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Course Section Validations

Course Section validations verify that data for specific fields used in the Course Section extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.

Error Message



School of Course Delivery

School of Course Delivery is blank.

Populate the seven-digit School Number field on the Edit School page at the district.


School of Course Delivery must be 7 digits. Check the 7-digit School Number on the Edit School page at the District.

Populate the seven-digit School Number field on the Edit School page at the district.


State Course Code

State Course Code cannot be blank.

Verify the value entered for the Course Number and/or Alternate Course Number field on the Edit Course District Information page. The Alternate Course Number field is reported, if populated, otherwise the Course Number field is reported.



State Course Code is invalid. The value must be a valid state course code.

Verify the value entered for the Course Number and/or Alternate Course Number field on the Edit Course District Information page. The Alternate Course Number field is reported, if populated, otherwise the Course Number field is reported.



Local Course ID

Local Course ID cannot be blank.

Populate the Course Number field on the Edit Course District Information page.


Local Course ID cannot be greater than ten characters in length.

Verify that the Course Number field on the Edit Course District Information page does not exceed ten characters.


Course Name

Course Name cannot be blank.

Populate the Course Name field on the Edit Course District Information page.


CTE Postsecondary Articulated Course Indicator

CTE Technical Preparation Course Indicator is invalid. If populated, the value must be Y or N.

Choose either Does Not Apply, (Y) Yes, or (N) from the pop-up menu for the CTE Technical Preparation Indicator field on the Edit Course District Information page.


UC CSU Approved Indicator

UC CSU Approved Indicator cannot be blank.

Choose a subject area (A-G) or Does Not Apply for the UC/CSU Approved Course Subject Area (Grades 7-12) field on the Edit Course District Information page.


UC CSU Approved Indicator is invalid. The value must be Y or N.

Choose a subject area (A-G) or Does Not Apply for the UC/CSU Approved Course Subject Area (Grades 7-12) field on the Edit Course District Information page. Any selected letter value is reported as Y.


Local Staff ID

Staff's ID cannot be blank.


Course Section Instructional Level Code

Instructional Level Code is invalid.

Choose a valid value from the Instructional Level Code pop-up menu on the Edit Section and/or Course District Information page.



Education Service Code (Record Type CRSE Only)

Education Service Code is invalid. Education Service Code must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.

Choose a valid value from the Education Service Code pop-up menu on the Edit Section and/or Course District Information page.



Language of Instruction Code (Record Type CRSE Only)

Language of Instruction Code is required if Education Service Code is 1 or Instructional Strategy is 600.

Verify that either 1 is chosen for the Education Service Code or 600 is chosen for Instructional Strategy Code on the Edit Section and/or Course page. If either value is true, then choose a valid value from the Language of Instruction Code pop-up menu.

If [S_CA_SEC_X]EdServiceCode=1 or if [S_CA_SEC_X]InstStrategy=600, then [S_CA_SEC_X]LangInstruction cannot be blank.

Note: The Sections table fields are interchangeable with Courses table fields.

Language of Instruction Code is invalid.

Choose a valid value from the Language of Instruction Code pop-up menu on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



Instructional Strategy Code (Record Type CRSE Only)

Instructional Strategy Code cannot be blank if Education Service Code is 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Choose a valid value from the Instructional Strategy Code pop-up menu on the Edit Section or Course page.





Instructional Strategy Code is invalid.

Choose a valid value from the Instructional Strategy Code pop-up menu on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



Independent Study Indicator

Independent Study Indicator cannot be blank.

Choose a valid Independent Study Indicator on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



Independent Study Indicator is invalid. The value must be Y or N.

Choose a valid Independent Study Indicator on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



Distance Learning Indicator

Distance Learning Indicator cannot be blank.

Choose a valid Distance/Online Learning Indicator on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



Distance Learning Indicator is invalid. The value must be Y or N.

Choose a valid Distance/Online Learning Indicator on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



Multiple Teacher Code (Record Type CRSE Only)

Multiple Teacher Code is invalid.

Choose a value from the Multiple Teacher Status pop-up menu on the Edit Section page.


When Multiple Teacher Code is populated, two or more Course Selection records with the same Class ID must be submitted with different SEIDs (Exception when SEID = 9999999999).

Education Program Funding Source Code

Education Program Funding Source Code is invalid.

Choose a value from the Education Program Funding Source Code pop-up menu on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



CTE Course Section Provider Code

CTE Course Section Provider Code is invalid.

Choose a value from the Education CTE Provider Code pop-up menu on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



CTE Course Section Provider Code cannot be blank when the State Course Code is <State Course Code>.

Verify that the Course Content Code 154 on the Edit Course District Information page. If this value is valid, then choose a value for CTE Provider Code on the Edit Section and/or Course page.




Course Content Area Subcategory Code

Course Content Area Subcategory Code is invalid.

Choose a valid Content Area Subcategory Code on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



Course Content Area Subcategory Code cannot be blank when the State Course Code is <State Course Code>.

There must a valid Content Area Subcategory Code entered if the State Course Code equals 9000, 9051, 9080, 9090, 9130-37, 9155, 9222, 9223, 9291, 9292, 9293, 9294, 9316, 9381, or 9400.



Course Content Area Subcategory Code must be blank when the State Course Code is <State Course Code>.

The Content Area Subcategory Code should not be populated if the State Course Code does not equal 9000, 9051, 9080, 9090, 9130-37, 9155, 9222, 9223, 9291, 9292, 9293, 9294, 9316, 9381, or 9400.



Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code

Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code cannot be blank.

Choose a valid Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code on the Edit Course page.


Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code is invalid.

Choose a valid Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code on the Edit Course page.


Content Standards Alignment Code

Content Standards Alignment Code cannot be blank.

Choose a valid Content Standards Alignment Code on the Edit Course page.


Content Standards Alignment Code is invalid.

Choose a valid Content Standards Alignment Code on the Edit Course page.


Charter Non-Core, Non-College Prep Course Indicator

Charter Non-Core, Non-College Prep Course Indicator cannot be blank if the school is identified as a charter.

Choose a valid Charter Non-Core, Non-College Prep Indicator on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



Charter Non-Core, Non-College Prep Course Indicator is invalid. The value must be Y or N.

Choose a valid Charter Non-Core, Non-College Prep Indicator on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



AP/IB Course Code Cross Reference

AP/IB Course Code Cross Reference is invalid.

Choose a valid AP/IB Course Code Cross Reference code on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



State Course Code cannot be <State Course Code> when AP/IB Course Code Cross Reference is populated.

If AP/IB Course Code Cross Reference is populated, then the State Course Code must be 7000-8999



Online Course Instruction Type Code

Online Course Instruction Type Code is invalid.

Choose a valid Online Course Instruction Type Code on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



Online Course Instruction Type Code cannot be blank if Distance Learning Indicator = Y.

The Online Course Instruction Type Code must e populated if Distance/Online Learning Indicator equals Y.



Online Course Instruction Type Code must be blank if Distance Learning Indicator = N or null.

The Online Course Instruction Type Code must be blank if the Distance/Online Learning Indicator is blank or N.



Middle School Core Setting Indicator

Middle School Core Course Indicator cannot be blank if Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range = MID.

Choose a valid Middle School Core Indicator on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



Local Assignment Option Code

Local Assignment Option Code is invalid.

Choose a valid Local Assignment Option Code on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



High Quality CTE Course Indicator

High Quality CTE Course Indicator is invalid.  The value must be Y or N.

Choose a valid High Quality CTE Course Indicator on the Edit Section and/or Course page.



High Quality CTE Course Indicator cannot be blank when the State Course Code is <State Course Code>.

The High Quality CTE Course Indicator must be populated if the State Course Code is between 7000-8999.



High Quality CTE Course Indicator must be blank when the State Course Code is <State Course Code>.

The High Quality CTE Course Indicator must be blank if the State Course Code is not between 7000-8999.



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