specified report parameters and which qualification the student meets for this requirement, either a course grade or a test score. Unless otherwise specified in the report parameters, all details output.

If the student meets the second other requirement based on the grade received in a GSSMD-qualifying course, the following details display and the information repeats for each semester:

  • School Year

  • Course Number

  • Course Name

  • Store Code

  • Grade

If the student meets the second other requirement based on the score received on a GSSMD-qualifying test, the following details display:

  • Test Name

  • Test Date

  • Test Score


[S_CA_SGR_X]AlternateCourseNumber, if populated
[S_CA_SEC_X]AlternateCourseNumber or
[CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number or

[StoredGrades]Course_Name or



or [S_CA_CRS_X]GSSMD_Subject
Where GSSMD_Subject = O (Other) or M (Mathematics) or E (English Language Arts - ELA) or S (Science) or U (US History)










Previous GSSMD Indicator Value /

Current GSSMD Indicator Value

This field displays the previous or current Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Indicator.

Whether the previous or current value is displayed depends on whether the runtime parameter, Update GSSMD Indicator, is selected.

  • Selected: Previous GSSMD Indicator Value

  • Not selected: Current GSSMD Indicator Value


The value for the Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Indicator field is updated to either Y or N based on the results of this report.

New GSSMD Indicator Value /

Proposed GSSMD Indicator Value

This field displays the new or proposed Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Indicator.

Whether the new or proposed value is displayed depends on whether the runtime parameter, Update GSSMD Indicator, is selected.

  • Selected: New GSSMD Indicator Value

  • Not selected: Proposed GSSMD Indicator Value


The value for the Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Indicator field is updated to either Y or N based on the results of this report.

District Insignia Request Form

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Report Output Format: This report outputs as a .CSV file

Data Element



School Number

The school ID number.


CDS School Number

The 7-digit school number.


School Name

The name of the school where the student is enrolled


Number of Seals

The number of students eligible for the GSSMD at the school.


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