Get Started With SIS Compliance
Setup Level | Link (Specifics and How-To) | Implication |
District |
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| Enter necessary info about your district, at the bottom of the page, all the state-specific data should be filled out. | |
| Districts should decide an unused grade level that is less than 0 and set it as TK. All the state reports will consider this grade as TK. | |
| The district courses can be referenced at the school level later when the individual schools are working. | |
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| Used in State Reports | |
| Make Sure all the codes are state reportable Behavior and action codes are set up and available. User for Discipline Reports | |
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| Health: Set up Immunizations, Screenings, and Certifications |
| GPA Calculation methods specific to your school district | |
| Add all the schools in your district | |
| If your district has sub district, define them and add the schools into these subdistricts | |
School | These dates may or may not be different from districts | |
| School level Calendar, holidays, staff only days, etc. Pertaining to state recognizable codes | |
| Set up Attendance codes, FTEs, Exclusions Specific to your school. This affects many state reports. | |
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| Create Bell Schedules based on the created sections | |
| If you do not want the reporting segments to be automatically created by the system, you can set it up here. These segments will be used by attendance and other reports. | |
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| Grad requirements and associated course groups set up on your school | |
Staff Setup |
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| CALPADS specific fields to be populated for Staff | |
| Staff Assignments must be set up for either each school, or the district, to which the staff member is assigned.
Staff Assignments are required for the following Staff Job Classifications: (12) Teachers, (10) Administrators, (11) Pupil services, (25) Non-certificated Administrator, (26) Charter School Non-certificated Teacher, (27) Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher. | |
| Data is used for CALPADS ORA Staff reports | |
| Used for CBEDS reports | |
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Student | Add all the state reportable fields for a student while enrolling | |
| Add the state required fields for student after enrolling | |
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| Add info only if you are NOT using the state fields. | |
| If contacts are being used for reporting guardian, set the "guardian" flag for contacts identified as guardians, out of all the contacts | |
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| Add CASEMIS, SERVICES or Lunch Program Eligibility Info | |
| Add info about concurrent enrollments of this student | |
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| Add information pertaining to the Graduation Requirements of University of California/ California State University specific requirements | |
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| Add medical/health info regarding emergency and other | |
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