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California Transcripts


The California Transcripts report is used to create transcripts for students that include grades, credit, attendance, GPAs, test scores and graduation progress. The Transcripts report is run at the school-level only.

Transcript GPA Calculations

You can set up the Transcript report to calculate and display a weighted GPA, a non-weighted GPA or both. Alternatively, you can opt to keep the default option "(Do Not Display)" to suppress the display of a particular GPA in transcripts. If you choose to include either or both GPAs per Course Group, you can elect to use:

  • (Recommended) PowerSchool's predefined Simple or Weighted calculation methods ("PS Simple GPA" or "PS Weighted GPA"). These methods include the option to either include or exclude a historical grade's Added Value. For an explanation of Added Values and their use in determining Honors/Non-Honors GPAs, see Setup for Calculating Honors or Non-Honors GPAs.

PS Simple GPA: For each Course Group, the historical grade's GPA Points are summed together and then divided by the number of historical grades in that group. In PowerSchool terminology, a Simple GPA is not equivalent to a Non-Honors GPA.

PS Weighted GPA:The historical grade's GPA Points are multiplied by the historical grade's Earned Credit Hours for each Course Group. The sum of these results are then divided by the sum of the respective historical grades' Potential Credit Hours. In PowerSchool terminology, a Weighted GPA is not equivalent to an Honors GPA.
These two predefined options are best suited for students who have multiple grouping for the same term/grade level, such as those students who have grades associated with multiple schools per term.

  • Your district's GPA Calculation Methods. This is not the recommended method because if a student has historical grades from multiple schools for the same grade level in the same term or store code, it is not possible to disaggregate a GPA per school using this method. Also, if your district's GPA Calculation Method specifies any Query Option values, results may be missing in the follow scenarios, when a historical grade's:'

    • term does not match its store code (if grouped by Term). Note: Term GPA values may be blank regardless of Query Option settings if the associated term abbreviation does not match the historical grade's store code.

    • term is not found in the associated list

    • grade level is not found in the associated list and/or

    • school year is not found in the associated list

Recommended Setup for Calculating GPAs for Students' Non-Primary Schools

To better calculate GPAs for courses taken at any school that is not the student's primary school for a given term, we recommend the following setup; this will allow the GPA to be disaggregated by both school and term/store code:

    1. Create terms that are 1/10th in length (or any other unused term length).

    2. Set the term abbreviation to "X#". Use "X0" for year long courses, "X1" for semester 1, "X2" for semester 2, etc.

    3. When the historical grades are entered, use the term id for the appropriate "X#" term, and a store code associated with the term abbreviation.

      • If a student attends a third school in the same term, create another set of terms using "1/11th" and an abbreviation letter of "Y#", then follow the above guidelines.

      • For your custom reports or student Cumulative Information screenyou can define your gpa calculation method to restrict a calculation by store code such as "S1,X1,Y1,Z1" in order to calculate an aggregated term GPA.

Setup for Calculating Honors or Non-Honors GPAs

Calculating an Honors or a Non-Honors GPA is achieved by using one of the following two methods:

  • (Preferred Method) Create a Grade Scale that gives normal Grade Points to each letter grade and select the Receives added value? checkbox. When you select PS Simple GPA (Added Value) or PS Weighted GPA (Added Value) on the report input page, the formula will include the added value for an honors GPA. If you choose PS GPA (No Added Value), the formula will not include the added value for a non-honors GPA. For help creating a grade scale, see PowerSchool Online Help.

  • (Acceptable Method) Create a Grade Scale that gives additional Grade Points to each letter grade and deselect the Receives added value? checkbox. To calculate a non-honors GPA using this method, substitute the specified Grade Scale with another scale that does not give additional Grade Points to each letter grade.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

Student Selection Criteria

The report selects student records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in grade level 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12+ or 99 (graduated).

  • The student must be enrolled in the school for which the report is being run.

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

Historical (Stored) Grade Selection Criteria

The report selects historical grade records from the [StoredGrades] table based on the following criteria:

  • The historical grade must be associated with a student who meets the student selection criteria.

  • The historical grade must be associated with the school for which the report is being run.

  • The historical grade must be associated with a grade level selected at report runtime (7 – 12 or 9 – 12).


  • To be included in the GPA calculations, the historical Stored Grade must have"GPA Calculation" set to "Include" on the student's Historical Grades > Stored Grade page.

  • The transcript ignores grades associated with any store code that is listed in the "Store Codes from this school to omit on Transcripts" field on the District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School page.

Work in Progress Selection Criteria

The report selects Work In Progress course enrollment records from the [CC] table based on the following criteria:

  • The course enrollment must be associated with a student who meets the student selection criteria.

  • The course enrollment must be associated with a term in the current school year.

  • The course enrollment exit date must be greater than the run date of the transcript.

  • The course enrollment is considered to be Work in Progress if there is no existing historical grade in the [StoredGrades] table for the same student, term, and section, or if the sum of earned credits in the [StoredGrades] table is less than the credit hours for the course.

Note: The Transcript report ignores the Exclude from state reporting option for courses and sections.

Test Score Selection Criteria

The report selects test records from the [StudentTestScore] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student test score must be associated with a student who meets the student selection criteria.

  • The student test score must be associated with a valid Test from the [Tests] table and a valid Test Score from the [TestScore] table.

  • The student test score must be associated with a Test Score that has a name that begins with one of the following:

    • ACT

    • AP

    • CAHSEE

    • IB

    • PSAT

    • SAT

The California Department of Education (CDE) has added a new grade level of ‘TK’ that districts must use when reporting Transitional Kindergarten students to CALPADS. This new grade level will be effective starting with the 2023-2024 school year.

To support this functionality, PowerSchool has updated all California state reporting pages and reports to honor the grade level mappings as defined by each district.

The grade level is reported as mapped in all CA-specific reports once you meet the following criteria:

  • You are on PS Version 23.1 or higher

  • LTK Pref is enabled

  • While running the report, the selected school year is 23-24 or higher.

LTK Grade Level Mapping - valid values:

  • Grade 0 = KN

  • Grades -1 and below = TK, PS, IN

  • Grades >12 = AD

Report Input

The Transcript report is run at the school level only.

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection who meet the selection criteria.
    Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

  • All students – Run the report for active students in grade levels 8 to 12.

Note: If the option “Include Current Year’s Early Graduates”, under Miscellaneous Options, is set to Yes, the report includes inactive graduated students from the current year.

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report:

  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.

  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.

  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.

  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.

  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

To run the report on a specific day, enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy An incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Enter the time at which you want the report to run

Example: 7/29/2015  10:05 AM.

Extract Legal Name

Select this option to extract the student's legal name. If this is unchecked, the student’s preferred name will be extracted by default.

Course Group Options

Group Course History by

Choose whether to group courses on the transcript by store code (final grade name, such as Y1, S1, E1) or by term, such as Semester 1 or Quarter 2.

Store Code - Courses are sorted by storedgrades.grade_level, storedgrades.storecode, storedgrades.schoolname

Term - Courses are sorted by storedgrades.termid, storedgrades.storecode, storedgrades.schoolname, storedgrades.grade_level

Note: If the course history is grouped by store code, the report ignores historical grades with store codes that are marked, on the district Edit School page, as exclude from the transcript.

Include Courses for Grades 7 and 8

If you do not want to include 7th and 8th grade courses on the transcript, click the checkbox to deselect this option.

Include Absences

If you do not want to include students’ absences on the transcript, click the checkbox to deselect this option.

Include Credits Attempted/Completed

Select the checkbox to include students’ attempted and completed credits on the transcript.

Merge Course Numbers and Names, separated by a space (Use when course numbers exceed 8 characters)

Select the checkbox to combine the display of course names and course numbers on the report. This option applies to both the course listing and the work in progress areas of the transcript. Use this option when course numbers exceed eight characters. Otherwise, course numbers may overlap other text in the report output.

Suppress Repeated Grades

When Yes is selected for this option, historical grades with a [StoredGrades]Replaced_Grade value of ‘R’ will receive zero (0) earned credits in the “Course Group: Completed” calculated value and in the “GPA Summary: Total Credits Earned” calculated value. The report displays an asterisk (*) beside the course name.

Suppress Core’s “Maximum Credit" Designator "M"
Note: If the report determines a course has reached its maximum credit threshold, an "M" may still appear.

When a Stored Grade is marked as “Repeated” and has reached the maximum credit value, the record’s Replaced_Grade value is set to “M” and an “M” is displayed next to the course name. Select Yes to suppress this maximum credit indicator.

Note: If the transcript calculates that the number of earned credits exceeds a course's Max Credit value, the "M" will still appear on the transcript.

Course Group GPA Options

Non-Weighted GPA Method to display for each term

Choose the appropriate non-weighted GPA calculation method.

For further information about non-weighted GPAs, see Transcript GPA Calculations .

Label for Non-Weighted GPA

Enter the text to be used as a label name for the Non-Weighted GPA in the transcript. Text entered here will replace the standard Non-Weighted GPA label.

Note: The label should not exceed 14 characters.

Weighted GPA Method to display for each term

Choose the appropriate weighted GPA calculation method.

For further information about weighted GPAs, see Transcript GPA Calculations.

Label for Weighted GPA

Enter the text to be used as a label name for the Weighted GPA in the transcript. Text entered here will replace the standard Weighted GPA label.

Note: The label should not exceed 14 characters.

Round PS GPAs to number of decimal places (Does Not Apply to District GPA Calculation Methods)

If you chose “PS Simple GPA” or “PS Weighted GPA” as the Non-Weighted or Weighted GPA, select this option and choose the number of decimals to be displayed. For information about Added Value, see Setup for Calculating Honors or Non-Honors GPAs.

Use Custom Course Group Verbiage

Select Yes to use custom information in the Course Group footer.

Custom Course Group Footer Verbiage

If you selected Yes to use a custom information in the Course Group footer, enter the custom information here.

GPA Summary Options

Select the GPA Methods to display in the GPA Summary

Choose one or more GPA Methods to display in the GPA Summary section of the transcript.

Note: The GPA calculation methods available for the GPA Summary reflect the methods set up in PowerSchool at the District level.

Round Summary credits to number of decimal places

Select this option and choose the number of decimals to be displayed for the Total Credits Attempted and Total Credits Earned in the GPA Summary section of the transcript.

When this option is not selected, Total Credits Attempted and Total Credits Earned are rounded to 3 decimal places.

Graduation Progress Options

Select Graduation Set To Use

Choose the appropriate Graduation Set from the pop-up menu.

Options are:

  • Use Graduation Set Assigned to Student – Use the Graduation Set assigned to each student on the Graduation Progress student screen.

  • Select the Graduation Plan Assigned to Student – Use the Graduation Plan Assigned to Students to select the graduation plan created.

  • None Selected – Don’t include the Graduation Progress section – The Graduation Progress section of the report does not appear.

  • [Specific Graduation Set] – Apply one Graduation Set to all students included in the report.

Note: Graduation sets are excluded from the pop-up menu if the option “Any course at all” is used for the graduation set.

Include Courses for Grades 7 and 8 in Graduation Progress

If you do not want courses with a historical grade level of 7 and 8 included in the completed credits total, click the checkbox to deselect this option. When deselected, only courses with a historical grade level of 9 or higher will be applied to the completed credits total.

Test Score Options

ACT Test Scores

AP Test Scores

CAHSEE Test Scores

IB Test Scores

PSAT Test Scores

SAT Test Scores

To include test score(s) in the report output, select one of the following options for each test score to be output:

Numerical Score - The score for the applicable test score is displayed.

Alpha Score - The score in the Alpha field of the applicable test score is displayed.

Addendum Options

Show Student Immunizations

If you do not want immunization and optional immunization records included in the Addendum section of the transcript, click the checkbox to deselect this option.

Select the Class Ranks to display in the Class Rank Summary

Select one or more class rank calculations to be included in the transcript. To select multiple class ranks, use Shift+click or Ctl+click (Command+click for Macintosh).

Miscellaneous Options

Include Current Year’s Early Graduates

Select Yes to have inactive graduated students from the current year included in the report when the “Students to Include” option is set to “All Students”.

District Title

This field defaults to the name entered on the District Info page. To use a different district name, enter it here.

School Logo

Choose a school logo from the pop-up menu, if applicable.

The options in the pop-up menu include:

  • Display the logo associated with the school on the Edit School page at the district level.

  • Don’t display a logo.

Note: Logos should be placed in the following location: PowerSchool\application\components\reporting-usa-ca......\web_root\admin\schoollogo

The school logo file name must not include any spaces and must be 100x100 pixels or smaller.

Display Parent/Guardian Information

If you do not want to display parent/guardian information for each student in the header of the transcript, click the checkbox to deselect this option.

Watermark Text

Enter text to display as a watermark on the transcript.

Include Signature Section

If you do not want to include a signature section in the transcript, click the checkbox to deselect this option.

Use Custom Signature Verbiage

Select Yes to use a custom signature.

Custom Signature Verbiage

If you selected Yes above, enter the custom signature information.

Include Zero Test Scores

Select the checkbox to include Test Scores equal to zero.

Header Style

Choose a heard style from the pop-up menu.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is a pdf.

Data Element




Student Name

The student’s full name in the format last name, first name, middle name, suffix.

Note: This field reports the student's name based on whether Preferred Name or Legal Name was chosen in the report parameters or in the security settings for Report Parameter Authorizations. Refer to Entering Security Information for more information. If Legal Name is selected and populated, the legal name is reported. Otherwise the student preferred name is reported.









Birth Date

The student’s birth date.



The student’s gender.



The student’s grade level.

Note: When the student has graduated (current enrollment grade level is 99), the grade level is not displayed.


Student ID

The student’s local student identifier.


State ID

The student’s SSID.


Class of

The student’s year of expected graduation.


Parent/Guardian 1

The name of the student’s mother or guardian 1.

The report extracts value based on the value selected for the Parent/Guardian 1 field on the Guardian Information page.






Parent/Guardian 2

The name of the student’s father or guardian 2.

The report extracts value based on the value selected for the Parent/Guardian 2 field on the Guardian Information page.






School Name

The name of the school.


District Name

The name of the district.

Note: The report extracts the name entered at report runtime. Otherwise, the report extracts the name entered on the District Information page.



School Address

The school address, phone number and fax number.







School Logo

The school logo, if selected at report runtime.

Note: Logos should be placed in the following location: PowerSchool\application\components\reporting-usa-ca......\web_root\admin\schoollogo

The logo must be 100x100 pixels or smaller.


Enter Date

The student’s district entry date.

Note: The report extracts the student’s District Entry Date from the Modify Info page, if populated. Otherwise, the report extracts the Exit Date from the oldest school enrollment on the student’s Transfer Info page.




Graduated / Expected Grad Date

The student’s graduation date or expected graduation date.

Note: If the student’s grade level is 99 (graduated) or the Exit Code for their most recent school enrollment is GR, then the report extracts the value from the Exit Date field associated with their school enrollment.

Otherwise, the report extracts the value from the Expected High School Graduation Date field.


Birth Place

The student’s place of birth.




Diploma Type

The student’s diploma type.


Grad Program of Study

The student’s graduation program of study.



The student’s counselor.


Course History

School Name

The name of the school associated with the stored grade.

Note: If the stored grade is associated with a school on the PowerSchool server, the report uses the SchoolID field. However, if the SchoolID is zero, then the report uses the name from the SchoolName field, entered when creating the stored grade.



Grade Level

The grade level associated with the stored grade.



The report displays the Month/Year that the grade was awarded.


Term View:

[StoredGrades]TermID = [Terms]ID

Store Code View:

First two digits of [StoredGrades]TermID = [Terms]YearID

[StoredGrades]StoreCode = [Terms]Name or [Terms]Abbreviation

[StoredGrades]Schoolid = [Terms]SchoolID

If the first selection is empty for the Store Code View, then the report displays the second selection:

[StoredGrades]TermID = [Terms]TermID

[StoredGrades]StoreCode = [Terms]Name or [Terms]Abbreviation

If the second selection is empty for the Store Code View, then the report displays the third selection. This selection is used for imported grades where the SchoolID is 0, i.e. the school is not identifiable:

First two digits of [StoredGrades]TermID = [Terms]YearID

[Terms]isyearrec = 1

Store Code or Term

The report displays one of the two following elements:

  • The store code associated with the stored grade. A store code is any letter/number combination entered when creating the historical grade.

  • The term abbreviation associated with the stored grade. The term abbreviation is the value associated with one of the scheduling terms set up on the Years & Terms page at the school level.

Note: The report ignores historical grades with store codes listed to be excluded from the transcript on the Edit School page at the district.


[StoredGrades]TermID = [Terms]ID


Crs ID (Course Number)

The course number associated with the stored grade.


(H) = Honors indicator

The letter H appears after the course name if the course is marked (14) Honors – UC Certified or (16) College for the Instructional Level Code on the Edit Section page.

Note: Section settings do not override Course settings.

[S_CA_CRS_X]NS_Instructional_Lvl = 14 or 16

[S_CA_SEC_X]NS_Instructional_Lvl = 14 or 16

[Sections]ID = [CC]SectionID

[CC]StudentID = [Students]ID

(*) = Repeat indicator

An asterisk appears after the course name if the section enrollment is marked Repeated Course on the All Enrollments student page.

[S_CA_CC_X]Repeated_Course = 1

(#) = Extra Honors Credit indicator

A number sign appears after the course name if the following criteria are met:

  • The checkbox is selected for Include Added Value in Term GPA Calculation at report runtime.

  • A GPA Method is selected for the option Select the GPA Method to display for each term at report runtime.

  • The historical grades used to calculate the GPA include Added Value.

If Added Value is included in the transcript, the GPA calculation will take Added Value into consideration.

[StoredGrades]GPA_AddedValue = 1

Course Title

The course name associated with the stored grade.

Note: The report uses the name entered in the Course Name to use on Transcripts field, if populated on the Edit Course District Information page. Otherwise, the report uses the course name.



Grd (Grade)

The grade associated with the stored grade.

Note: If the Grade field is blank (normally used for letter grades), the report extracts the value from the Percent field.



Ab (Absences)

The number of absences associated with the stored grade.

Note: The value is extracted if “Include Course Details” is selected at report runtime.



The amount of credit the student earned upon receiving the historical grade.

Note: If there are multiple historical grade records with credit and the same course name, the CA Transcript will not allocate credits correctly. As a workaround, assign a unique name to each course. For example, if a student completes a Music course in each year at school, change the course names to Music 1, Music 2, Music 3, etc., so that the student can be awarded credit correctly for each year.



Credits Attempted

The aggregate of the number of earned credit hours for the courses listed in the transcript.

Note: The value is extracted if “Include Course Details” is selected at report runtime.


[Credits] Completed

The aggregate of the number of potential credit hours for the courses listed in the transcript. Potential credit is the credit that the student could potentially earn upon completion of the course.

Note: The value is extracted if “Include Course Details” is selected at report runtime.


GPA Method

Displays non-weighted and weighted GPA

The report displays the GPA for each GPA Calculation Method chosen for the parameters “Non-Weighted GPA Method to display for each term” and “Weighted GPA Method to display for each term” at report runtime.


Work in Progress

Note: Students can be currently enrolled in or have completed Work in Progress courses. See Work in Progress Selection Criteria for more information. The Work in Progress courses are sorted using the same logic as the Graduation Progress student screen. Within that sorting, the courses are then sorted by course number and finally, by grade level.

Crs ID

The course number associated with the section enrollment.


Course Title

The course name associated with the section enrollment.



The potential credit associated with the course.


(H) = Honors indicator

The report displays the letter H if the course or section is marked (14) Honors – UC Certified or (16) College for the Instructional Level Code on the Edit Section page.

Note: Section settings do not override course settings.

[S_CA_SEC_X]NS_Instructional_Lvl = 14 or 16

[S_CA_CRS_X]NS_Instructional_Lvl = 14 or 16

[Sections]ID = [CC]SectionID

[CC]StudentID = [Students]ID

(*) = Repeated indicator

An asterisk appears after the course name if the section enrollment is marked Repeated Course on the All Enrollments student page.

[S_CA_CC_X]Repeated_Course = 1

Graduation Progress

Note: The Graduation Progress section of the report may be excluded based on the runtime options. If included, the report applies one of the following, based on runtime options:

  • The same graduation set to all of the students included in the report, regardless of individual settings.

  • Different graduation sets, based on the Graduation Progress student screen for each student.

  • Different graduation sets, based on th Graduation Plan Assigned to student.

Subject Area / Course

The subject area of the graduation requirement.

Note: Graduation requirement names are cut-off after 26 characters.

The credit type is utilized from the historical grade first, if populated. If the credit type on the historical grade is blank, the credit type from the course will be used to determine what graduation requirement the course fulfills.



The number of credit hours required to satisfy the graduation requirement.



The number of credit hours the student has completed to satisfy the graduation requirement.

Calculation: The report totals the number of credits the student has earned (associated with stored grade records) for courses associated with the requirement. The report compares the student’s total earned credit for the requirement to the number of credits needed to satisfy the requirement.



The number of credits remaining to satisfy the graduation requirement.

Calculation: See Cmp.


Minimum Grade

Indicates the lowest grade a student must achieve in a specific course to count it towards graduation requirements.


Minimum GPA

The minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) is the lowest cumulative GPA a student must maintain to be eligible for graduation. This is typically on a 4.0 scale.


Waived Credits

Indicates credits that a student is exempt from earning due to prior learning, experience, or other qualifying factors.


Total Credits

The total of each credit column.


GPA Summary


The report displays the GPA for each GPA Calculation Method chosen for the parameter “Select the GPA Methods to display in the GPA Summary” at report runtime.


Total Credits Attempted

The total number of credits associated with the completed courses. The report totals the credit value assigned to each course that the student completed.


Total Credits Earned

The total number of credits that the student earned for completed courses.


Test Scores and Dates

Note: Test scores are sorted by Date Taken.


The name of the test.


[StudentTestScore]TestScoreID = [TestScore]TestID = [Test]ID

Date Taken

The date the test was taken.



The subject/test score name.


[StudentTestScore]TestScoreID = [TestScore]ID


The subject area test score.

The report extracts one score for each subject area using the following priority:

  • Number Score

  • Percent Score

  • Alpha Score

Note: Zero scores may or may not be displayed based on the runtime parameter.





School Comments

Notes entered for the student on the UC/CSU Information student page.


Signature Line

The report displays a signature line based on runtime options; either the default or the custom signature entered at runtime.



Addendum comments

The addendum includes text entered in the Addendum Comments field on the Edit School page at the district.


Immunization Records

If “Show Student Immunizations” is selected at runtime, a record of the student’s immunizations is displayed.





Class Rank

If class rank(s) are selected at runtime for “Select the Class Ranks to display in the Class Rank Summary”, the GPA method and associated class rank(s) are displayed


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