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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-261917All States/Provinces: Attendance Change History Report

Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.0
Attendance Change History Report is a new System report that lists the students with attendance changes during the selected period.

PSSR-267750All States/Provinces: Edit School Page - Security updates

Implemented Security updates on the Edit School page.

PSSR-266215DTAP - Student with 0 doses is not showing out of compliance

DTAP rules have been updated to show a student as out of compliance when 0 doses have been recorded.

PSSR-259236All States/Provinces: Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in Public Portal Pref Does Not Save

The Miscellaneous page in District is updated to save the Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal correctly.

PSSR-269275All States/Provinces: Health Report Update

Health Report: Version 1.3

The Health report is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-252074All States/Provinces: Learning Preferences Code Updates

The following updates are made to the Learning Preference Code definition page:

  • The Alternative Report Code and Set as Default fields are now editable
  • The Edit & New Digital Equity & Learning Preference record page is now updated to honor the Learning Preference Set as Default setting.
PSSR-267527All States/Provinces: Teacher Portal - All Students Page - Security Updates

Implemented Security updates on the All Students page in the Teacher Portal.

PSSR-265894All States/Provinces: tlist_sql/table_info tag Use Update

The improper use of tlist_sql/table_info tags, related to Prefs, has been fixed on the following page:


PSSR-269123All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Administration Record Update

Yearly Medication Administration Record: Version1.3

The Yearly Medication Administration Record is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-257496All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Inventory Report Update

Yearly Medication Inventory Report: Version 1.1

The yearly Medication Inventory Report is updated, and it runs (and completes) as expected for medications with “Received” inventory.

PSSR-265492CRDC Data Collection Updated for 2020-21 Reporting

The data collection pages related to Civil Rights Data Collection are updated to meet the needs of the 2020-21 reporting requirements. Changes of note include:

  • A new page is introduced to support sub-districts. It is identical to the District CRDC page but allows the data to be specified independently for each sub-district. Links are available on the pages to view or edit a sub-district.
  • Deprecated fields are preserved, but moved to the bottom of each page.
  • “Title” attributes are added to each input, such that mousing over the description displays the database table and column in which the field is stored.
  • New fields are added to the School CRDC page to support existing report elements STAF-1 through STAF-3. These fields are optional overrides, as the counts will be calculated from CALPADS Staff Assignments if the CRDC fields are left blank.
  • New fields are added to the School CRDC page to support new report elements OFFN-5 through OFFN-9, which deal with offenses committed by staff members.

Users should note that all links to CRDC pages now point to files that are deployed in the “common” component folder. The folder structure is identical to the usa_ca component, and all PowerSchool-supplied customizations to tailor the pages to California’s needs are preserved. However, page customizations and links added by users should be updated to point to the common pages.

PSSR-267366Security updates

Updates were made to prevent security attacks in all affected CA pages

PSSR-263624SSID Enrollment Records Improperly Validates Old Concurrent Enrollments

SSID Enrollment Records: Version 5.1

A recently added validation check aimed to identify concurrent enrollment records that had an empty exit date and a start date outside the current school year. However, there were two problems with the way this was checked. For one thing, the validation was considering the exit date as reported in the output, meaning that if the exit code was null, or the exit date was beyond the end of the reporting period, it would be considered blank even though it wasn’t. Secondly, the start date was improperly considered to be outside of the current school year if it exactly matched the first day of the year-long term.

The validation is updated to consider the exit date as stored in the enrollment record, without additional logic applied. A start date equal to the first day of the school year is now correctly considered to be within the year.

PSSR-267952Student Program Records Updated to Consider Date Range of 122 Service Records

Student Program Records: Version 5.1

The report was selecting 122 program records based on the reporting date range, but given that a program was selected, output rows were generated for every associated CALPADS Service record, regardless of date.

To provide more flexibility in how service records are entered, the report is updated to include them only if their date range overlaps both the reporting period and the parent 122 program record. Thus, a program can now have multiple service records having the same code, without causing submission problems, so long as only one service of each code falls within the reporting period.

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