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Authorizations Table (English Language Program Authorization/Prohibition)

For general information about Virtual Tables, such as how to view Virtual Table records, see Virtual Tables.

Virtual Table Name: Authorizations

Data Element

Importing: [Table]Field

DDE: [Table]Field

Authorization/Prohibition Waiver Type


[VirtualTablesData]user_defined_integer (also seen as WaiverType)

Authorization/Prohibition Details (context/location)


[VirtualTablesData]user_defined_text (also seen as WaiverContext)

Request Date


[VirtualTablesData]user_defined_date (also seen as RequestDate)

Waiver Status


[VirtualTablesData]user_defined_numeric(also seen as WaiverStatus)

Grant/Deny Date


[VirtualTablesData]user_defined_date2 (also seen as GrantDenyDate)

Student ID

Note: The internal student ID stored in [Students]ID. The ID can also be found on the bottom/center of the Teacher Comments student page.



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