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Understanding the Report Output Tables

Following is an explanation of the column names in the documentation Report Output tables.

All report output tables

  • Data Element – The name of the data element (field) in the interface
  • Description – Additional information for the data element, including state business rules. There is no validation for state business rules that are italicized.
  • [Table] - The name of the table where the data is stored.
  • Field Name – The name of the field where the data is stored.

Note: The Table name appears in brackets with the Field Name directly following. Example: [Student]Gender.

Miscellaneous Reports

  • Item # - The numerical order of the data element.
  • Field Type: The field type used for the data element:
  • Begin/End Position - The position of the data element in the report. For example, if there is a string of data elements, such as 2009YNYN08091989, the particular element may start at position 5. In this example, position 5 is Y.


  • Field # – Indicates the order in which the element appears in the extract.
  • Field Type – The field type used for the data element: CS – Character String, DT – Date, NU – Numeric.
  • O / U O indicates that the data element is an operational key. U indicates that the data element is an updateable field.
  • Required – Indicates whether the field is required in the extract.
  • Y – Data element is required to be populated (blanks are not allowed).
  • N – Data element is not required (blanks are allowed).


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