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Entering Security Information

PowerSchool recommends that you assign page-level security to this page. See PowerSchool system help for more information.

Navigation: Report Parameter Authorizations

Start Page > System > Security: Report Parameter Authorizations

The following reports currently use this security function:

  • Class Attendance Audit
  • Student Attendance Audit
  • Monthly Student Attendance Audit
  • Attendance Summary by Grade
  • Weekly Attendance Summary (Meeting)
  • Weekly Attendance Summary (Daily)
  • Attendance Audit Report
  • Attendance Audit Report (PowerTeacher Single User)
  • California Transcripts

Click the pencil icon next to the report to edit its Student Name Authorization preferences.

Data Element


Click the link to edit the default value for displaying student names on the report. Choose a value from the pop-up menu that appears.

Valid values:

  • Preferred Name - The report automatically outputs the student's preferred name.
  • Legal Name - The report automatically outputs the student's legal name.
  • Both (specify in report) - The report adds a parameter to specify whether to use preferred or legal names at run time.




Click the link next to the role to edit its permissions on the report. Choose a value from the pop-up menu that appears.

Valid values:

  • Default - The role is set to the default setting.
  • Preferred Name - The staff member can view only the student's preferred name and cannot make a selection in the Report Student Name As parameter.
  • Legal Name - The staff member can view only the student's legal name and cannot make a selection in the Report Student Name As parameter.
  • Both (specify in report) - The staff member can view both the student's legal name and preferred name and can make a selection in the Report Student Name As parameter.




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