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CDS Attendance Audit


The Community Day School (CDS) Attendance Audit report is an attendance audit report for the Community Day School program. This is a school level report that can be run by student or for a given teacher and period(s).

The report indicates in which intervals the student was marked present with a certificated or non-certificated teacher.


  • If the student has two CDS special program enrollments during the report date range, then these two enrollments are grouped by referral method.

  • Weekend attendance requires the school to have enabled the attendance preference "Show Saturday and Sunday on attendance views" checkbox.

If you are on PS version 23.1 or higher and LTK Pref is enabled, when you run the reports with the selected school year 23-24 or higher, the mapped LTK grade values will be displayed. 

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

Student Selection

The report selects student records based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report.

  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student must have a CDS special program enrollment during the report date range.

  • The student's school enrollment Entry Date must occur on or before the report end date.

  • The student's school enrollment Exit Date must occur on or after the report start date.

Report Input

This report is run at the School level only.

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Report Parameters

Select the checkboxes next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Select All from the Report Parameters pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Clear All.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Select Reporting Period

Choose a reporting period from the pop-up menu, or enter a begin and end date.

Select the Non-Instructional Attendance Code Category (if applicable)

If you have a non-instructional code category set up to track non-instructional present codes, select the code category. Otherwise, select Does Not Apply.

Run Report by Teacher

If you would like to run the report for a single teacher, select Yes. Otherwise, if you would like all student that meet the selection criteria, regardless of the teacher, select No.

Select Teacher

Choose the appropriate teacher from the pop-up menu.

Note: This option only applies when running the report by teacher.

Select Teacher Period(s) (leave blank for all)

Check the appropriate periods. Leave all checkboxes blank to run the report for all periods.

Note: This option only applies when running the report by teacher.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See  Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.

Note: The report determines whether the student is enrolled in IS by referring to the student’s special program enrollment. The special program must be associated with the CDS – Community Day School AEP program at the district level.

Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is pdf.

Data Element



School Name

The name of the school.


Report Name

The name of the report.


School Year

The school year for which attendance is reported.

The report extracts the value from the first and last day of the school calendar. The report determines which school calendar to use based on the term selected at the top of the page at report runtime.




Teacher Name

Note: This data element is only displayed when the report is run by teacher



Reporting Period

The reporting segment selected at report runtime.

For example, if you selected reporting segment 3, the report extracts 3.


Date Range

The start and end date of the report, derived from the Reporting Segment, or entered at report runtime.


Student Name

The student’s first and last name.



Student Number

The locally assigned student number.



The grade level associated with the student’s school enrollment.

Note: For school year 23-24 or higher, grade level mapped to LTK will be displayed. 


Mandatory Expulsion

Indicates whether the student’s referral method for CDS is mandatory expulsion.

The report extracts Yes if Mandatory Expulsion is chosen for the CDS Referral Method field on the Edit Special Program Enrollment page.

Note: Student enrollments with like referral methods will be consolidated and grouped by Mandatorily Expelled Y/N.

Valid Values: Yes or No

Note: If no Referral Method is set on the student’s CDS special program enrollment, ‘Missing’ is displayed.



Indicates the week for which attendance is reported. Each California reporting segment contains four weeks.



Indicates the date on which the attendance was taken.

The report selects dates that meet the following criteria:

  1. The date must be marked In Session on the Calendar Setup page for the specified school and school year.

  2. The date must occur on or after the report start date and on or before the report end date.



Indicates the day of the week: Monday through Sunday.



Indicates the calendar date


1st – 10th

Indicates the student’s attendance status for each interval on the specified day:

  • NC: Non-Certificated Instructor - Indicates that a Present attendance record is associated with a section that is not assigned a certificated teacher. Non-certificated minutes are not counted towards total minutes earned by the student.

  • NE: Not Enrolled – Indicates that the student was not enrolled in school or CDS program.

  • NI: Non-Instructional Minutes - Indicates that a Present attendance record is associated with a section that is not assigned a certificated teacher. Non-instructional minutes are not counted towards total minutes earned by the student.

  • *: Enrolled in Other CDS Program – If a student has multiple enrollments in CDS programs over the period for which the report is run and the Mandatorily Expelled value is the same, an * will appear on the days when the student has data for the other Mandatorily Expelled value.

  • : Not In Session – Indicates that the day was not in session, i.e. not counted for attendance.

  • Blank: Attendance Missing – CDS is a positive attendance program in which attendance must be taken for each interval. A blank in an interval indicates that either no attendance was taken or the student was not scheduled.

  • [Value]: Either minutes present or absent code – If the student is absent for the interval, their absence code appears. If the student is present and the attendance qualifies, the minutes of attendance received for that interval is displayed.

Teachers are considered certificated if they have an active CALPADS Staff Assignment record with one of the following Job Classification values:

  • (10) Administrator

  • (11) Pupil Services

  • (12) Teacher




[Attendance]Attendance_CodeID = [Attendance_Code]ID

[Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD = Present




[S_CA_USR_StaffAssignments_C]Cert_Class_Desig = 10, 11, or 12

[CC]TeacherID = [SchoolStaff]ID


The total number of instructional minutes in which the student was Present and enrolled in a section with a certificated teacher.


ADA (Days)

The report extracts 1 if the student is Present for 1 or more intervals.


5th Hour

The report extracts 1 if the student was Present for 5 or more intervals associated with a certificated teacher.


6th Hour

The report extracts 1 if the student was Present for 6 or more intervals associated with a certificated teacher.


Student Total

Totals for the student for the period in which the report is being run.


Report Summary

Note: This page appears at the end of the report, after all the individual student summaries. The total for each row is determined for each of the following groups of students during the report date range:

  • Total Minutes: The total number of minutes for all the intervals.

  • Total ADA (Days): Total students present for 1 or more intervals.

  • Total 5th Hour: Total students present for 5 or more instructional hours associated with a certificated teacher.

  • Total 6th Hour: Students present for 6 or more instructional hours associated with a certificated teacher.

Mandatorily Expelled Pupils

The report totals the number of mandatorily expelled students for each group listed above.


Non-Mandatorily Expelled Pupils

The report totals the number of non-mandatorily expelled students for each group listed above.


Grand Totals

The report totals the number of both mandatorily and non-mandatorily expelled students for each group listed above.


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