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Enter District Info


District Setup > District Information: District Info

General District Information

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Name of District

Enter the district name.



All Pre-ID



District Att Regular ADA Hours

CDS District Att Hours

ROCP/Adult District Attendance Hours


District Number

Enter the 7-digit CD number (County / District Number) of the district, including any leading zeros as necessary.

Note: The District Number is the Reporting LEA.

Required for CALPADS



All Reports

District State/Province

Choose California from the pop-up menu.



Required Setup

State Information

Reporting Model Code (do not change): This value must be set to CA

District Attendance Information

  1. Click a link for the appropriate Reporting Period:

  • First Period Report of Attendance (July 1 through December 31)

  • Second Period Report of Attendance (July 1 through April 15)

  • Annual Report of Attendance Report of Attendance (July 1 through June 30)

2. Complete each page as necessary for the district. See details below.

For information about entering attendance for Charter Schools, see Attendance by District of Residence (Charter Schools) below.

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Adult School and ROP


Adults in Correctional Facilities ADA

(Divisor *)

Enter the ADA for adult students in correctional facilities.

* First Period is (Divisor 85)

* Second Period is (Divisor 135)

* Annual Report is (Divisor 175)




ROCP/Adult District Att. Hours

Extended Year and Non-Public Schools


Extended Year Special Education [EC 56345[b][3]] (Divisor 175)

Enter the value for each grade level grouping.

  • TK/K--3

  • 4-6

  • 7-8

  • 9-12














Special Ed-Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools [EC 56366[a][7]] and/or Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools – Licensed Children’s Institutions

Enter the value for each grade level grouping.

  • TK/K--3

  • 4-6

  • 7-8

  • 9-12














Extended Year Special Education – Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools [EC 56366[a][7]] and/or Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools – Licensed Children’s Institutions (Divisor 175)

Enter the value for each grade level grouping.

  • TK/K--3

  • 4-6

  • 7-8

  • 9-12













Attendance by District of Residence (Charter Schools)

Note: DistrictAttendanceByResidence is a virtual table. See the District Attendance by Residence for more information about the virtual table.

Data Element



Used in these Reports

District of Residence

Choose the district of residence from the pop-up menu for which you would like to enter attendance totals.


District Att Charter ADA Hrs


Choose the reporting period from the pop-up menu.

[S_CA_DistrictAttByResidence_S]Period = P-1, P-2, or Annual

District Att Charter ADA Hrs


Extended Year Special Education [EC 56345 [b][3]] (Divisor 175)

Enter the value for each grade level grouping.

  • KT/K-3

  • 4-6

  • 7-8

  • 9-12

  • Total






District Att Charter ADA Hrs


Classroom-based ADA included in line A-3

Enter the value for each grade level grouping.

  • KT/K-3

  • 4-6

  • 7-8

  • 9-12

  • Total






District Att Charter ADA Hrs


Special Education - Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools [EC Section 56366(a)(7)] and/or Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools - Licensed Children’s Institutions

Enter the value for each grade level grouping.

  • KT/K-3

  • 4-6

  • 7-8

  • 9-12

  • Total






District Att Charter ADA Hrs


Classroom-based ADA included in line A-5

Enter the value for each grade level grouping.

  • KT/K-3

  • 4-6

  • 7-8

  • 9-12

  • Total






District Att Charter ADA Hrs


Extended Year Special Education - Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools [EC Section 56366(a)(7)] and/or Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools - Licensed Children's Institutions (Divisor 175)

Enter the value for each grade level grouping.

  • KT/K-3

  • 4-6

  • 7-8

  • 9-12

  • Total






District Att Charter ADA Hrs


Classroom-based ADA included in line A-7

Enter the value for each grade level grouping.

  • KT/K-3

  • 4-6

  • 7-8

  • 9-12

  • Total






District Att Charter ADA Hrs

Other State Reporting Information

District New Hire Forecast

Enter the number of projected or estimated number of teachers to be hired in the next school year to fill new or vacated positions in the district. The estimated number can be a whole or fractional value up to one decimal place (i.e. 0.5).

Teachers to include:

  • Vacated positions: A teacher is expected to retire, resign, transfer, or begin a leave of absence.

  • Classroom teaching positions and specialist positions, including those funded by local, state, or federal monies.

Teachers to exclude:

  • Teachers expected to remain within the district in a new specialization.

  • Administrative, guidance, media, library, health service, or non-certified positions.

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Number of Estimated New Hires

Enter the number of estimated new hires for each subject area:






Foreign Language


Home Economics

Life Science



Physical Education

Physical Science


Social Science/Social Studies


Trade and Industrial Arts

Special Education

Bilingual Education

Self-Contained Classes

Other Specializations

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireAgric

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireArt

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireDance

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireEnglish

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireBusiness

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireForeignLang

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireHealth

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireHomeEd

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireLifeSci

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireMath

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireMusic

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHirePE

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHirePhySci

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireRead ing

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireSocia lSci

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireThe ater

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireTrade

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireSpecEd

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireBiling Ed

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireSelfC ont

[Prefs]Name = CA_NewHireOther



CALPADS Program Display Preferences

Use this page to select whether to display the values stored in the students table at the top of the CALPADS Program Eligibility page.

Data Elements



Used in these Reports

Display Student Table Values (Entire District)

Select Yes/No to display values stored in the students table for the entire district.



Display Values

Each school name, number and abbreviation is listed with an option to select Yes/No to display values stored in the students table.

Note: A Prefs value is created for each school when data entry is submitted.



Course Term Mapping

Course term mapping involves entering a store code to identify historical grades for the appropriate California-specific term codes. A store code is any two-character value where the first character is a letter and the second character is a number, such as S1. Store codes can be assigned to historical grades during manual entry, when importing, or when using the Permanently Store Grades process (for details about this process, see Help > System Help > Permanently Store Grades).

For regular session courses, map either year, semester, trimester or quarter grades. Only one of these terms can be reported, so map each store code to a single course term.

These mappings are required when submitting UC Direct Electronic Transfers, Cal-PASS, CSIS Course Records for the Academic Records Transfer and ELC Records Transfer, or CALPADS End of Year 1 Course Completion.

Note: Separate multiple codes with a comma (no spaces).

The page has columns displaying state codes that you will be associating with:

  • Term - UC Direct Electronic Transfers

  • Term - ELC CSIS and Cal-PASS

  • Term - CALPADS End of Year 1 Course Completion


District Setup > District Info > Other State Reporting Information: Course Term Mapping link

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Full Session (Year)

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.


Stu Crs Sec

UC Direct


Semester 1 (Fall)

Semester 2 (Spring)

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited, for Semesters.



Stu Crs Sec

UC Direct


Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited, for Quarters





Stu Crs Sec

UC Direct


Trimester 1

Trimester 2

Trimester 3

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited, for Trimesters.




Stu Crs Sec

UC Direct


Hexemester 1

Hexemester 2

Hexemester 3

Hexemester 4

Hexemester 5

Hexemester 6

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited, for Hexemesters.







Stu Crs Sec

Other Session 1

Other Session 2

Other Session 3

Other Session 4

Other Session 5

Other Session 6

Other Session 7

Other Session 8

Other Session 9

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.










Stu Crs Sec

Quarter Summer Session 1

Quarter Summer Session 2

Quarter Summer Session 3

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.




UC Direct


Trimester Summer Session 1

Trimester Summer Session 2

Trimester Summer Session 3

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.




UC Direct


Summer Session 1

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.


Stu Crs Sec

Semester Summer Session 1

Semester Summer Session 2

Semester Summer Session 3

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.




UC Direct


Full Summer Session 1

Full Summer Session 2

Full Summer Session 3

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.




UC Direct


College Semester 1

College Semester 2

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.



UC Direct


College Quarter 1

College Quarter 2

College Quarter 3

College Quarter 4

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.





UC Direct


College Summer Semester 1

College Summer Semester 2

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.



UC Direct


College Summer Quarter 1

College Summer Quarter 2

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.



UC Direct



Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.


Stu Crs Sec

Intersession 1

Intersession 2

Intersession 2

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.





Supplement Session (after school, evenings, weekends, etc.)

Enter one or more store codes, comma-delimited.



CALPADS/CASEMIS Program/Service Automation Preferences

Use this page to select whether to display tables of CALPADS programs and/or CASEMIS services when transferring a student into or out of a school. These programs and services may be individually selected to be automatically created or ended upon submission of the page.

Data Elements



Used in these Reports

Display Programs and Services to Automatically End (Transfer Out of School)

Select Yes/No to display values when transferring a student out of a school.



Display Programs and Services to Automatically Create (Re-Enroll In School)

Select Yes/No to display values when transferring a student into a school.



CALPADS/CASEMIS Program/Service End of Year Preferences

Use this page to select whether or not to display tables of CALPADS programs and/or CASEMIS services when running the end of year process. These programs and services may be individually selected to be automatically ended upon submission of the page.

Data Elements



Used in these Reports

Enable CALPADS Concurrent Enrollment processing during EOY Process

If this preference is set to Yes, the End of Year (EOY) Process will end all CALPADS Concurrent (Non-Primary) Enrollments automatically. The Exit Code for the concurrent enrollment will be set to E-170 and the exit date will be populated as appropriate.



Enable CALPADS Program processing during EOY Process

Must select Yes to process during EOY process.



Enable CALPADS Service (122 Programs) processing during EOY Process

If selected, service records will be ended and recreated if their parent program record is ended and recreated.



Enable CASEMIS Service (144 Programs) processing during EOY Process

CASEMIS services are not linked to a particular program record. If selected, all records will be processed unless the particular service is deselected below.



Select individual CALPADS Programs to Process

The Selected default mimics the CALPADS process.

See CALPADS Program Codes in the Appendix for additional details.

Note: These choices apply only if the relevant setting is “Yes” above.


### = program code number


Select individual CASEMIS Services to Process

All are selected by default.

See CASEMIS Service Codes in the Appendix for a list of choices.

Note: These choices apply only if the relevant setting is “Yes” above.


### = service code number


Pupil Permanent Information Birth Verification Options

Data Elements



Used in these Reports


Enter the accepted method(s) for verifying a student's date of birth for the Pupil Permanent Record report.


Pupil Permanent Record (PR) Information

School Groups

Create school groups to run certain reports for only a portion of the schools in the district.

Note: A school may belong to any number of school groups.

Data Elements



Used in these Reports


The school group code.




The name of the school group.




The codes for the schools in the group.



New > New School Group


Enter a code for the school group.

Note: The code must not exceed six characters.




Enter a name for the school group



Available Schools

Select the desired schools from the list. Create a group by using the rightward arrow to move the highlighted schools into the "Selected Schools" column.




Selected Schools

Displays the schools in the group. To remove one or more schools,




Back to To

CAASPP Student Rosters/Group

Create and Manage Student Assessment Rosters/Groups of the schools in the district

Note: A school may belong to any number of school groups.

To create a group:

  1. Click Create and Manage Student Assessment Rosters/Groups.

  2. Groups that have already been created will display on this page, based on the selected year.

To edit a group:

  1. To edit an existing record, click the pencil icon next to the record.

  2. Edit values as desired

To define a new group, click the NEW button.

  1. Enter a name for the new Group record

  2. Enter a description

  3. Select the appropriate Subject Area

  4. Select the appropriate academic year for the record.

  5. Click Submit to save the new or updated record

You cannot delete a record that is tied to a course/section record. You cannot create a record where the selected Group Name, Subject Area, and Year match an existing record

Data Elements



Used in these Reports


The school group code.


Roster - Student Groups Extract


The name of the school group.


Roster - Student Groups Extract


The codes for the schools in the group.


Roster - Student Groups Extract

[S_CA_STU_GroupName]Year Applicable

Roster - Student Groups Extract


Roster - Student Groups Extract


Roster - Student Groups Extract


Roster - Student Groups Extract


Roster - Student Groups Extract


Roster - Student Groups Extract

Gender Preferences

Enable or disable the use of the Non-Binary gender option for students in the district.

Data Elements



Used in these Reports

Display Non-Binary Student Gender Option

Select the checkbox to enable the use of the Non-Binary gender option in preferred gender fields for students in the district.


  • This field is only visible in PowerSchool 12.x and above.

  • In PowerSchool 12.1.x and above, a link to the Code Sets mapping page is displayed. Click the link, and set up the codes for the Gender code set. Refer to PowerSchool System Help for more information.

Derived from



Discipline Codes and Subcodes Status

Load Codes/Subcodes

Data Elements



Used in these Reports

Load Codes/Subcodes for version [1.0/2.0]

If the load has not been completed, select the checkbox and click Submit to load the CA Incident Management configuration file.

The configuration file loads during the Hourly Process, either on the hour, or when PowerSchool is launched.

Only the PowerSchool application that is the task master is updated. If there is more than one PowerSchool application in a server array, see article 56478 on PowerSource.

Note: Once the load is done only “Load is complete” is displayed here.


Stu Discipline


Incident Management Code Mapping

Map duplicated codes to the equivalent current state reporting defined codes.

Data Elements


Code Type

Select a link for the Code Type to be mapped.

Use this page to migrate your current incident management codes to the most recent state reporting incident management codes. The migrated codes will be removed and incident records will be updated with the state reporting codes.

Once the mapping is complete the following message is seen:

"There are no current incident management codes to map for this code type."

Or, when there are no codes to map, this message is displayed:

"There are no updated state reporting incident codes available for this code type. This code type may not have state-defined values, or you may need to run the latest script to load state reporting codes and subcodes."

Date Mapped

Displays date and time of mapping, or n/a when there are no codes to map.

Mapping Status

Displays Mapping Successful when a Date Mapped is available, or n/a when there are no codes to map.

Electronic Auditing Setup

It is recommended that page security be added to Electronic Auditing Setup page to minimize access to this setting.

Data Elements


Used in these Reports

Electronic Attendance Auditing

Select the checkbox and Submit to enable Electronic Attendance Auditing. Auditing will be enabled when the next hourly process runs.

If a district chooses to enable electronic attendance auditing, PowerSchool will capture details of the creation, changes, and deletions to attendance records. Information regarding what attendance change is made, who made the change, when the change was made, and the IP address of the change are captured to meet the state requirements for Electronic Attendance Auditing.

PowerSchool 7.8 or later is required.

  • Important Note: Customers that desire to utilize Electronic Attendance Auditing in place of retaining signed paper copies of attendance records should not use the PowerSchool Substitute Portal. All attendance must be logged in the system by individuals with an unique User ID that identifies the person.

Attendance Audit Report

Sec Att Status

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