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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-288231All States/Provinces: APEX Report Updates

Updates have been made to the following APEX reports and the new, updated version numbers are listed below:

  • Asset Inventory: Version 2.0
  • Asset Management: Version 2.0
  • Contact Relationship Details: Version 2.0
  • Courses List: Version 2.0
  • Current Grades: Version 2.0
  • Historical Grades: Version 2.0
    • Note: This report is designed to replace the Student Grades report. Historical Grades 2.0 has a new report ID and will not automatically replace the old Student Grades report. Users can publish this new report when ready and consider unpublishing the old Student Grades report. The report was also renamed to sufficiently differentiate it from the Current Grades report.
  • Standard Grades: Version 2.0
  • Student Demographics Plus: Version 2.0
PSSR-280849All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report Updates

Additional Reference: PSSR-289267, PSSR-284634, PSSR-281373, PSSR-296964

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.5

The following updates to the Attendance Profile Report have been made:

  • The minutes absent are calculated based on the daily attendance clock in/out time.
  • The report is sorted as follows
    • Last Name: List students in alphabetical order
    • Grade Level: List students by grade level (descending order) and then in alphabetical order
    • Homeroom: List students alphabetically by homeroom, homerooms are listed in alphabetical order or in descending order if homeroom values are numeric
  • Invalid data for clock in/out time is fixed
  • The Guardian Name will now consistently be extracted
  • When daily attendance is used, will only report the daily attendance data.
PSSR-280358All States/Provinces: Career Tech Credentials Report Renamed

Academic and Career Plan Credentials Report: Version 1.1

The Career Tech Credentials Report has been renamed to Academic and Career Plan Credentials Report to match Academic and Career Plan Credentials functionality in PowerSchool SIS.

PSSR-297623All States/Provinces: Health Office Visit Detail Report Update

Health Office Visit Details Report: Version 1.2

The Office Visit Detail can fail if the VisitReason, Treatment, Procedure, VisitOutcome, and Assessment values exceed 4000 characters.

To prevent the report from failing, it will now truncate values in the columns noted above so the combined length does not exceed 4000 characters.

PSSR-286262All States/Provinces: Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

The minimum supported version on PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer is updated and can now be installed on PowerSchool SIS or later. For details refer to PowerSchool SIS – Supported PowerSchool Versions.

PSSR-298416CALPADS: SSID Student Enrollment Extract (SENR) – Validation updation

SSID Student Enrollment Extract (SENR): Version 8.0

The validation for School Completion status will no longer be triggered for students with a School Completion status of 485 and an exit code mapped to the CALPADS code of E230.

PSSR-300998CALPADS: SPED File Rejection - File Format Error

The CALPADS SPED file had extra space in one column, causing the file to be rejected with an FRMT0001 error. This issue has been corrected as part of this release.

PSSR-299086CALPADS: Work-Based Learning Extract (WBLR) - Updated to only include records for the selected school year

Work-Based Learning Extract (WBLR) Version 1.3

The report logic is updated as follows:

  • The report will only includes records populated with an academic year that matches the currently selected school year.
  • Records outside the currently selected academic year will not be included in the validation results, with the following exception.
    • If the Academic Year ID of any Work Based Learning record is blank, the record will be excluded from the report and the following validation error will be generated:
      • [record details] - Missing Academic Year ID - please update the record to include a value for the Academic Year in which the work was accomplished.

If you choose to leave the Academic Year blank for existing records, you may need to set the Bypass Validation report parameter to Yes in order to generate the expected report results for submission to CALPADS..

PSSR-287593CERS / Student Assessment Rosters - Updates to honor new course level setting

The CERS / Student Assessment Rosters tool is updated as follows:

The logic for displaying qualifying sections is updated to consider the CAASPP Subject Area value set at the course level. The course level value - if present - will be applied in cases where the CAASPP Subject Area value has not been populated for one or more sections of the selected course.

PSSR-287802Class Size Reduction - PDF/Excel - "Limit Level Grades" not working as expected

Class Size Reduction - PDF/Excel: Version 4.6

The report output will only include students in grade levels indicated in ‘Limit Grade Levels’ Parameter

PSSR-295926DTP/DtaP/DT/Td Does Not Calculate When The 4th Dose Is Entered In Tdap

DTP/DtaP/DT/Td/TDAP rule has been updated to calculate 4 dose of DTP/DtaP/DT/Td and 1 dose of TDAP

PSSR-288593CALPADS: ELA Status/Program History Page is Blank when Accessed from CALPADS Student Information page

Updates are made to ensure the expected values are displayed when navigating to the ELA Status/Program History from the CALPADS Student Information page.

PSSR-292210CALPADS: Special Education Students: Primary Disability Options

Options for the Primary Disability student field have been updated as indicated below:

  • (210) Intellectual Disability (ID) - updated description
  • (281) Established medical disability (EMD) - new option

Impacted pages:

  • Start Page > Student Selection > California State Information > CALPADS Program Eligibility > New Program Record for Code 144
  • State/Province – CA > Special Education Information > Special Education Primary Disability
PSSR-298725CALPADS: Work-Based Learning - Add the Ability to Record the Academic Year for Reporting Purposes

A new field to track the Academic Year was added to the data entry page for a student’s Work based Learning records. This new field should be used to record the year in which the work was performed. For new records, this value will default to the currently selected school year.

PSSR-300281CALPADS: SSID Student Enrollment Extract (SENR) - Delete file has a blank first row

SSID Student Enrollment Extract (SENR): Version 8.0

The file containing Delete records has been updated to prevent the inclusion of a blank first row.

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