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CBEDS-ORA File A - CDIF Section A and SIF Section A


The CBEDS-ORA File A extract generates a file to upload to the CBEDS-ORA Data portal. This extract is used to generate the Type A record of the CBEDS electronic data file. The Type A Record includes Classified Staff counts and Full Time Equivalency from Section A of the County/District Information Form (CDIF) and the School Information Form (SIF). This data is also displayed on Section A of the CDIF and SIF Reports.

Classified Staff counts will include Full-Time and Part-Time Paraprofessionals, Office/Clerical Staff and Other Classified Staff. District counts will not include staff that work at the school sites.

Selection Criteria

Staff Selection – Number of Classified Staff

The report selects staff records from the [Users] table/view based on the following criteria:

  1. The staff member's Staff Status must be Teacher, Staff or Lunch Staff.

  2. The staff member's Status must be Current.

  3. The staff member must not be excluded from state reporting.

  4. The following races must be assigned to staff members as follows:

  • American Indian - Only American Indian selected as the race and not Hispanic is selected as the ethnicity.

  • Asian, not Hispanic - Only one race selected (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Asian Indian, Laotian, Cambodian, Hmong or Asian Other) and not Hispanic is selected as the ethnicity.

  • Pacific Islander, not Hispanic - Only one race selected (Hawaiian, Guamanian, Samoan, Tahitian or Other Pacific Islander) and not Hispanic is selected as the ethnicity.

Number of Classified Staff (Staff member counted once)

  1. The staff member's Full-time/Part-time Designation must be Full-time or Part-time.

  2. The staff member's Job Classification must be 23 (CBEDS Classified K-12: Paraprofessional), 19 (CBEDS Classified K-12: Clerical Staff), or 24 (CBEDS Classified K-12: Other Classified Staff).

Full Time Equivalent of Classified Staff (Staff member may be counted multiple times)

  1. If the staff member has one or more classified assignments, the report will use these first to calculate FTE. The assignments should be created off of the staff's primary record.

  • Assignment Job Class FTE must be populated. Note: School FTE is not used in the calculation

  • Assignment must be active on Census Day, based on the Assignment Start and End Dates

  • Job Classification Code must be 23 (CBEDS Classified K-12: Paraprofessional), 19 (CBEDS Classified K-12: Clerical Staff), or 24 (CBEDS Classified K-12: Other Classified Staff)

Note: Classified Assignments will not be reported on the CALPADS Staff Assignment Records Report.

2. If no classified assignments exist, the following will be used to derive FTE for the Classified staff:

  • FTE is assumed to be 100% unless the School FTE is populated on the Staff's primary record.

  • The staff member's Job Classification must be 23 (CBEDS Classified K-12: Paraprofessional), 19 (CBEDS Classified K-12: Clerical Staff), or 24 (CBEDS Classified K-12: Other Classified Staff).

Report Input

This report is run at the School(s) and District level.

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.

  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:

  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.

  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.

  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.

  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.

  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy in order to run the report on a specific day. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute.

Example: 7/29/2008 @ 10 AM : 05.

CBEDS Count Date

Enter the CBEDS count date.

Select Schools or Leave blank to process CDIF data and SIF data for all schools

By default, the school selection is left blank to generate both CDIF data for the district and SIF data for all schools. Selecting [District and All Schools] generates the same results.

To generate SIF data for specific schools (and no CDIF data) choose one or more schools. Select multiple schools by pressing the shift, command or control keys while clicking in the list.

Only schools with a 7-digit CALPADS school number are displayed in this list and processed when the report is run.

Note:  If a school has the same 7-digit school number (StateSchoolNumber) value as another school in the district, the School name displays "Multiple Schools".

Select Sub-District

If you are at the School Level, you can select only the Current School.

If you are at the district level, you can choose the sub-district and select the list of schools in the sub-district. You need to set up sub-district to view the schools in the subdistrict. 

  • Select All Schools or Multiple Schools in the Sub-District.

Include Column Headers

Choose No Delimiters (can be uploaded) or Include Delimiters (cannot be uploaded) from the pop-up menu. Including delimiters in the file makes each field easier to view in Microsoft Excel.

Report Output – Columns

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Report Output Format: The report output format for CBEDS-ORA File A is tab delimited. For SIF and CDIF, the report output is html.

Item #

Data Element




Row Indicator

Always “D”




The source of the data, either CDIF or SIF.




The school year, output in the format Y1Y2. For example, the 2009-2010 school year is output as 0910.




Record Type

Always “A”



CDS Code

The CDS associated with the school included in the report.

If the report is run for the district, the report extracts the district number.


[Prefs]Value = districtnumber



Form Section

The source section from the CDIF or SIF form. The report extracts “A”.



Row Number

The data row number.

  1. Male Paraprofessionals

  2. Male Office/Clerical Staff

  3. Male Other Classified Staff

  4. Female Paraprofessionals

  5. Female Office/Clerical Staff

  6. Female Other Classified Staff






FTE Calculation:






American Indian

The report extracts the number of teachers enrolled on the CBEDS count date with race set to American Indian and ethnicity set to not Hispanic. Only one race can be set.

[TeacherRace]Racecd = 100 (American Indian)


[Users]Fedethnicity is not 1 (Hispanic or Latino)


has no other [TeacherRace]Racecd records



The report extracts the number of teachers enrolled on the CBEDS count date with race set to Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Asian Indian, Laotian, Cambodian, Filipino, Hmong or Other Asian and ethnicity set to not Hispanic. Only one race can be set.

[TeacherRace]Racecd = 201 (Chinese) or

Racecd = 202 (Japanese) or

Racecd = 203 (Korean) or

Racecd = 204 (Vietnamese) or

Racecd = 205 (Asian Indian) or

Racecd = 206 (Laotian) or

Racecd = 207 (Cambodian) or

Racecd = 208 (Hmong) or

Racecd = 299  (Other Asian)


[Users]Fedethnicity is not 1 (Hispanic or Latino)


has no other [TeacherRace]Racecd records


Pacific Islander

The report extracts the number of teachers enrolled on the CBEDS count date with race set to Hawaiian, Guamanian, Samoan, Tahitian or Other Pacific Islander and ethnicity set to not Hispanic. Only one race can be set.

[TeacherRace]Racecd = 301 (Hawaiian) or

Racecd = 302 (Guamanian) or

Racecd = 303 (Samoan) or

Racecd = 304 (Tahitian) or

Racecd = 399  (Other Pacific Islander)


[Users]Fedethnicity is not 1 (Hispanic or Latino)


has no other [TeacherRace]Racecd records



The report extracts the number of teachers enrolled on the CBEDS count date with race set to Filipino and ethnicity set to not Hispanic. Only one race can be set.

[TeacherRace]Racecd = 400 (Filipino)


[Users]Fedethnicity is not 1 (Hispanic or Latino)


has no other [TeacherRace]Racecd records



The report extracts the number of teachers enrolled on the CBEDS count date with ethnicity set to Hispanic.  

[Users]Fedethnicity = 1 (Hispanic or Latino)


African American

The report extracts the number of teachers enrolled on the CBEDS count date with race set to Black or African American and ethnicity set to not Hispanic. Only one race can be set.

[TeacherRace]Racecd = 600 (Black or African American)


[Users]Fedethnicity is not 1 (Hispanic or Latino)


has no other [TeacherRace]Racecd records



The report extracts the number of teachers enrolled on the CBEDS count date with race set to White and ethnicity set to not Hispanic. Only one race can be set.

[TeacherRace]Racecd = 700 (White)


[Users]Fedethnicity is not 1 (Hispanic or Latino)


has no other [TeacherRace]Racecd records


Two or More Races

The report extracts the number of Multiple or No Response teachers enrolled on the CBEDS count date with two or more races and with ethnicity set to not Hispanic.

[Users]Fedethnicity is not 1 (Hispanic or Latino)


at least two races are selected in multiple Federal categories:

Two or more [TeacherRace]Racecd records

Note:  If two or more Asian or two or more Pacific Islander races are selected and no other races in other Federal categories are selected, the race will only count in the Asian or Pacific Islander categories and won’t be counted as a multiple race.



The report extracts “D” for district records and “S” for school records.


Report Output – Rows

The report extracts one row with all of the report columns for each of the following student and staff member groups.




Section Description



Male Paraprofessionals

Classified staff



Male Office/Clerical Staff

Classified staff



Male Other Classified Staff 

Classified staff



Female Paraprofessionals

Classified staff



Female Office/Clerical Staff

Classified staff



Female Other Classified Staff

Classified staff



Male Paraprofessionals

Classified staff



Male Office/Clerical Staff

Classified staff



Male Other Classified Staff 

Classified staff



Female Paraprofessionals

Classified staff



Female Office/Clerical Staff

Classified staff



Female Other Classified Staff

Classified staff

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