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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-289721All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences - LearningPreferences Field Update

The LearningPreferences field in the following tables and extensions has been lengthened to accommodate saved values up to 30 characters.

  • S_SCH_X
  • S_STU_LearningPreference_C
PSSR-291623All States/Provinces: Office Visit Details Report- PDF Version Available

Office Visit Details: Version 1.1

The Office Visit Details report, on the System Reports tab, has been updated and now has the option of producing a pdf result file.

The HTML version of this report is released as a part of PSSR-281819: ALSDE - New Health Visit Reports - HTML

PSSR-291905Gains and Losses Audit Report Updates to add Non-Binary Gender (X) column

Gains and Losses Audit: Version 2.0

The report layout is updated to add a Non-Binary Gender (X) column. The report logic is updated to count any student with a Non-Binary gender (X ) value in this new column.

PSSR-290757Weekly Attendance Summary (Meeting) Should Display Active Teacher During Date Range

Weekly Attendance Summary (Meeting): Version: 2.6

The report logic is updated to include all staff assigned within the selected date range.

PSSR-291440Immunization Rules for Varicella

Immunization rules for Varicella have been updated to ensure that CA students in all grade levels are evaluated accurately.

PSSR-287592CAASPP Subject Area Options Added at the Course level

The option to add CAASPP Subject Area values at the course level has been added. When the course level field is populated, section level values only need to be populated as needed to override the value set at the course level.

PSSR-291730Health > Immunizations screen - School Entry Date field should be 'read only'

Start Page > Student Selection > Health > Immunizations
The School Entry Date displayed at the bottom of the student Immunization page is no longer editable. A link to the "Transfer Info" page has been added to facilitate editing this value at the individual enrollment level.

PSSR-290803California Transcript Not Populating GPA for Previous Year Store Code

California Student Transcript: Version 4.0

The report logic is updated to calculate student GPAs properly in all cases.

PSSR-291449CALPADS - Student Enrollment Extract (SENR/SSID): Validation Error for Enrollment Status Code (50) combined with exit code N470

SSID Enrollment Records Report: Version 7.7

Validation errors will not be generated for students with an enrollment status code of 50 when combined with an exit code that is set to null/blank, N470, E150 or E170.

PSSR-292977CALPADS - Student Enrollment Records (SENR/SSID )- new requirement to separate records by transaction type

Student enrollment / SSID Enrollment Records: Version: 7.9

The following updates were made to the report logic:

  • Replacement mode option is removed from the report runtime parameters.
    • The state no longer allows districts to send SENR records with a transaction type of (R) Replacement
  • The report generation functionality is updated to create multiple files based on the mix of transaction types that are included across the record result set. Up to 3 files may be generated:
    1. A result file that contains all records that were generated with a transition type of (D)Delete.
      • This result file will have a file name that ends with “_D” and is only created if one or more records with a transaction type of (D)Delete were generated by the report process.
    2. A result file that contains all records that were generated with a transition type that is blank/null, (A) Add or (U)Update.
      • This result file will have a file name that ends with “_AU” and is only created if one or more records with a transaction type of blank, (A)Add or (U)Update were generated by the report process.
    3. A result file that contains all records, regardless of the mix of transaction types included in the resulting record set. This file will have a file name that ends with “_ALL”.
      • This file is provided as a means to verify the record counts in the Delete and Add/Update files. i.e.: the total number of records included in the “Delete' file and the “Add/Update” file should match the number of records included in this “_ALL” file.
      • This file should not be uploaded to the state, as it contains records with a mix of transaction types.
PSSR-292619CALPADS: Exit Code Mapping

When navigating to: District Setup > Exit Codes > New / Edit Exit Code, the mapping list for CALPADS codes is updated as outlined below:

  • E450 - updated description
    • Current description: PreK – 6 Exit
    • Updated description: PreK Exit
  • N470 - updated description
    • Current description: NoShowOther
    • Updated description: NoShow
  • E490 - Moved to the Deprecated Items section of the list - non-selectable
  • N420 - Move to the Deprecated Items section of the list - non-selectable
PSSR-294552CALPADS: Student Incident Results Records (SIRS)

Student Incident Results Records (SIRS): Version 2.0

Student Incident Results Records (SIRS) has been updated to ensure that when a record has an Incident Action Code of (300) Other Means of Correction, the Incident Result Duration Days field will always be blank. Incident Result Duration Days will continue to be report for other Incident Action Codes, where appropriate.

PSSR-290255CALPADS: Course Section Records

Course Section Records Report: Version 7.0

The report logic has been updated to prevent a staff member from being reported when the following conditions have been met:

  • The Multiple Teacher field was populated and a staff member was selected.
  • The Multiple Teacher Flag was subsequently reset without clearing out the selected teacher.
PSSR-293673Golden State Seal Merit Diploma (GSSMD)

Golden State Seal Merit Diploma (GSSMD): Version 1.3

Golden State Seal Merit Diploma (GSSMD) report has been updated to pull the SBAC Test results only from grade 9, 10 or 11

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