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Student Absenteeism Report


The Student Absenteeism Report extract generates the following two csv files that can be used to audit the CALPADS Student Absence Summary Records (STAS) extract. See the Student Absence Summary (STAS) Report  for more information.

  • Student Absentee Detail: Reports detailed information about absenteeism for each student at a district or at a specific school.

  • Student Absentee Count: Reports attendance and student absenteeism counts as a percentage of the total cumulative enrollment by school.

Important Note: To ensure accurate report output, a CALPADS Attendance Category must be applied to all Attendance Codes with a "Presence Status" of 'Absent' (Start Page > School Setup > Attendance Codes > Edit/New Attendance Code > CALPADS Information).

Selection Criteria

Student Selection

The same criteria are used for all submissions throughout the year regardless of the submission period:

  • The student must be assigned an SSID.

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student's school enrollment is not excluded from state reporting.

  • The student is enrolled in a school that is not excluded from state reporting.

  • The student must have a school enrollment with an Exit Date after the report start date and an Entry Date on or before the report end date. No shows (i.e. enrolled for only 1 day) are excluded.

School Selection

  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.

The California Department of Education (CDE) has added a new grade level of ‘TK’ that districts must use when reporting Transitional Kindergarten students to CALPADS. This new grade level will be effective starting with the 2023-2024 school year.

To support this functionality, PowerSchool has updated all California state reporting pages and reports to honor the grade level mappings as defined by each district.

The grade level is reported as mapped in all CA-specific reports once you meet the following criteria:

  • You are on PS Version 23.1 or higher

  • LTK Pref is enabled

  • While running the report, the selected school year is 23-24 or higher.

LTK Grade Level Mapping - valid values:

  • Grade 0 = KN

  • Grades -1 and below = TK, PS, IN

  • Grades >12 = AD

Report Input

This report can be run at the District and School level.

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Report Parameters

Select the checkboxes next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Select All from the Report Parameters pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Clear All.

Select Schools

[District only]

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.

  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students only – Run the report for students in the current selection

  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Select Attendance Date Range

Select an option for the attendance date range:

  • Reporting Periods: Select a reporting period.

  • User Defined Start and End Date: Enter the attendance date range start and end dates.

Grade Level (blank for all)

To select a single grade level, click it.

To select multiple grade levels, click the first value and drag your cursor down or use Ctl+Click (Command+Click for Macintosh).

To select all grade levels, make no selection.

Race/Ethnicity (blank for all)

To select a single Race/Ethnicity, click it.

To select multiple Race/Ethnicity value, click the first value and drag your cursor down or use Ctl+Click (or Command+Click for Macintosh).

To select all race/ethnicity values, make no selections.

Enrollment Status (blank for all)

Select one of the following options.

  • 10-Primary: Output will include only students with primary enrollments.

  • 30-Short Term: Output will include only students with short-term enrollments.

  • blank: Output will include all students with a primary and/or short-term enrollment.

EL Acquisition Status (blank for all)

Select an English Learner Acquisition Status or leave blank to include all statuses in the report.

English Learner Acquisition Status definitions:

  • TBD - To be Determined

  • RFEP - Reclassified Fluent English Proficient

  • IFEP -  Initial Fluent English Proficient

  • EO -  English Only

  • EL - English Learner


Select one of the following options:

  • All Values: Absentee information for both female and male students is reported.

  • F: Absentee information is reported for female students only.

  • M: Absentee information is reported for male students only.

Socio-Economically Disadvantaged

Select one of the following options:

  • All Values: Students are reported regardless of whether their Education Program Code Code is 181 (Free Meal Program Eligible) or 182 (Reduced-Price Meal Program Eligible).

  • Member: Only students with an Education Program Code of 181 or 182 (student is in the Free Meal Program or the Reduced-Price Meal Program) are reported.

  • Non-Member: Only students who do not have an Education Program Code of 181 or 182 (student is not in the Free Meal Program or Reduced Price Meal Program) are reported.

Migrant Immigrant (135)

Select one of the following options:

  • All Values: All students are reported, regardless of whether their Education Program Code is 135 (Migrant Immigrant Program).

  • Member: Only students with an Education Program Code of 135 (student is in the Migrant Immigrant Program) are reported.

  • Non-Member: Only students who do not have an Education Program Code of 135 (student is not in the Migrant Immigrant Program) are reported.

Special Ed (144)

Select one of the following options:

  • All Values: All students are reported, regardless of whether their Education Program Code is 144 (Special Education Program).

  • Member: Only students with an Education Program Code of 144 (student is in the Special Education Program) are reported.

  • Non-Member: Only students who do not have an Education Program Code of 144 (student is not in the Special Education Program) are reported

Foster Youth (190)

Select one of the following options:

  • All Values: All students are reported, regardless of whether their Education Program Code is 190 (Foster Youth Services).

  • Member: Only students with an Education Program Code of 190 (student is in the Foster Youth Services program) are reported.

  • Non-Member: Only students who do not have an Education Program Code of 190 (student is not in the Foster Youth Services program) are reported.

Armed Forces Family Member (192)

Select one of the following options:

  • All Values: All students are reported, regardless of whether their Education Program Code is 192 (Armed Forces Family Member).

  • Member: Only students with an Education Program Code of 190 (student is an Armed Forces Family Member) are reported.

  • Non-Member: Only students who do not have an Education Program Code of 190 (student is not in the Armed Forces Family Member) are reported.

Incomplete Independent Study Days

Select one of the following options:

All Values: Students with and without incomplete Independent Study Days are reported.

= 0: Only students with 0 Independent Study Days are reported.

> 0: Only students with greater than 0 Independent Study Days are reported.

Out-of-School Suspension Days

Select one of the following options:

All Values: Students with and without Out-of-School Suspension Days are reported.

= 0: Only students with 0 Out-of-School Suspension Days are reported.

> 0: Only students with greater than 0 Out-of-School Suspension Days are reported.

In-School Suspension Days

Select one of the following options:

All Values: Students with and without In-School Suspension Days are reported.

= 0: Only students with 0 In-School Suspension Days are reported.

> 0: Only students with greater than 0 In-School Suspension Days are reported.

Excused Absence Days

Select one of the following options:

All Values: Students with and without Excused Absence Days are reported.

= 0: Only students with 0 Excused Absence Days are reported.

> 0: Only students with greater than 0 Excused Absence Days are reported.

Unexcused Absence Days

Select one of the following options:

All Values: Students with and without Unexcused Absence Days are reported.

= 0: Only students with 0 Unexcused Absence Days are reported.

> 0: Only students with greater than 0 Unexcused Absence Days are reported.

Chronically Absent

Select one of the following options:

All Values: All students are reported, regardless of whether they are chronically absent (% Absence is 10 or greater).

Yes: Chronically absent students are reported.

No: Chronically absent students are not reported.

Student Enrolled < 30 Days

Select one of the following options:

All Values: All students are reported, regardless of whether they have been enrolled for less than 30 days.

Yes: Students enrolled less than 30 days are reported.

No: Students enrolled less than 30 days are not reported.

Exemption Indicator

Select one of the following options:

All Values: All students are reported, regardless of whether they are attendance exempt.

Yes: Only students who are attendance exempt are reported.

No: Attendance exempt students are not reported.

Implement the 'Exclude from ADA' flag to exclude designated student enrollments from this report

Select Yes to exclude ADA student enrollments from the output.

Select No to include ADA student enrollments in the output.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.

Student Absentee Details

Note: Some data in this file is pulled from the View “PS_ADAADM_Defaults All” rather than from a table.

Data Element



School Code

The school number.


School Name

The school name.

Note: If the CDS School Name is populated, the report will extract it. If not, it will extract the normal school name.




The student’s Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) provided by the State of California.


Student Name

The student’s name.





Student Number

The student’s number.



The student’s grade level.

The Translated Text value from the appropriate Grade Level Mapping is used, if present. Otherwise, the numeric value from the Grade Level field is extracted in a 2-character format. EX: 1 = 01

State Business Rules: Student Exit Reason and Grade Level must be a valid combination.



The student’s gender.



The student’s race or ethnicity



Enrollment Status

The student’s enrollment status code.



English Learner

The student’s current English language acquisition status.

Valid values:

  • (EL) English Learner

  • (EO) English Only

  • (IFEP) Initial Fluent English Proficient

  • (RFEP) Reclassified Fluent English Proficient

  • (TBD) To be Determined


Socio-Economically Disadvantaged

Students are counted as economically disadvantaged if they have a free or reduced CALPADS lunch record (181 or 182) at any point in the reporting period.

[S_CA_STU_CALPADS_Programs_C] ProgramMembershipCode = 181 or 182

Exemption Indicator

Indicates whether the student is exempt from the attendance report.

Note: If this is indicator is Y, the following fields are blank in the report:

  • Days Expected

  • Days Attended

  • Days Absent

  • % Absent

  • Independent Study Days Missed Coursework

  • Days Absent due to Out-Of-School Suspensions

  • In-School Suspension Days

  • Days Excused Absences

  • Days Unexcused Absence

  • Chronically Absent

if [S_CA_STU_X]STASExemptionIndicator or [S_CA_REN_X]STASExemptionIndicator = 1, then Y


if [S_CA_SCH_X]StateSchoolNumber = '0000001' then Y


if [S_CA_SCH_X]SchoolType = '40' or '45', then Y

otherwise NULL

Days Expected

The number of days the student was expected to attend the school.



Days Attended

The number of days the student attended the school.



Days Absent

The number of days the student was absent. This number is determined by subtracting Days Attended from Days Expected.





% Absence

The percentage of days on which the student was absent.

The absence percentage is calculated as follows:

Days Attended is subtracted from Days Expected to get Days Absent. Days Absent is divided by Days Expected and then multiplied by 100.

For example:

If Days Expected are 59 and Days Attended are 51, the percentage calculation is:

59-51 = 8 / 59 = 0.13559 * 100 = 13.56%


[PS_ADAADM_Defaults_All]potential attendancevalue



Independent Study Days Missed Coursework

A count of the number of Independent Study Days on which the student did not complete coursework.

Note: Attendance setup is required. See Important Note.

[Attendance_Code]Unused1 = (II) Incomplete Independent Study

Days Absent due to Out-Of-School Suspensions

A count of the days the student was absent due to an out-of-school suspension.

Note: Attendance setup is required. See Important Note.

[Attendance_Code]Unused1 = (OS) Out-of-School Suspension

In-School Suspension Days

A count of the number of in-school suspension days for the student.

Note: Attendance setup is required. See Important Note.

[Attendance_Code]Unused1 = (IS) In-School Suspension (All Day)

Days Excused Absences

A count of the number of days in which the student had an excused absence.

Note: Attendance setup is required. See Important Note.  

[Attendance_Code]Unused1 = (EX) Excused, Non-Suspension

Days Unexcused Absence

A count of the number of days in which the student had an unexcused absence.

Note: Attendance setup is required. See Important Note.

[Attendance_Code]Unused1 = (UX) Unexcused, Non-Suspension

Chronically Absent

A student is considered chronically absent if the % Absence is 10 or greater.

% Absence >= 10%

Enrolled < 30 days

Indicates whether the student has been enrolled less than 30 days.



Student Absentee Count

Note: Some data in this file is pulled from the View “PS_ADAADM_DEFAULTS_ALL” rather than from a table.

Data Element



School Code

The school number


School Name

The school name


Grade Level

The student’s grade level



The student’s gender



The student’s ethnicity or race



Total Unduplicated

Count of students who do not have multiple enrollments in the district.

Note: If a student is at more than one school within a district during the year, the student will count in each school; however, the count will be unduplicated at the district level.


Total Duplicated

Count of student who have multiple enrollments in the district.


# Stu. w/ Absence Data

A count of the number of students who have absence data.

This is a sum of the number of students where Days Absent is greater than 0.

Note: Attendance setup is required. See Important Note.



[Attendance_Code]Unused1 = (OS) Out-of-School Suspension

[Attendance_Code]Unused1 = (EX) Excused, Non-Suspension

[Attendance_Code]Unused1 = (UX) Unexcused, Non-Suspension

#Stu. w/ Absence Data Exemptions

Sum of students with an Exemption Indicator of 'Y' in the Student Absentee Details extract.



Student Absent < 5% Total

Sum of students where Days Absent divided by Expected Days = < 5%.


[PS_ADAADM_ Defaults_All]potential attendancevalue


[PS_ADAADM_ Defaults_All]attendancevalue

Student Absent < 5% Percent

Sum of students with absences of < 5% divided by the sum of students with Absence data.


[PS_ADAADM_ Defaults_All]potential attendancevalue


[PS_ADAADM_ Defaults_All]attendancevalue

Student Absent > 5% and < 10% Total

Sum of students where Days Absent divided by Expected Days >= 5% and < 10%




[PS_ADAADM_ Defaults_All]attendancevalue

Student Absent > 5% and < 10% Percent

Sum of students with absences >= 5% and < 10% divided by the sum of students with Absence data.


[PS_ADAADM_Defaults_All]potential attendancevalue



Student Absent > 10% and < 20% Total

Sum of students where Days Absent divided by Expected Days >= 10% and < 20%.


[PS_ADAADM_Defaults_All]potential attendancevalue


[PS_ADAADM_ Defaults_All]attendancevalue

Student Absent > 10% and < 20% Percent

Sum of students with absences >= 10% and < 20% divided by the sum of students with Absence data.


[PS_ADAADM_ Defaults_All]potential attendancevalue



Student Absent => 20% Total

Sum of students where Days Absent divided by Expected Days >= 20%.




[PS_ADAADM_ Defaults_All]attendancevalue

Student Absent => 20% Percent

Sum of students with absences >= 20% divided by the sum of students with Absence data.




[PS_ADAADM_ Defaults_All]attendancevalue

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