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Supplemental Instruction (SI)


SI District Setup



School County

Define the county for the school.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info.
  2. Click the school name to access the Edit School page.
  3. Populate the County Name for the school.
  4. Click Submit.

Special Program

Create a special program for Supplemental Instruction.

Note: Create separate SI special programs for each school.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > District Setup > Special Programs > New.
  2. For Program name, enter “Supplemental Instruction (SI)”.
  3. Choose the appropriate SI program from the AEP Program pop-up menu:
    • SI – Grades K-12 Core Instruction
    • SI – Grades 7-12 Remedial Instruction / CAHSEE
    • SI – Grades 2-9 Retained/Recommended for Retention
    • SI – Grades 2-6 At Risk of Retention
    • SI – Grades 2-6 Low STAR Score
  4. Click Submit.

Note: Do not select the “Qualifies as a special education program” checkbox.

SI School Setup



Attendance Preferences

Set up interval attendance preferences for the school.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > School Setup > Preferences.
  2. Select the Time and Interval checkboxes.
  3. Enter 60 for Interval Duration (in Minutes).
  4. Click Submit.

Attendance Code

Set up attendance codes for the school.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > School Setup > Attendance Codes > New.
  2. Enter an attendance code, such as P, for the Code.
  3. Enter a description, such as Present, for the Description.
  4. Choose ‘Present’ as the Presence Status.
  5. Select the checkbox “This attendance code is considered in ADA calculations”.
  6. Select the checkbox “This attendance code counts towards membership.”
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Repeat these steps to create any additional present or absent attendance codes.

Note: The regular attendance code used in PowerSchool, which has a blank or null value, cannot be used for SI.

Bell Schedules

Set up bell schedules with intervals of 60 minutes, or a multiple of 60.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > School Setup > Bell Schedules > Edit Schedule > Edit Bell Schedule Item.
  2. Verify that periods are set up with a multiple of 60 minutes in length, e.g. 60, 120, etc.
  3. Click Submit.


Assign the appropriate special program to each course used for SI.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > School Setup > Courses > select course.
  2. If this course is only offered for SI students, then choose the school-specific Supplemental Instruction (SI) program from the Program for All Sections pop-up menu.
  3. If this course is offered for different student groups, then leave the field blank and populate the value at the section level.
  4. Click Submit.


Assign interval attendance and the appropriate special program to each section used for SI.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > School Setup > Sections > select course > select section.
  2. Verify that the section is assigned the correct term, schedule, and teacher.
  3. Choose ‘Interval’ from the Record Attendance Using Attendance Mode pop-up menu.
  4. From then Program pop-up menu, choose the school-specific Supplemental Instruction (SI) program. If this course is only offered for SI students, then the program can be defined at the course level.
  5. Click Submit.

SI Student Setup



Special Program

Create a special program enrollment for each SI student.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > Student > Special Programs > New.
  2. Choose the school-specific Supplemental Instruction (SI) program from the Program pop-up menu.
  3. Populate the Grade Level, Entry Date and Exit Date for the program.
  4. Click Submit.

Transfer Info

Verify student enrollment dates and grade level.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > Student > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment.
  2. Verify the student’s school enrollment dates.
  3. Choose the correct value from the Grade Level pop-up menu.
  4. Click Submit.


Navigate to Start Page > Student > Attendance. Verify that attendance is taken for each interval that the student is present or absent for the SI program. Every interval must have an attendance code recorded, either a P for Present or another present or absent attendance code.

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