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Student Program Records Report Exceptions (Records Missing)

Exception mode displays records that do not satisfy the selection criteria of the Student Program extract and the reason that the records are excluded. Use the Exception mode to troubleshoot why records are missing from the extract.

Note: The Exception mode does not evaluate students associated with the Graduated Students school. These students are excluded from the report.

The following messages may be returned in the report output to explain why records are excluded.



[Table] Field

Student is excluded from state reporting.

To include the student in state reporting:

  1. Navigate to the CALPADS Student Information page.

  2. Choose No from the menu Exclude Student From State Reporting.

  3. Click Submit.


Student's school is excluded from state reporting.

Enrollment Entry Date:

Enrollment Exit Date:

To include the school in state reporting:

  1. Navigate to the student's Transfer Info page.

  2. Determine which school is excluded from state reporting based on the Enrollment Entry and Exit dates.

  3. Navigate to District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.

  4. Deselect the checkbox Exclude From State Reporting?

  5. Click Submit.


Student's enrollment is excluded from state reporting.

Enrollment Entry Date:

Enrollment Exit Date:

To include the enrollment in state reporting:

  1. Navigate to the student's Transfer Info page.

  2. Select the appropriate school enrollment based on the Enrollment Entry and Exit dates.

  3. Choose No for the pop-up menu Exclude this enrollment from State Reporting.

  4. Click Submit.



Student's SSID is blank.

Enrollment Entry Date:

Enrollment Exit Date:

Populate the student's Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) via Start Page > Student > State/Province – CA > Student Information.


Student's Education Program Code cannot be blank.

Enrollment Entry Date:

Enrollment Exit Date:

Populate the Education Program code for the appropriate program enrollment via Start Page > Student > State/Province – CA > Program Eligibility > Edit Program Eligibility > Education Program Code.


Student's Education Program Membership Code cannot be blank.

Enrollment Entry Date:

Enrollment Exit Date:

Choose Eligible or Participating for the appropriate program enrollment via Start Page > Student > State/Province – CA > Program Eligibility > Edit Program Eligibility > Education Program Membership Code.

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C] ProgramMembershipCode

Student's Education Program Membership Start Date cannot be blank.

Enrollment Entry Date:

Enrollment Exit Date:

Populate the start date of the appropriate program enrollment via Start Page > Student > State/Province – CA > Program Eligibility > Edit Program Eligibility > Education Program Membership Start Date.


Program does not overlap a corresponding school enrollment.

Enrollment Entry Date:

Enrollment Exit Date:

Edit the start and end dates of the appropriate program enrollment so that they fall within the dates of a school enrollment on the student's Transfer Info page. Edit the program enrollment dates via Start Page > Student > State/Province – CA > Program Eligibility > Edit Program Eligibility.



Program has a corresponding enrollment, but is not at the student's current school of enrollment.

Enrollment Entry Date:

Enrollment Exit Date:

Either edit the start and end dates of the program enrollment, as indicated in the previous message, or delete the program enrollment at the old school and add/import a new program enrollment with the correct new School ID.

For information about importing data into virtual tables, article 11284 on PowerSource.


Program has no Education Service records.

Enrollment Entry Date:

Enrollment Exit Date:

If the Education Program Code is 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted), there should be an associated Program Service record. Add a program service record via Start Page > Student > Program Eligibility > Edit Program Eligibility > New Program Service.

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C]ProgramCode = 122


Education Service Start Date is after the report end date.

Enrollment Entry Date:

Enrollment Exit Date:

If the Education Program Code is 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted), there should be an associated Program Service record. Edit the start date of the service record via Start Page > Student > Program Eligibility > Edit Program Eligibility > Edit Program Service > Education Membership Program Start Date.

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C]ProgramCode = 122


Education Service End date is prior to the report start date.

Enrollment Entry Date:

Enrollment Exit Date:

If the Education Program Code is 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted), there should be an associated Program Service record. Edit the end date of the service record via Start Page > Student > Program Eligibility > Edit Program Eligibility > Edit Program Service > Education Membership Program End Date.

[S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C]CA_prog_code = 122


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