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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-234798CALPADS Student Programs - Framework Updates

CALPADS - Student Programs framework updates are implemented, ensuring that all program codes are loaded correctly for new customers.

PSSR-232659CBEDS-ORA File A - Support for Sub-Districts

CBEDS-ORA File A: Version 2.2
The report now supports the use of sub-districts. When running the report from the district office, users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter allowing them to select which sub-district to run for. Only schools assigned to that sub-district are included in the output. Running the report from a single school behaves as before.

PSSR-236823District Attendance Other ADA Hours Report - Support for Sub-Districts

District Attendance Other ADA Hours: Version 1.2
The report now supports the use of sub-districts. When running the report from the district office, users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter allowing them to select which sub-district to run for. Only schools assigned to that sub-district are included in the output. Running the report from a single school behaves as before.

As part of the District report Output when Sub District Functionality is enabled, the Sub-District Name will also be displayed.

PSSR-236824District Attendance Regular ADA Hours Report - Support for Sub-Districts

District Attendance Regular ADA Hours: Version 1.7
The report now supports the use of sub-districts. When running the report from the district office, users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter allowing them to select which sub-district to run for. Only schools assigned to that sub-district are included in the output. Running the report from a single school behaves as before.

As part of the District report Output when Sub District Functionality is enabled, the Sub-District Name will be also printed.

PSSR-232658CBEDS School Information Form (SIF) - Support for Sub-Districts

CBEDS School Information Form (SIF): Version 3.9
The report now supports the use of sub-districts. When running the report from the district office, users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter allowing them to select which sub-district to run for. Only schools assigned to that sub-district are included in the output. Running the report from a single school behaves as before.

As part of the District report Output when Sub District Functionality is enabled, the Sub-District Name will be also printed.

PSSR-238284Security Enhancement to CALPADS Student Lunch Program Enrollments (Special Function)

The California Special Function, "CALPADS Student Lunch Program Enrollments", has had its security enhanced to better protect against unauthorized users viewing the records. Users who access the page via the provided navigation will not notice any difference in behavior.

PSSR-234606Student Absence Summary Report (STAS) - Removed Validation for Gender Code X

Student Absence Summary: Version 2.7
The Student Absence Summary report now returns a value of X for student gender if the student's legal gender is populated with a value of X, or if the legal gender is blank and preferred gender is X.

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