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Add Special Programs


District Setup > Enrollment: Special Programs

Special Program Information

Note: Data concerning special program enrollments must be school and year specific.


Data Element



Used in these Reports

Program Name (no commas)

Enter the special program name. Do not use commas in the name.

CBEDS-ORA File B and SIF Section D use the following names:

  • Magnet Schools or Programs (must be setup with “Magnet” in the name.)

  • Smaller Learning Community (must be setup with “Smaller” in the name.)

  • Alternative Schools and Programs of Choice (must be setup with “Alternative” in the name.)

  • Thematic Schools or Programs (must be setup with “Thematic” in the name.)

UC Direct uses the names “Magnet” and “Smaller.”

Cal-PASS uses the following names:

  • Adult

  • Ungraded

  • Independent





UC Direct

Att Sum by Grade

Dist Reg ADA

Cls Size Reduc

Gains- Losses

SI Mo Att Aud

Qualifies as a special education program

Select the checkbox to indicate a special education program.



Required Setup

California State Report Information

Data Element



Used in these Reports

CSIS Program Code

Choose the appropriate CSIS program code from the pop-up menu.

Choose (108): Educational Options: Opportunity to enroll students in this program for the District Attendance Regular ADA Hours report.



District Att Regular ADA Hrs

AEP Program

Choose the appropriate AEP program from the pop-up menu.

Note: Mapping is required for all programs reporting ADA on the District Attendance Reports (J-18/J-19)



All CDS Reports

All IS Reports

All IS Reports

Dist Att Reg ADA

Dist Att

Other ADA Hours

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