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Miscellaneous Reports

Miscellaneous Reports are those reports not related to California attendance, membership, CSIS, or CALPADS, and are available from Start Page > System Reports > State tab > Miscellaneous State Reports.

Report Descriptions

Following is a description of the Miscellaneous State Reports available in PowerSchool. For detailed information about a particular report, such as the input required and the resulting report output, click the report name link.

Report Name


Pre-ID Report (CELDT)

The Pre-ID Report (CELDT) generates a Pre-Identification file to be used in ordering CELDT exams.

PreID Report (CAHSEE)

The Pre-ID Report (CELDT) generates a Pre-Identification file to be used in ordering CAHSEE exams.

CBEDS School Information Form (SIF)

The CBEDS SIF report collects information about staff and enrollment specific to schools.

CBEDS County District Information Form (CDIF)

The CBEDS CDIF report collects information about classified staff, new teacher hires and high school graduation requirements in the county or district.

CBEDS-ORA File A Extract

The CBEDS-ORA File A extract generates CBEDS County/District Form (CDIF) Section A and School Information Form (SIF) Section A to collect classified staff counts. This file should be uploaded to the CBEDS-ORA Data portal.

Section A of the CDIF and SIF reports displays the number of classified staff by type (paraprofessional, office/clerical and other), full-time or part-time, gender and racial/ethnic designation, as generated in CBEDS-ORA File A.

CBEDS-ORA File B Extract

The CBEDS-ORA File B extract generates CBEDS County/District Form (CDIF) Sections B and C and School Information Form (SIF) Sections B, C, D, E and F. This file should be uploaded to the CBEDS-ORA Data portal.

CDIF Section B - Estimated number of teacher hires

CDIF Section C - Work Visa Applications

SIF Section B - Students participating in education options: Alternative, Magnet, Smaller Learning Communities and Thematic programs.  Some programs are not collected via CBEDS.

SIF Section C - Work Visa Applications

SIF Section D - Educational calendar options for the school

SIF Section E - Estimated number of teacher hires

SIF Section F - Multilingual Programs

SIF Section G - Language(s) of Instruction

Golden State Merit Diploma (GSSMD)

The Golden State Seal Merit Diploma (GSSMD) report identifies graduating students who have satisfied each of the six required categories based upon their earned grades and test results. The report outputs two files: a student-level list with details about each qualification that can be used for auditing or troubleshooting, and an aggregate count of qualifying students at each school for submission to the state. 

Physical Fitness Student File

The Physical Fitness Student File generates the first part of a two-part file to upload to the CDE Website.

Oral Health Assessments/Waivers

The Oral Health Assessments/Waivers report will select all Oral Health Assessment/Waiver records for the school year based on the term selected at report runtime. If there are multiple records for a student in the same school year, the report includes the most recent record.

Oral Health Screenings/Waivers

The Oral Health Screenings/Waivers report will select all Oral Health Screening/Waiver records in the Health module for the snapshot date based on the term selected at report runtime. If there are multiple records for a student in the same school year, the report includes the most recent record.

UC/CSU Qualifications

The UC/CSU Qualifications report determines whether student course enrollments and the corresponding grades satisfy UC/CSU subject requirements. When running the report, if the option is checked to update the UC/CSU Course Requirements field, then this field will be updated to Y or N and displayed as Met or Not Met. The report also includes a preliminary UC/CSU GPA as well as SAT and other college preparatory test scores.

UC Direct Electronic Transfers

The UC Direct Electronic Transfer report extracts School, Student, Course and Test records to be submitted to the University of California.

  • School Demographic Record (SD) – One record per extract.

  • Student Demographic Records (01) – Multiple student records per school for qualified students.

  • Student Course Records (02) – Multiple course records per student for completed courses in grades 7-12. For the TES submission, work in progress courses are included as well.

  • Student Test Records (03) – Optionally, multiple test records per student.

  • Student Immunization Record (04) – Not currently available

  • Student Ethnicity Records (05) – one ethnicity record per qualified student.

California Scholarship Federation

The CA Scholarship Federation (CSF) report is used to determine student membership eligibility to the California Scholarship Federation.

Pupil Permanent Record (PR) Information

Pupil Permanent Record (PR) Information generates a .pdf containing Mandatory Permanent Pupil records as required by the state of California.

California Transcripts

The California Transcripts report is used to create a transcript for students including grades, credit, attendance, GPAs, test scores and graduation progress.


California Special Education Management Information System Software (CASEMIS) Extract A is designed to report student level data to the California Department of Education (CDE). The extract file contains the following records:

  • One record for each student who is eligible for and received special education services.

  • One record for each student referred and evaluated, but not eligible for special education or related services.

  • One record for each student referred, and found eligible, but who did not receive special education and related services because a parent declined services, or the student was placed by a parent in private school where no ISP services were provided.


California Special Education Management Information System Software (CASEMIS) Extract B is designed to report student service record data to the California Department of Education (CDE). The extract file contains the following records:

  • At least one record for each student in CASEMIS Extract A, except those students with an IEP type of 80 or 90.

  • One record for each service received by the student.


This extract is designed to report discipline incidents for students receiving special education services. The extract contains one record for each incident in which the student is involved. There may be more than one record per student if the student was involved in more than one incident during the report date range. By default, the report uses the date range July 1 – June 30 of the school year selected at the top of the page at report runtime.


This extract is designed to report student level data, including post-secondary plans, to the CDE. The extract file contains one record for each student who exited a CASEMIS program or SELPA during the previous school year, excluding those students who returned to regular education, transferred to another program, or who are deceased.

California School Immunization Record

The California School Immunization Record (Blue Card) report is used to track student immunization history (a.k.a. Blue Card)


California Partnership for Achieving Student Success (Cal-PASS) extracts Student, Course and Award data.

Perkins E-1 Secondary Extract

The Perkins E-1 Secondary Extract generates a tab delimited file of Career Technical Education courses within the district for upload to the Perkins Data System. The extract utilizes the CALPADS CTE data elements to produce the file. This is a district level extract.

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