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District Attendance Regular ADA Hours

The District Attendance Regular Hours report returns attendance for pupils residing in the district broken down by instructional program. 

Submission periods:

  • First Period (July 1 through December 31)

  • Second Period (July 1 through April 15)

  • Annual (July 1 through June 30)

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records the report uses. 

Student Selection

The report selects student records based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report.

  • The student's school enrollment must not be excluded from California ADA reporting.

  • The student's school enrollment Entry Date must occur on or before the report end date.

  • The student's school enrollment Exit Date must occur on or after the report start date.

  • The student's school enrollment Exit Date must occur after the school enrollment Entry Date.

  • If a grade level is chosen, the student must be enrolled in a grade level chosen at report runtime.

The California Department of Education (CDE) has added a new grade level of ‘TK’ that districts must use when reporting Transitional Kindergarten students to CALPADS. This new grade level will be effective starting with the 2023-2024 school year.

To support this functionality, PowerSchool has updated all California state reporting pages and reports to honor the grade level mappings as defined by each district.

The grade level is reported as mapped in all CA-specific reports once you meet the following criteria:

  • You are on PS Version 23.1 or higher

  • LTK Pref is enabled

  • While running the report, the selected school year is 23-24 or higher.

LTK Grade Level Mapping - valid values:

  • Grade 0 = KN

  • Grades -1 and below = TK, PS, IN

  • Grades >12 = AD

Report Input

This report is run at the District level only.

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



Report Period

Choose the reporting period.

Start date of the report period

Enter the start date of the reporting period.

End date of the report period

Enter the end date of the reporting period.

Select Yes to produce the signature page. If Yes, please fill out the two fields below.

Choose Yes or No to produce or not produce a signature page.

Inquiries concerning this report should be directed to:

Enter the name of the administrator responsible for responding to inquiries.

Phone number of person above

Enter the phone number of the administrator responsible for responding to inquiries.

Implement the 'Exclude from ADA' flag to exclude such enrollment records from this report

Choose Yes or No. Choosing Yes excludes the student from the report if the student has a school enrollment marked to be excluded from ADA during the report date range.

Display Audit Table

Choose Yes or No to determine whether to display a table with attendance details for each school included in the report.

Select Schools

If you are at the School Level, you can select only the Current School.

If you are at the district level, you can choose the sub-district and select the list of schools in the sub-district. You need to set up sub-district to view the schools in the sub-district. 

  • Select Sub-District

  • Select All Schools or Multiple Schools in the Sub-District.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.

Refer to the Community for assistance with troubleshooting ADA and ADM calculations.

Report Output Format: HTML

Data Element



County Name

The county name.


Fiscal Year

The school year, based on the term selected at the top of the page at report runtime.



District Name

The name of the district.



Sub-District Name

The name of the sub-district.



Reporting Period

The reporting period selected at report runtime.

  • First Period = P-1

  • Second Period = P-2

  • Annual = Annual

District Number

The district number.



Report Date Range

The report date range entered at report runtime.


Regular ADA

ADA is calculated for the specified grade level groups.

[Grade_Level]=0, 1, 2, or 3
[Grade_Level]=4, 5, or 6
[Grade_Level]=7 or 8
[Grade_Level]=9, 10, 11, or 12


Regular ADA (includes Opportunity Classes, Home and Hospital, Special Day Class, and Continuation Education)

Regular average daily attendance. Includes opportunity classes, home and hospital, special day classes and continuation education.

Opportunity Classes

The special program must be mapped to Opportunity in the AEP Program field on the District Special Program page.

Home and Hospital

The special program must be mapped to Home and Hospital in the AEP Program field on the District Special Program page.

Special Day Class

The special program must be mapped to Special Ed – Special Day Class in the AEP Program field on the District Special Program page.

Continued Education

The average daily attendance for all students enrolled in a continuation education special program. The report identifies the correct special program based on the program selected on the Attendance Backfill Preferences page.

The report uses the following calculation:

(Total Apportioned Hours / Maximum Hours per Day) / Total Days Taught

  • Total Apportioned Hours = Apportioned Hours + Credit Hours

  • Apportioned Hours = Course Hours + Work Hours + NonWork Hours. The aggregated number of hours for all students in attendance for the report date range. This value does not include hours used for backfill.

  • Course Hours – Based on the number of attendance intervals/hours awarded to the student for regular courses.

  • Work Hours – Based on the number of attendance intervals/hours awarded to the student for work exchange.

  • NonWork Hours – Based on the number of attendance intervals/hours awarded to the student for non-work exchange courses.

  • Credit Hours – The aggregated number of hours used for backfill during the report date range.

The report divides the total minutes used for backfill by 60.

Apportionment is the distribution of attendance hours for continuation education students. The purpose of apportionment is to claim the maximum number of attendance hours per student per week.  If a student attends fewer than the maximum hours in Week 1 and more than the maximum hours in Week 2, the excess hours will be apportioned, or distributed, from Week 2 to Week 1. The state specifies the number of days eligible for apportionment.

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date <= Report End Date
[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date >= Report Start Date

Opportunity Classes

[Gen]ValueT = OTH100 (Opportunity)

Home and Hospital

[SpEnrollments]Enter_Date <= Report End Date
[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date >= Report Start Date
[Gen]ValueT2 = OTH200 (Home and Hospital)[Gen]Cat=specprog

Special Day Class

[Gen]ValueT2 = OTH300 (Special Ed – Special Day Class)

Continued Education

[Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD=Present Work Hours
NonWork Hours


Course Hours


Credited Hours



Extended Year Special Education [EC 56345 [b][3]] (Divisor 175)

Average daily attendance for extended year special education. This value is extracted from the Extended Year & Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School Attendance page at the district.





Special Ed - Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools [EC 56366 [a][7]] and/or Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools - Licensed Children's Institutions

Average daily attendance for special education in nonpublic and nonsectarian schools. This value is extracted from the Extended Year & Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School Attendance page at the district.





Extended Year Special Education - Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools [EC 56366 [a][7]] and/or Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools - Licensed  Children's Institutions (Divisor 175)

Average daily attendance for extended year special education in nonpublic and nonsectarian schools. This value is extracted from the Extended Year & Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School Attendance page at the district.





Community Day School [EC 48664] (Divisor 70/135/180)

Average daily attendance for community day school divided by 70, 135, or 180 depending on the period run.

Community Day School sections must be set up with a length of period that is a multiple of 60. For example 60 min. or 120 min.



[S_CA_USR_X]JobClassification = 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17

[CC]TeacherID = [Teachers]ID


[Attendance]Attendance_CodeID = [Attendance_Code]ID

[Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD = Present


ADA Totals

Sum of A-1 through A-5 for each grade level group.


General Instructions

General Instructions

Includes the sections District Responsibility and County Superintendent’s Responsibility.



Provides area for signature and dates from the preparer, district superintendent, and county superintendent of schools.


Inquiry Contact

The name and phone number of the contact for inquiries. Entered when the report is run.


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