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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-224952Added Delete Button to CALPADS Student English Language Program Eligibility History Page

CALPADS Student English Language Program Eligibility History Page now contains a delete button so that records that are entered erroneously can be deleted.

PSSR-225446CALPADS - Course Section Records Report - Validation Updates

Course Section Records Report: Version 6.2
The Course Section Records report is updated to no longer generate the following validation error, as it no longer applies: "Instructional Strategy Code cannot be blank if Education Service Code is 1, 2, 3, or 4."

PSSR-225821CALPADS - Course Section Records Validations Fail for Course Codes Containing Alpha Characters

Course Section Records: Version 6.2
The logic to extract the State Course Code evaluates the following fields and extracts the first non-blank value: first, from the Section level Alternate Course Number; second, from the Course level Alternate Course Number; and third, from the Course level Course Number. If this evaluation extracts non-numeric data, and the report was run with validations enabled, the report failed with an Oracle error of "Invalid Number." The report is updated to flag non-numeric State Course Codes as validation errors, instead of causing a report failure.

PSSR-222675CALPADS Postsecondary Status Extract - Updated Selection Criteria and Added Validations

The student selection criteria for the Postsecondary Status Extract is updated. The report now includes records for graduates enrolled in the CA Partnership Academy (CALPADS Education Program code = 113) at any point during their high school career. It also includes records for graduates marked as CTE Completers at any point during their high school career (S_CA_STU_StudentCTE_C.Completer).
Additionally, the following validations are added to the extract:

  • If School of Attendance NPS is populated, then School of Attendance must equal 0000001.
  • If the student is being reported due to participation in the CA Partnership Academy program (CALPADS Education Program code = 113), the student's CTE Related Program or Employment Indicator (S_CA_STU_X.CTERelatedProgram) must be blank.
  • Other Common CALPADS Validations related to Gender/Student_number/SSID/Gender.
PSSR-226177CALPADS Staff Assignment Records Report - Updates to Validation Error Message for Invalid Codes

Staff Assignment Records Report: Version 3.3
Some job assignment code are deprecated as of the 2019-2020 school year. Different verbiage is required to identify these records for correction. The validation error message is updated accordingly as indicated below:
Previous validation message for mismatched code for previous terms/year: "Job assignment code (value) is invalid for job classification."
Updated validation message for mismatched code and invalid codes as of the 2019-2020 school year: "Job assignment code (value) is no longer valid as of the 2019-2020 school year or is invalid for job classification."

PSSR-219692RepoSchema Update Failure Errors Related to PSSR-213620 and PSSR-205057

Changes are made to prevent RepoSchemaUpdate errors related to PSSR-213620 and PSSR-205057.

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