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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-257368All States/Provinces: Digital Equity and Learning Preference link Is Visible on Public Portal When Disabled

Digital Equity and Learning Preference public portal data entry has been updated and will no longer be visible when the district-level preference has not been enabled. Additionally, when enabled, the icon in the public portal will display on the left navigation bar as expected.

PSSR-251616All States/Provinces: Clock In / Clock Out Report Completes Successfully

Clock In / Clock Out Report: Version 1.2

The Clock In/Clock Out Report completes successfully for schools with multiple FTE's.

PSSR-252358CA - Hib Immunization Rule is Not Flagging Pre-K students with 1 Dose Prior to First Birthday as Out of Compliance.

Hib rules are updated to meet the following Pre-K student requirement:

One Hib dose must be given on or after the 1st birthday regardless of previous doses. Required only for children younger than 5 years old.

PSSR-253572CA - Updated Data Flow For State/Province – CA > Graduation and UC/CSU Information Page

The layout of the State/Province – CA > Graduation and UC/CSU Information Page has been updated as outlined below:

Sections on the page are reordered as follows:

  • Graduation Information
  • Transcript Information
  • Postsecondary Status Information
  • UC/CSU Eligibility
  • Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) Information
  • Course GPA Record Information (extracted in ELC only)

Fields removed (deprecated) from the page:

  • Workforce Readiness (Strategic Skills) Certificate Program Completion Indicator
  • Food Handler Certification Program Completion Indicator
  • Certified (Registered) Pre-Apprenticeship Program Completion Indicator
  • Not-Certified (Non-Registered) Pre-Apprenticeship Program Completion Indicator
  • State or Federal Job Program Completion Indicator
  • CTE Related Program or Employment Indicator
PSSR-242220CA – Implement Sub-District Functionality -Student Absence Summary Records (STAS)

Student Absence Summary Records (STAS): Version 3.0

The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality.

PSSR-252637CA: Monthly Student Attendance

Monthly Student Attendance Report: Version 1.0

The report is rewritten using newer technology (SRP) for better performance.

PSSR-232652CALPADS - Student Absenteeism Report (SRP)- Add Support for Sub-districts

Student Absenteeism Report: Version 2.6

The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality.

PSSR-238573CALPADS - Student Course Section Records (SCSC) - Updated Logic For Field 16 -Student Credits Attempted and Field 17 - Student Credits Earned

Student Course Sections Records: Version 4.2

The report is Updated logic for field 16 -Student Credits Attempted and field 17 - Student Credits Earned to pull the values as stored in the related StoredGrades record.

PSSR-225617CALPADS - Student EL Acquisition Records Report (SELA) - Validation Results are Displaying School Number Instead of School Name

Student English Language Acquisition: Version 3.2

The report validation output is updated to display the School Name instead of the School Number.

PSSR-230218CALPADS Staff Assignment Records - Data entry is updated to allow only valid code combinations

Data entry validations were added for Non-Classroom based or Support Assignment Code values based on Job Classification Code selection. These validations are based on the Valid Code Combinations document (version 12.2), as published by CALPADS.

PSSR-242221CALPADS Student CTE Records - Implement Sub-district Functionality

Student CTE Records: Version 2.1

The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality for Student CTE Records.

PSSR-242222CALPADS Student Incident Records (SINC) - Sub-District Functionality

Student Incident Records (SINC): Version 1.7

The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality for Student Incident Records (SINC).

PSSR-242223CALPADS Student Incident Results (SIRS) - Sub-District Functionality

Student Incident Results (SIRS): Version 1.7

The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality for Student Incident Results (SIRS).

PSSR-242224 CALPADS Student Offense Records (SOFF) - Sub-District Functionality

Student Offense Records (SOFF): Version 1.7

The report is updated to support Sub-District functionality for Student Offense Records (SOFF).

PSSR-252357DTaP Immunization Rule is Not Flagging Students With 3 Doses Given Prior to 7th Birthday as Out of Compliance

DTap Does rules for K-12 have been updated to meet the following state rules:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP, DTP, Tdap, or Td) — 5 doses*
    • (4 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday. 3 doses OK if one was given on or after 7th birthday.)
  • For 7th-12th graders, at least 1 dose of pertussis-containing vaccine is required on or after 7th birthday.
PSSR-250091Electronic Score Reporting - Year Menu

Electronic Score Reporting - Year Menu
The Year Menu is updated to display options based on the school year in place of the calendar year. Field Label changes to "School Year". These changes were implemented in the Admin, Parent, and Teacher Portals.

PSSR-256567LEA ID Does Not Include Leading 0 When using Sub-Districts

Staff Assignments Records: Version 3.6
Student Course Sections Records: Version 4.2

The reports are updated to correctly report any Sub-District number that has a leading 0.

PSSR-254530Monthly Student Attendance Report - Rewrite for Performance Improvement

Monthly Student Attendance: Version 1.0

  • The report is rewritten using new technology and is accessible under the Attendance Report section of the report listing page.
  • The previous Monthly Student attendance report (RPT) version has been moved to a new section of the report listing page: Legacy Attendance Report Versions
PSSR-248137Monthly Student Attendance Report - Performance Improvements

Report name: Monthly Student attendance Report
Report Version: 1.0

The report was rewritten using updated technology (SRP) to improve performance. When you run the report, the completed report will now appear in the SRP tab of the report queue.

PSSR-254180New Report - Student Participation and Engagement By Class

Student Participation and Engagement by Class: Version 1.0

A new report is introduced, allowing administrators to view and print data pertaining to students' weekly engagement and daily participation, as captured by the related page in PowerTeacher. The report is grouped under the "Attendance" category on the State Reports tab. The report is run at the school level and also includes parameters to filter by date range, teacher, and period. The output is formatted as a single PDF file and loosely follows the layout of the CDE template. Each section/week meeting the selection criteria will have one-page containing data for sections A and B, followed by one or more pages with data for sections C and D. Note that this report does not-recalculate any data, but rather reports what has already been certified in PowerTeacher and therefore saved to the database. If any of the underlying data (e.g. attendance, assignments/comments, in-person vs. remote flags, etc.) has changed since certification, the section/week will need to be re-certified in PowerTeacher before the changes are reflected in the report. If the form has been certified multiple times for a section/week, only the most recently certified data will be reported.

PSSR-246707Program Services - Add Validation for Mandatory Fields on Records with Program Code 144

The following fields are required when entering or editing a Program Service record containing Program Code 144:

  • Start Date
  • Service Code
  • Provider Code
  • Location Code
  • Frequency Code
  • Time Units
  • Time
  • Conditionally required: Nonpublic Agency Identifier(NPA) - Required if Provider Code = 400
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