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Attendance Reports


Use Attendance reports to report attendance by class, section, student, or to report weekly, period, summary, or year-to-date attendance.

Electronic Attendance Reports

For districts that can show they meet the Electronic Attendance process and system requirements, the California Department of Education allows Electronic Attendance accounting as a teacher signature alternative.

Please note that each district must go through the approval process through CDE to use the Electronic Attendance Auditing as a replacement for attendance teacher signatures.

Report Descriptions

Following are the California attendance and membership reports available in PowerSchool. For detailed information about the report, click the report name.

Report Name


CA Class Attendance Audit

A section specific attendance roster. This is an audit of the Enrollment by Section Report. If a section meets more than one period in a day, the first period it meets will be used for calculating attendance.

Note: This report uses meeting mode, rather than daily mode, to calculate attendance.

CA Student Attendance Audit

A roster report detailing attendance by day. The report includes enrollment and attendance by section. Attendance data is calculated using meeting mode. If a section meets more than one period in a day, the attendance taken for the first period is used to calculate attendance.

CA Monthly Student Attendance Report

A twenty-day student attendance report by grade. This report provides an audit of the Enrollment by Grade Report. By default the codes and values displayed in the report represent only full day absences and attendance. This report runs in District mode by default. If you would like to report to run for the current selected school, select current school only.

CA Attendance Summary by Grade

An aggregated attendance report that can be ran for an individual school or the entire district for a date range, grade(s), and an optional single track. It is recommended that this report be run in conjunction with the Gains and Losses Audit report. 

Year-to-Date Attendance Summary

Returns year-to-date aggregated attendance report by grade.

This report returns totals for reporting segments only. If a beginning and ending date are entered that cover multiple segments, the report will pull every segment prior to the beginning date up to the last segment covered by the ending date.

Weekly Attendance Summary (Meeting)

Returns a weekly attendance summary by section.

Weekly Attendance Summary (Daily)

Returns a weekly attendance summary by teacher.

CA Period Attendance Verification

Returns students marked present for a specified number of periods. Using the meeting attendance mode, the report returns the number of students who are present N or less Periods in a Day.

In other words, a student must have at least one absent record on each day in the date range selected to be considered in this report.

Gains and Losses Audit

Use the Gains and Losses Audit report to identify issues with student entry and exit dates for school enrollments and special program enrollments. You can run the report for school enrollments, special programs, or both. The records are sorted by date and then student number. School enrollments can be grouped by grade level.

Attendance Audit Report

Reports audit data related to attendance entry and modification, including the identification of the person logging the attendance into the system, the IP from which it was logged, and the date and time of the modifications. Attendance auditing must be enabled.

Attendance Audit Report (PowerTeacher Single User)

For a PowerTeacher Single User, returns the ID of the person entering or modifying the attendance, the IP address from which the changes were entered, and the date and time of the modifications.

Section Attendance Status

Reports all sections in a school that have not taken attendance for a particular day. It is a means to track and verify that initial attendance for a section has been taken on the calendar day of the school day for which the attendance occurred. Attendance auditing must be enabled.

District Attendance Regular ADA Hours

Returns regular ADA attendance for pupils residing in the district for Period 1, Period 2 and Annual submissions.

District Attendance Charter ADA Hours

Returns attendance for students enrolled in charter schools. Attendance totals are grouped by instructional program and district of residence. The majority of the output is extracted from data entered via Start Page > District Setup > District Information > District Attendance by Residence (Charter Schools). This report must be submitted three times per year: First Period (July 1 through December 31), Second Period (July 1 through April 15), and Annual (July 1 through June 30).

District Attendance ROC/P / Adult Hours

Reports ROC/P and adult education hours of attendance for pupils residing in the district for Period 1, Period 2 and Annual submissions.

District Attendance Other ADA Hours

Returns regular ADA attendance for pupils residing in the district for Period 1, Period 2 and Annual submissions.

Student Absenteeism Report

Generates two csv files that can be used to audit the CALPADS Student Absence Summary Records extract. One csv file provides student absentee details and the other provides student absentee counts.

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