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Entering Student Health Information


Information entered on these pages is specific to California State Reporting. For information about general Health Management, see Help > System Help > Health Management.



Student Selection > Information: Health > Immunization

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUse in these Reports


Click the vaccine name and choose an Exemption type from the pop-up menu, if applicable. Optionally, select the Out of compliance checkbox and/or enter a comment.

Note: Vaccines and associated doses are set up at the District. For a list of valid vaccines, see the Appendix.


[HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID (Exemption Type)



Blue Card

Pupil Perm Rec

Date each dose was given

Click the dose cell for the appropriate vaccine. Choose a date using the calendar icon, and then choose a Certificate Type from the pop-up menu.

When you click Submit for the page, if the vaccine is bound to a compliance rule, then the student’s compliance is evaluated. Vaccines are set up and bound to a rule at the district level.

Immunization Certificate Types are set up at the District via Health Setup. For a list of valid certificate types, see the Appendix.

Enter dosage dates for the following vaccines:

  • Polio
  • DTP/DTaP/DT/Td
  • MMR
  • HIB Meningitis
  • Varicella
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis A (Optional)
  • Tdap (Pertussis Booster)

Refer to the Appendix Health Immunization Rules.

Note: The Tdap vaccination requirement can be fulfilled by the following vaccines on or after the student's 7th birthday: Tdap, DTP, or DTaP. In some cases, a DTP or DTaP dose may fulfill both the DTP/DTaP/DT/Td and Tdap (Pertussis Booster) requirements. If the same vaccine dose fulfills both requirements, record the vaccination date on the DTP/DTaP/DT/Td line as well as the Tdap (Pertussis Booster) line.



[HealthStudDoseRec]HealthImmSourceID (Certificate Type)

Blue Card

Pupil Perm Rec

School Entry DateThe first date that the student attended their current school. The date entered in this field will be used to evaluate immunizations. This field can be edited on the current enrollment page.


Syncs to:


Description of Change

Enter the reason for updating the student’s immunization information.


Not Required

View Change History

Click to view the student’s immunization change history.



Not Required



Student Selection > Health > Screening

Oral Health and Tuberculosis screening records are required for California. Additional health screenings, including Hearing, Vision and Color, and Scoliosis, have values seeded at the District level. These additional health screenings are not required for California state reporting, but can be used for local record keeping.

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports

Oral Health

Screening Provider Name

Enter the screening provider name.


Oral Screen

Oral Health

Screening Date

Type a date or choose a date using the calendar icon.


Oral Screen

Oral Health

Screening Provider Type

Choose the screening provider type, LDP – California Licensed Dental Professional, from the pop-up menu.

Note: Screening Provider Type values are set up at the District via Health Setup. See the Appendix for a list of valid values.



Not Required

Oral Health

Grade Level

Choose a grade level from the pop-up menu.



Oral Health

Dental Sealants Present

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.


Not Required

Oral Health


Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.


Not Required

Oral Health

History of Caries Present

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.


Oral Screen

Oral Health

Untreated Caries Present

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.


Oral Screen

Oral Health

Treatment Urgency

Choose the treatment urgency from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • NOP – No Obvious Problem Found
  • EAR – Early Dental Care Recommended
  • URG – Urgent Care Needed

Note: Treatment Urgency values are set up at the District via Health Setup. See the Appendix for a list of valid values.



Not Required

Oral Health

Screening Outcome

Choose the screening outcome from the pop-up menu.

Note: There are no standard values for California.



Not Required

Oral Health


Enter a comment, if needed.


Not Required


Screening Provider Name

Enter a screening provider name.


Not Required


Screening Date

Enter a date or choose a date using the calendar icon.


No Required


Screening Provider Type

Choose a screening provider type from the pop-up menu.

Note: There are no standard screening provider types for California. Set up any custom Screening Provider Types at the District.



Not Required


Grade Level

Choose a grade level from the pop-up menu.


Not Required


Skin Test Given Date

Enter the date the skin test was administered, or choose a date using the calendar icon.


Blue Card


Skin Test Read Date

Enter the date the skin test results were analyzed, or choose a date using the calendar icon.


Blue Card


Skin Test Type

Choose the skin test type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • PPDF-Mantoux (220)
  • Other (230)

Note: Skin Test Type values are set up at the District via Health Setup. See the Appendix for a list of valid values.



Blue Card


Induration Size (mm)

Enter the induration size.


Blue Card


Skin Test Result

Choose Positive or Negative from the pop-up menu.

Note: Skin Test Result values are set up at the District via Health Setup. See the Appendix for a list of valid values.



Blue Card


Chest X-Ray Film Date

Enter the date the chest x-ray film was taken, or choose a date using the calendar icon.


Blue Card


Chest X-Ray Impression

Choose Positive or Negative from the pop-up menu.

Note: Chest X-Ray Impression values are set up at the District. See the Appendix for a list of valid values.



Blue Card


Screening Outcome

Choose Positive – Tuberculosis or Negative – Tuberculosis from the pop-up menu-+.

Note: Screening Outcome values are set up at the District via Health Setup. See the Appendix for a list of valid values.



Blue Card



Enter a comment, if needed.


Not Required

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Oral Health Assessments/Waivers (Legacy) uses the fields on these pages. It is recommended to instead use the Oral Health Screening and Waivers in the Health module and the Oral Health Screenings/Waivers report.


Student Selection > Health > Emergency/Medical > Oral Health Information

Student Selection > Health > Emergency/Medical > Oral Health Assessment/Waiver

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports


Enter the date of the Oral Health Assessment or Waiver record.

Note: Oral Health Waiver records that occur within the current school year are included in the report.

Oral Health Assessment records that occur within one year prior to the start date of the current school year through the current school year are included in the report.


Oral Assmt


Choose the type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • A – Assessment
  • W – Waiver
  • Y – Form Not Returned


Oral Assmt

Grade Level

Choose the grade level from the pop-up menu.



1st Grade:


Oral Assmt

Assessment –

Caries Experience (Visible Decay and/or Fillings Present)

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No


Oral Assmt

Assessment –

Visible Decay Present

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No


Oral Assmt

Assessment –

Treatment Urgency

Choose the level of urgency from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • NOP – No Obvious Problem Found
  • EAR – Early Dental Care Recommended
  • URG – Urgent Care Needed


Oral Assmt

Waiver –

Lack of Access: Unable to find a Dental Office that will take Insurance Plan

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No


Oral Assmt

Waiver –


Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • [blank] – No


Oral Assmt

Waiver –

Healthy Families

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • [blank] – No


Oral Assmt

Waiver –

Healthy Kids

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • [blank] – No


Oral Assmt

Waiver –


Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • [blank] – No


Oral Assmt

Waiver –

Other Description

Enter an additional dental health insurance plan.


Oral Assmt

Waiver –


Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • [blank] – No


Oral Assmt

Waiver –

Financial Burden

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • N – No
  • Y – Yes
  • [blank] – Does Not Apply


Oral Assmt

Waiver –

Parental Consent

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

  • N – No
  • Y – Yes
  • [blank] – Does Not Apply


Oral Assmt

Waiver –


Enter an additional reason why the student cannot receive a dental checkup.


Oral Assmt

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Add Waiver


Student Selection > Health > Screening > Add Waiver

The CDE requires waiver records for Oral Health, when applicable. For information about general Health Management, see Help > System Help > Health Management.

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports

Oral Health

Parent / Guardian Requesting Waiver

Enter the name of the parent or guardian requesting the waiver.


Oral Screen

Oral Health

Waiver Date

Enter the date of the waiver.


Oral Screen

Oral Health

Grade Level

Choose the student’s grade level from the pop-up menu.


Oral Screen

Oral Health

Waiver Reason

Choose a waiver reason from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • LA – Lack of Access
  • FB – Financial Burden
  • PC – Parental Consent
  • OR – Other Reason
  • FNR – Form Not Returned

Note: Waiver Reason OR – Other Reason is not reported on the Oral Health Screenings/Waivers report.

Note: Waiver Reason values are set up at the District via Health Setup. See the Appendix for a list of valid values.



Oral Screen

Oral Health


Enter a comment, as needed.


Oral Screen

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Grade Level Entry Certification


Student Selection > Health > Grade Level Entry Certification

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports

Grade Level

Choose 7th Grade from the pop-up menu.

Note: The grade levels available in the pop-up menu are entered at the District level via Health Setup.



Certification Status

Choose the appropriate certification status from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • All Requirements met (A)
  • Currently up-to-date, but more doses due later (B)
  • Out of compliance (O)

Note: Grade Level Certification values are set up at the District via Health Setup. See the Appendix for a list of valid values.



Blue Card


Enter the first and last name of the individual certifying the grade level entry.




Blue Card

Certification Date

Enter the certification date or click the Calendar icon to select a date. Use the Arrow icons to select a different month.


Blue Card


Enter additional information regarding the certification, as needed.


Not Required

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