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CALPADS Extract Validations

Extract validations enable you to run a validation for the data included in the CALPADS extract. The validation verifies that specific fields are populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.

Available CALPADS Extract Validations are:

Use this validationTo do this
Common Student ValidationsVerify that fields shared between the SSID Enrollment, Student Information and Student Program extracts are populated correctly.
SSID Enrollment ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the SSID Enrollment extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Student Information ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Student Program ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the Student Program extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Student Discipline ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the Student Discipline extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Student Waiver ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the Student Waiver extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Staff Common ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in both the Staff Demographics and Staff Assignment extracts are populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Staff Demographic ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Staff Assignment ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Course Section ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the Course Section extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Student Course Section ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the Course Section extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Student CTE ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the Course Section extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Student ELA ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) Record is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.
Student Absence Summary ValidationsVerify that data for specific fields used in the Absence Summary extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.

Work-Based Learning Validations

Verify that data for specific fields used in the Work-Based Learning extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.

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