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School Staff Setup


The following instructions assume the staff member has already been added as a system user. For detailed instructions on setting up staff members in PowerSchool, see Help > System Help.


  • If a staff member has assignments at multiple schools, there must be a staff record entered once for each school.
  • Fields that are "Required for CALPADS" are only required for the Primary School Staff Record.

Staff Demographics


Start Page > Staff Search > [select staff member]

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Legal Name (Last, First MI)

Enter the legal name.

Can also be entered on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page.

Required for CALPADS




Staff Demo

Staff Assign


Weekly Att (M)

Weekly Att (D)

Cls Att Audit

Period Att Verif

Cls Size Reduc

Enrl by Sec

CDS Att Audit

Staff YOS

Att Audit

Sec Att Status


Choose the staff member's preferred gender:

  • [M] Male
  • [F] Female
  • [X] Non-binary

Can also be entered on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page in the Preferred Gender field.

Required for CALPADS

Note: (X) Non-Binary is not available by default. The non-binary gender value must be enabled at Start Page > District > District Info > Gender Preferences.


Staff Demo

Staff Assign




Legal Gender

This field overrides staff gender on state reports. This field is only required if the staff member's legal gender does not match the preferred gender.

If the staff member's legal gender matches the staff member's preferred gender, click Copy to populate the legal gender field. If the staff member's legal gender does not match the staff member's preferred gender, choose the staff member's legal gender.

Can also be entered on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page.

Required for CALPADS


Staff Demo

Staff Assign




Federal Ethnicity and Race: Ethnicity

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the staff is Hispanic or Latino.

Note: If the staff ethnicity value is (intentionally) blank, select Ethnicity Missing.

Valid values:

  • -1 – Default, no value
  • 0 – No, not Hispanic or Latino
  • 1 – Yes, Hispanic or Latino
  • 2 – Ethnicity Missing

Required for CALPADS


Staff Demo




Race/Eth Mig

Federal Ethnicity and Race: Race

Select the checkbox for the appropriate federal race category.

Note: If the staff race values are (intentionally) blank, select Race Missing

Required for CALPADS



Staff Demo




Race/Eth Mig


Enter the staff member’s date of birth.

Can also be entered on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page.

Required for CALPADS


Staff Demo

Staff Assign

Staff Status

Choose the staff member’s staff status.

Note: To include the teacher in the Weekly Attendance Summary reports, choose Teacher as the Staff Status.

Valid values:

  • 0 – Not Assigned
  • 1 – Teacher
  • 2 – Staff
  • 3 – Lunch Staff
  • 4 - Substitute





Weekly Att (M)

Weekly Att (D)

CE Weekly Att


Choose the staff member’s status.

Note: To include the teacher in the Weekly Attendance Summary reports and the Increment Staff Years of Service report, choose Current.

Valid values:

  • 1 – Current
  • 2 – No longer here





Weekly Att (M)

Weekly Att (D)

CE Weekly Att

Staff YOS

School Full-Time Equivalency

Enter the percent of time the staff member spends at this particular school.

The value should be between 0 and 100 to indicate the percentage of the staff’s full-time equivalency. Enter 0 for staff who are on leave.

Note: If FTE is left blank, 100% is used for FTE.

Can also be entered on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page.


Staff Assign

Exclude From State Reporting?

To exclude the staff member from the reports listed in the Used in these Reports column, choose Yes from the pop-up menu; otherwise, choose No.

If you choose No, the value in the [S_CA_USR_X] table is false.

If you choose Yes, the value in the [S_CA_USR_X] table is true.

Can also be entered on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page.


Staff Assign

Staff Demo




Staff YOS

Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID)*

Enter the Statewide Educator Identifier SEID.

Note: If the staff member is assigned to multiple schools, you must enter the SEID for each staff record.

Can also be populated on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page.

Required for CALPADS


Staff Demo

Staff Assign

Staff YOS

Employment Start Date*

Enter the staff member's hire date.

Can also be entered on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page.

Required for CALPADS


Staff Demo

Staff Assign

Employment End Date

Enter the day after the staff member left the district.

Can also be entered on the CALPADS Staff Demographics page.

Required for CALPADS when the staff member leaves the school.


Staff Demo

Staff Assign

Staff YOS

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CALPADS Staff Demographics

Data ElementsDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports

School Full-Time Equivalency

Enter the percent of time the staff member spends at this particular school.

The value should be between 0 and 100 to indicate the percentage of the staff member’s full-time equivalency.

Note: A value of ‘0’ is permitted only if one of the seven “Non Classroom Based Job Assignment” fields is set to “(6018) Employee on Leave.”

If FTE is blank, 100% is used for FTE.

Can also be entered on the Edit Information staff page.


Staff Assign




Exclude From State Reporting?

To exclude the staff member from specific California reports, choose Yes from the pop-up menu; otherwise, choose No.

If No, the value in the [S_CA_USR_X] table is false.

If Yes, the value in the [S_CA_USR_X] table is true.

Can also be entered on the Edit Information staff page.

[S_CA_USR_X] State_ExcludeFromReporting

Staff Demo

Staff Assign




Staff YOS


Enter the Statewide Educator Identifier SEID.


  • If the staff member is assigned to multiple schools, the SEID must be entered on each staff record.
  • If a value is entered in this field, the following fields must also have a value:
    • Employment Status
    • Employment Start Date
    • Total Years in this LEA
    • Total Years of Educational Service

Can also be entered on the Edit Information staff page.

Required for CALPADS


Staff Demo

Staff Assign

Staff YOS

Local Staff ID

System generated - not editable.


Staff Demo

Staff Assign

Crs Sec

Legal Name (Last, First MI)

Enter the staff member’s legal name.

Can also be entered on the Edit Information staff page.

Required for CALPADS




Staff Demo

Staff Assign

Weekly Att (M)

Weekly Att (D)

Class Att Audit

Period Att Verif

Cls Size Reduc

Enroll by Sec

CDS Att Audit

Staff YOS

Alias/Former Name

(Last, First Middle)

Enter the staff member’s alias or former name.




Staff Demo

Date of Birth

Enter staff member’s date of birth.

Can also be entered on the Edit Information staff page.

Required for CALPADS


Staff Demo

Staff Assign

Preferred Gender

Choose the staff member's preferred gender:

  • [M] Male
  • [F] Female
  • [X] Non-binary

Can also be entered on the Edit Information staff page in the Gender field.

Required for CALPADS

Note: (X) Non-Binary is not available by default. The non-binary gender value must be enabled at Start Page > District > District Info > Gender Preferences.


Staff Demo

Staff Assign




Legal Gender

This field overrides staff member's gender on state reports. This field is only required if the staff member's legal gender does not match the preferred gender.

If the staff member's legal gender matches the staff member's preferred gender, click Copy to populate the legal gender field. If the staff member's legal gender does not match the staff member's preferred gender, choose the staff member's legal gender.

Can also be entered on the Edit Information staff page.

Required for CALPADS


Staff Demo

Staff Assign




Highest Degree Code

Choose the highest degree earned by the staff member.

Required for CALPADS


Staff Demo

Employment Status

Choose the staff member's position status.

  •  (1) Tenured
  • (2) Probationary
  • (3) Long term substitute or temporary employee
  • (4) Other


  • This field is required if a value is entered in the SEID field.
  • This field is required for staff with a Job Classification of 12, 26, or 27


Staff Demo

Employment Start Date

Enter the first date of the staff member's employment.

Can also be entered on the Edit Information staff page.

Note:This field is required if a value is entered in the SEID field.


Staff Demo

Employment End Date

Enter the day after the last date of the staff member's employment.

Can also be entered on the Edit Information staff page.

Note: Employment End Date should not be prior to the Start Date.

Required for CALPADS when the staff member leaves the school.


Staff Demo

Staff YOS

Total Years in this LEA

Enter the total number of years the staff member has been employed in the LEA.


  • The Total Years in this LEA can be incremented by running the Increment Staff Years report.
  • This field is required if a value is entered in the SEID field.

Required for CALPADS


Staff Demo

Staff YOS

Total Years of Educational Service

Enter the total number of years the staff member has provided educational service for a particular LEA.


  • The Total Years of Educational Service can be incremented by running the Increment Staff Years report.
  • This field is required if a value is entered in the SEID field.

Required for CALPADS


Staff Demo

Staff YOS

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CALPADS Staff Assignments

Staff Assignments must be set up for either each school, or the district, to which the staff member is assigned.

Staff Assignments are required for the following Staff Job Classifications: (12) Teachers, (10) Administrators, (11) Pupil services, (25) Non-certificated Administrator, (26) Charter School Non-certificated Teacher, (27) Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher.

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports
Sub-District of Assignment

Select the sub-district of staff member's assignment.

Note: School of Assignment should be set to the District Office for this field to be populated. 


Staff Assign

CDS Att Audit

Start Date

Enter the start date of the staff member's assignment.


Staff Assign

CDS Att Audit

End Date

Enter the day after the last day of the staff member's assignment.

Note: Not required for active assignments.


Staff Assign

CDS Att Audit

Job Classification Code

Choose the staff member's job classification.

Important: If the Staff Job Classification Code is 10 (Administrators) or 11 (Pupil services) you must enter at least one Non Classroom Based Job Assignment below; this is required for CALPADS.

Note: The Staff Assignment extract does not consider the teacher value on the Edit Information staff page.

Required for CALPADS


Staff Assign

CDS Att Audit

Job Classification FTE

Enter the staff member's FTE % as a value between 0 and 200. If left blank, the Job Classification FTE defaults to 100%.

The Job Classification FTE should equal the % of time the staff member spends at that school. This value is multiplied with the school FTE.

Note: A value of ‘0’ is permitted only if one of the seven “Non Classroom Based Job Assignment” fields is set to “(6018) Employee on Leave.” The calculation is:

Job Classification FTE = School FTE Percent * Job Class FTE Percent

Required for CALPADS


Staff Assign

Non Classroom Based Job Assignment 1-7

If a Job Classification Code of 10 or 11 was selected above, a non-classroom based job code assignment must be entered.








Staff Assign

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CBEDS-ORA Classified and Bilingual Paraprofessional Information

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports

Job Classification

Choose the staff members job classification.





CDS Att Aud

CDS Dist Att Hrs

Full-time/Part-time Designation

Choose whether the staff member is Full-time or Part-time.





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CBEDS Staff Assignments

Create Staff Assignments from the staff member’s primary record. Staff Assignments are required for the following Staff Job Classifications for Classified Staff: (19) Clerical Staff, (23) Paraprofessional, (24) Other Classified Staff.

If staff assignment records are not entered for the classified staff member, they are pulled from the Job Classification field [S_CA_USR_X]JobClassification above.

Note: If the staff member is assigned to multiple schools or has multiple positions, Staff Assignments must be set up for each school.

Start Date

Enter the start date of the staff member's assignment.





End Date

Enter the day after the last day of the staff member's assignment.

Note: Not required for active assignments.  The end date should not be prior to the start date





Job Classification Code

Choose the staff member's job classification.





Job Classification FTE

Enter the staff member's FTE % as a value between 0 and 200. If the FTE is left blank, it defaults to 100%.

Unlike CALPADS Staff Assignments, Classified Staff Assignments are not multiplied by the School FTE since only one staff record is required.

Note: A value of ‘0’ is permitted only if one of the seven “Non Classroom Based Job Assignment” fields is set to “(6018) Employee on Leave.”





Staff Providing Instructional Services to English Learners

For bilingual paraprofessionals assigned to English Learners (ELs) as of Fall Census Day, choose 3 from the pop-up menu  The staff member must provide primary language support to ELs in English Language Development (ELD), language arts, mathematics, science, and/or social studies.

Note: If a bilingual paraprofessional works at multiple schools, flag the record at the school where the staff member spends the majority of time providing EL instructional services.




Language of Instruction

Choose the language in which the staff member provides instruction.

If the staff member provides instruction in more than one language, choose the language taught most frequently. If both languages are used equally, choose the language with the lowest numeric value.




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California PAIF

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports

Job Classification

Choose the appropriate job classification.



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