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Student Participation and Engagement by Class


This report helps administrators to view and print data on students' weekly engagement and daily participation, as captured by the related page in PowerTeacher.

The report is run at the school level and also includes parameters to filter by date range, teacher, and period. The output is a single PDF file. Each section/week meeting the selection criteria will have one page containing data for sections A and B, followed by one or more pages with data for sections C and D.

Note that this report does not-recalculate any data, but rather reports what has already been certified in PowerTeacher and therefore saved to the database. If any of the underlying data (e.g. attendance, assignments/comments, in-person vs. remote flags, etc.) has changed since certification, the section/week will need to be re-certified in PowerTeacher before the changes are reflected in the report. If the form has been certified multiple times for a section/week, only the most recently certified data will be reported.

Selection Criteria

This report will generate one form per week for each class that meets the following criteria:

  • The class was taught by one of the teachers specified in the report parameters.

  • The class was scheduled to meet in one of the periods specified in the report parameters.

  • The class was scheduled to meet during the date range specified in the report parameters.

  • The resulting weekly form was verified and submitted by the teacher.

  • The class belongs to the currently selected school.

Note: This is a school-level report. Running from the district office will not return any results.

Report Input



Select the Date Range 

 Select one of the following options:

  • Reporting Period

  • User Defined Start Date and End Dates

Select Teacher

Select the teacher for whom you want to generate the report. Leave blank to include all teachers.

Select Period

Select the period for which you want to print the report. Leave blank to include all periods.

Sort Option

Select one of the following options and click Submit. 

  • Date

  • Period

  • Teacher

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.

Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is pdf. This report displays the system time in the report output.

Section A – Local Educational Agency (LEA) and Class Information

This section contains general data related to the school and district where the class is taught.

Field Name





Displays the LEA ID.


District Pref; if subdistricts are enabled, derived from cst_subdistricts

S_CA_ClassInfo_S. LeaId

School Site

The school name is displayed based on the class selected by the teacher.

Derived from Sections.SchoolID


Month of

The month is displayed based on the week selected.

Note: For weeks that span two months, both months will be displayed. For example, April/May.

Derived based on the week selected. 


Week Of

The beginning and end date for the selected week. Monday is selected as the start date of a school week.

Based on the week selected


Certificated Employee

The full name of the teacher who is assigned to the section

Derived from the Sections table based on the selected class

Grade level/Class Title

Indicates the grade or class title.

Derived from the Sections table based on the selected class

The related section DCID is stored in S_CA_ClassInfo_S.SectionsDCID

Section B - Weekly Assignments

This section provides details regarding class assignments, instructional minutes and the instructional method for each day in the selected week.

Field Name




Day of Week

The assignment date.

Derived - Based on the week selected


Instruction Minutes

The number of instructional minutes for the day.


If there is only one ADA period defined in the Bell Schedule, then Class Minutes is Full Day. If there are multiple ADA periods in the day, and the class meets in one of the ADA periods, then Class Minutes is the number of minutes assigned in the Bell Schedule.


Non-Instructional Day

Indicates if the school day is a non-instructional day.


Whether or not a school day is instructional is determined by the school calendar and the section schedule. A school day is instructional if the school day is in session and the section or course is scheduled to meet on that day.


Summary of Assignments/Assessments

The name and description of the day's assignments.



Instructional/Assignment Delivery Method

Indicates the assignment delivery method for each day and whether the instructional period represents a full or partial day.

Full Day and Partial Day are determined from the Bell Schedule. If there are multiple ADA periods in the day, and the class meets in one of the ADA periods, then the section represents a partial day. If there is only one section for the entire day, it represents a full day. The section must count for ADA.



In Person

  • If Distance/Online Learning Indicator = N or is blank

Video or Online Synchronous Instruction / Assignment

  • If Distance/Online Learning Indicator = Y and Online Course Instruction Type Code = 1

Asynchronous Instruction

  • If Distance/Online Learning Indicator = Y and Online Course Instruction Type = 2 or  3




Section C – Daily Participation

Daily participation as determined by the student's attendance and assignment information and as verified by the teacher. 





Daily Participation

Captures each student's attendance and assignment information for each instructional day.

  • 100 - The student has an attendance code that counts as absent or has an assignment marked as missing that was due on the listed date.

  • 200 - The class was taught in person and the student was not marked as absent.

  • 300 - The student has an assignment that was due on the listed date that has a comment that includes the word "[Contact]"

  • 400 - The student submitted the assigned work due that day.

  • 500 - The student has an assignment that was due on the listed date that has a comment that does not include the word "[Contact]"

Note: With the exception of code 100, students can have multiple codes assigned for any of the listed days.


Section D – Certification

The teacher digitally signs to certify that the information is accurate and correct.

Field Name




Teacher's Printed Name

The full name of the teacher assigned as the primary teacher for the class.



Teacher's Signature

Hard-coded to display Signed Digitally


Certified Date

The date when the weekly engagement data is certified and digitally signed by the assigned teacher.



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