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Staff Demographic Validations

The Staff Demographic validations verify that data for specific fields used in the extract is populated correctly based on CALPADS rules.

Error Message



Alias First & Last Name

Alias First Name is a valid value. The Alias Last Name cannot be blank.

Either populate the Alias Last Name field, or depopulate the Alias First Name in the Also Known As (AKA) Name section on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page.


Alias Last Name is a valid value. The Alias First Name cannot be blank.

Either populate the Alias First Name field, or depopulate the Alias Last Name field in the Also Known As (AKA) Name section on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page.


Race & Ethnicity

Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator is populated, Ethnicity Missing Indicator must be un-checked.

Verify that Yes should be selected for “Is the staff Latino” on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page. If this is the case, deselect the Ethnicity Missing checkbox.


Race Missing indicator is checked. All race codes should be un-checked.

Verify that the Race Missing checkbox should be selected on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page. If this is the case, deselect any checkboxes for race fields.



Staff Employment Start & End Dates

Staff’s employment start date cannot be blank.

Populate the Employment Start Date field on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page with a valid value.


Staff’s employment start date should be greater than staff birth date plus 18 years.

Verify that the Employment Start Date on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page is greater than the staff member’s DOB plus 18 years.


Staff’s employment start date cannot be more than 6 months in the future.

Verify that the Employment Start Date on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page is not more than 6 months in the future.


Staff’s employment end date must be greater or equal to the staff employment start date.

Verify that the Employment End Date on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page is greater than or equal to the Employment Start Date.


Highest Degree

Staff’s highest degree code cannot be blank.

Populate the Highest Degree Code field on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page with a valid value.


Staff’s highest degree code is invalid.

Employment Status

Staff’s employment status is invalid.

Populate the Employment Status field on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page with a valid value.


Total Years in LEA

Total years in this LEA cannot be blank.

Populate the Total Years in this LEA field on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page with a valid value.


Total years in the LEA cannot be greater than total years of educational service.

Verify that the Total Years in this LEA value on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page is less than or equal to the value for Total Years of Educational Service.


Total years in this LEA should be less than or equal to Staff age minus 17.

Verify that the Total Years in this LEA value is less than or equal to the staff member’s age minus 17.

In other words, the staff member should not have started teaching until at least the age of 17.

Total years in this LEA must be a whole number.

Verify that the Total Years in this LEA value is whole number.


Years of Educational Service

Total years of educational service cannot be blank.

Populate the Total Years of Educational Service field on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page with a valid value.


Total years of educational service should be less than or equal to Staff age minus 17.

Verify that the Total Years of Educational Service value is less than or equal to the staff member’s age minus 17.

In other words, the staff member should not have started teaching until at least the age of 17.

Total years of educational service must be a whole number.

Verify that the Total Years of Educational Service value is a whole number.


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