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UC/CSU Qualifications


The UC/CSU Qualifications report determines whether student course enrollments and the corresponding grades satisfy UC/CSU subject requirements. When running the report, if the option is checked to update the UC/CSU Course Requirements field, then this field will be updated to Y or N and displayed as Met or Not Met. The report also includes a preliminary UC/CSU GPA as well as SAT and other college preparatory test scores.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

Student Selection

The report selects student records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:

  • Students are not excluded from state reporting.

  • Students are enrolled in grade levels 9, 10, 11, or 12 at the current school. 

  • The school is not excluded from state reporting.

  • The associated grade must be set as Include in the GPA Calculation field on the Edit Stored Grade page. 

  • If Include Inactive Students is selected at report runtime, the following students are also included in the report:

    • Graduated students, whose previous enrollment was in the current school, are included only when the report is run at the District level.

    • Students who withdrew from or transferred out of the current school.

    • Students with grade records for courses associated with the graduation set chosen, or students that have a value populated in the UC/CSU Approved Course Subject Area field, at report runtime.

      • UC/CSU Approved Course Subject Area field is populated on the Edit Stored Grade page.

Report Input

This report is run at the School and District level.

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection who meet the selection criteria.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:

  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.

  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.

  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.

  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.

  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy in order to run the report on a specific day. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute.

Example: 7/29/2008 @ 10 AM : 05.

Data to be Filled

Select the checkbox next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Set All from the pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Reset All.

Grad Set to Use

Choose a graduation set from the pop-up menu. The graduation set determines the courses for which students receive UC/CSU credit.

When running the report for a specific school, the pop-up menu displays all grad sets for the school.

When running the report at the district, the pop-up menu displays graduation sets that contain the letters UC or CSU. Select a graduation set associated with the school selected at the top of the page, or all schools.


Choose a school from the pop-up menu. The pop-up menu includes schools that are associated with grade level 8 or higher.

Note: This setting is only available in District mode. For students that have graduated or are no longer enrolled, choose that last school they were enrolled in.

Number of Carnegie Units Equivalent to a One-Year Course

Enter the number of credit units awarded for a one-year course at this school or district. For example, if a student is awarded 10 credit units for completing a one-year course, enter 10.0. If credits will be awarded for multiple courses taken in one year, enter the total number of credits for all courses combined.

Store Codes to Use for Credit

Enter a list of store codes, comma-separated.

The store codes narrow the selection of grade records used to determine whether a student has completed a course. For example, if grades are only stored at the end of the year, enter the store code used for the end of the year grades, such as Y1. If grades are stored at the end of each semester, enter the store codes used, such as S1,S2. Enter store codes based those used to store current final grade as historical grades.

Note: Separate store codes with commas and no spaces, such as: Q1,Q2,S1,Q3,Q4,S2,Y1. 

Grade Levels to Use for the GPA

Choose the appropriate grade levels from the pop-up menu.

The grade levels narrow the selection of grade records used to calculate the GPA. For example, if a student has 50 grade records and half are associated with grade levels 11 and 12 (and 10, optionally), then only those 25 grades are used to calculate the GPA.

Include Students Not Enrolled

Select the checkbox to include students who are not currently enrolled in the school.

Include Summary Page

Choose Yes, No, or Summary Page Only from the pop-up menu.

Choosing Yes creates an additional portion of the report. This portion lists each student with his or her corresponding UC/CSU Eligibility status. The report also indicates whether the UC/CSU Requirements Override field is set to Yes on the UC/CSU Information student page.

Bypass Validation

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Choosing No requires PowerSchool to validate whether the student records and graduation set meet the selection criteria listed above. The report returns a validation error if any of the selection criteria are not met.

Update UC/CSU Course Requirements Met Status

Select the checkbox to modify the value for the UC/CSU Course Requirements field on the UC/CSU Information student page. The value for the field is updated to either Y or N and displayed as Met or Not Met based on the results of the UC/CSU Qualifications report.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.


  • The report is sorted by student name, with one or more pages per student.

  • The report includes the school listed at the top of the page at report runtime. The report can be run for the district or the graduated students' school.

Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is a pdf.

Item #

Data Element





Report Name

Always “UC / CSU Qualifications”




The date on which the report finished.



District Name

The district name.


[Prefs]Name = districtname


School Name

The school name.




The student’s name.



Student ID

The student’s locally assigned student ID.




The student’s gender.

Valid values:

  • M

  • F

Note: This field extracts the gender from the “Gender Override (UC/CSU Qualification)” if it is populated, else it will extract the from the legal or preferred gender.

[StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender, if populated





The student’s grade level.

Note: For graduated students, the grade is displayed as Graduated.


Academic Subject Area

Note: The academic subject areas are sorted according to the sort order chosen on the Edit Requirements page for the Graduation Set.


Graduation Requirement Name

The name of the graduation requirement, as entered on the Edit Graduation Requirement page.


[GradReq]GradReqSetID = [GradReqSets]ID


Course Name

The course name.

Courses are listed if associated with the graduation requirement on the Edit Graduation Requirement page.

Note: An asterisk following the course name indicates that the course was repeated (taken more than once by the student). The report determines if the course was repeated using one of two methods:

  • If the section enrollment is marked Repeated Course on the All Enrollments page for the student.

  • If the number of credits/units earned for the course exceeds the number of Carnegie units equivalent to a one-year course (the value entered at report runtime).


Repeated Course

[S_CA_CC_X]Repeated_Course = 1



The report displays the letter H if the course is marked (14) Honors – UC Certified or (16) College for the Instructional Level Code on the Edit Section page.

[S_CA_SEC_X]NS_Instructional_Lvl = 14 or 16

[Sections]ID = [CC]SectionID

[CC]StudentID = [Students]ID



The grade level associated with the grade record.  For courses that the student has not yet completed, the grade displays in prog to signify that the course is in progress.




The school year associated with the grade record.

Note: The report determines the school year based on the first two digits of the TermID.

17 = 07-08

18 = 08-09

19 = 09-10




The term associated with the stored grade record.

Note: The report references the value in the Portion field of the term record to determine whether to display Year, Sem, Tri, or Qtr.

1 = Year

2 = Sem

3 = Tri

4 = Qtr

[Terms]Portion = 1, 2, 3, or 4


[Terms]ID = [StoredGrades]TermID



The grade associated with the first non-year term.

Note: TermIDs are assigned in the order that the terms are created on the Years & Terms page:

1st term ends in 00 (The year term)

2nd term ends in 01 (Sem 1, Qtr 1, Tri 1)

3rd term ends in 02 (Sem 2, Qtr 2, Tri 2)


The report lists grades with a TermID ending in 01, such as 1701, 1801, 1901, etc., in the Fall column.





The grade associated with the second non-year term.

Note: The report lists grades with a TermID ending in 02 in the Spring column. See item #14 (Fall) for more information.





The grade associated with the first summer school term, or the third non-year term in the school year.

Note: The report lists grades with a TermID ending in 03 in the SS1 column. See item #14 (Fall) for more information.

The report also lists grades in the SS1 column if the school associated with the grade is marked as a summer school and TermID ends in 01 or 02 on the Edit School page at the district.





The grade associated with the fourth non-year term.

Note: The report lists grades with a TermID ending in 04 in the SS2 column. See item #14 (Fall) for more information.





The total number of credit units required to satisfy the subject requirement, regardless of the units completed by the student.




The number of credit units completed by the student.

Note: The following rules affect the credit completed calculation:

  • The student receives credit for each portion of the class. The earned credit for the course is multiplied by one of the following values based on the term length completed for the course:

    • 0.25 – Quarter term

    • 0.3334 – Trimester term

    • 0.5 – Semester term

    • 1.0 – Full Year

  • If the graduation requirements include credit type, then the stored grade must be associated with the correct credit type.

  • Credit is awarded if the grade is a C or higher

Note: Plus or minus is discarded by UC/CSU, allowing credit for C-

  • Credit is awarded once for repeated courses if one of the enrollments receives a C or higher.

  • Credit is awarded for Mathematics and Language Other than English courses if either the entry level or advanced course is completed with a C or higher. For example, if a student earns a D or F for Algebra 1, he or she may receive credit if a C or higher is awarded for Algebra 2. See the Appendix for a list of corresponding entry level and advanced courses that affect course credit.







The number of credit units associated with courses that the student is currently enrolled in and has not completed. If the graduation requirements include credit type, then the credit type must be associated with the course for it to be included in the total.


[CC]SectionID = [Sections]Course_Number




The number of credit units that the student needs to satisfy the subject requirement, taking into account the units already completed by the student.

Note: The report subtracts the student’s completed number of credit units from the required number of credit units.



Total Completed Years

The number of school years represented by the list of courses.

The report adds the total number of units completed and in progress for the graduation requirement and divides that sum by the Carnegie Unit Equivalent entered at report runtime. For example, if student has 20 units completed or in progress and the value entered at report runtime is 10, then the total number of completed years is (20/10) = 2.

Total Completed Years  =

(Units Completed + Units In Progress) / Carnegie Units Equivalent to 1 Year


GPA and A to G Exception Summary


Preliminary Academic GPA

The report displays a preliminary GPA for the student, as well as the calculation used to determine the GPA.

  • Grade Levels: Depending on report runtime options, grades are included for grade levels 10, 11, 12 or 10, 11.

  • Grade: A hard-coded list of grades: A, B, C, D, F.

  • Grade Count: The number of times the student received the grade. This value is calculated by the report.

  • X [value]: A hard-coded list of the point value for each grade.

  • Points: The result of the number of times the student received a grade multiplied by the point value of the grade.

  • Honors: The number of honors courses completed by the student in grade levels 10-12. The student is awarded one extra GPA point for each honors course completed with a grade of C or better. Students can earn a maximum of two honors points for grade level 10 and eight honors points total.

  • Total Points: The total number of GPA points awarded to the student.

  • Preliminary GPA: The result of the total number of points divided by the total number of grades.

Repeated courses are included in the GPA based on the following logic:

  • If the original grade is a C or higher, the original course is included.

  • If the original grade is a D or F, the repeated course is included.



A to G Exception Summary

The report displays the requirement name, as well as the corresponding number of required, completed, enrolled, and needed credit units. The values for each column should match the values listed for each individual requirement in the upper portion of the report.


Test Scores and Dates

Note: Tests are grouped by name and sorted by date. If the student does not have any records that meet the criteria, the report displays the text: SAT and college placement tests not taken.



The name of the test.



Date Taken

The date the test was taken.




The subject of the test.




The test score.



SAT Total

The combined SAT score.

Note: This value is only displayed for SAT tests.


Summary Page


Student ID

The student’s locally assigned student ID.



Full Name

The student’s name.



UC/CSU Eligible

The report displays Y or N to indicate whether the student has satisfied the UC/CSU subject area requirements.



Override Used

If the UC/CSU Override is populated with a value, the report displays Y or N to indicate whether the Use UC/CSU Override field is checked on the UC/CSU Information student page.



UC/CSU Override

The report displays Y or No to indicate whether the Use UC/CSU Override field is populated with Yes or No.


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