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Health Immunization: Rules

The following Health Immunization rules are evaluated by the PowerSchool Health rules engine. The vaccination rules vary depending upon when the student first entered a California school.


  • Requirements for K-12 admission also apply to transfer pupils.
  • Combination vaccines (e.g., MMRV) meet the requirements for individual component vaccines. Doses of DTP count towards the DTaP requirement.
  • Receipt of a dose up to (and including) 4 days before the birthday will satisfy the school entry immunization requirement.
  • For children in ungraded schools, pupils 12 years and older are subject to the seventh-grade advancement requirements.
  • Students with a school entry date before 7/1/2019 who are over 18 will be displayed as compliant, regardless of the number of doses for each vaccine.
  • Any student above 5 years of age who has a School Entry Date on or after 7/1/2019 will show as compliant, even if there are no doses for HIB.

Vaccine Name

Required Doses

Polio (IPV/OPV)

Students who enrolled in or transferred to their current school on or after 7/1/2019


  • 2-3 months -1 dose 4-14 months - 2 doses
  • 15-17 months to 5 years - 3 doses

  • Grades TK/K-12
    4 doses meet TK/K-12 requirement, as do:
    3 doses, if ≥1 dose is given at age ≥4 years.

Students who enrolled in or transferred to their current school before 7/1/2019


  • 2-3 months -1 dose 4-14 months - 2 doses
  • 15 months to 5 years - 3 doses

Grades TK/K-12

  • 4-6 years old - 4 doses
  • 3 doses are OK if one was given on or after the 4th birthday

7-17 years old - 4 doses

  • 3 doses are OK if one was given on or after the 2nd birthday

Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis

DTap / DTP  - age 0-6 years

Tdap / Td - age 7+

Students who enrolled in or transferred to their current school on or after 7/1/2019


  • 2-3 months -1 dose
  • 4-5 months - 2 doses
  • 6-17 months 3 doses
  • 18 months to 5 years - 4 doses

Grades TK/K - 12

  • 5 doses meet TK/K-12 requirement, as do:
  • 4 doses, if ≥1 dose given at age ≥ 4 years;
  • 3 doses, if ≥1 Tdap dose at age ≥ 7 years
  • 1 or more Tdap dose given on or after age 7 meets 7th Grade requirement

Students who enrolled in or transferred to their current school before 7/1/2019


  • 2-3 months -1 dose
  • 4-5 months - 2 doses
  • 6-17 months 3 doses
  • 18 months to 5 years - 4 doses

Grades TK/K - 12

  • 4-6 years old - 5 doses
    • 4 doses are OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday
  • 7-17 years old - 4 doses
    • 3 doses are OK if one was given on or after 7th birthday

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)

Students who enrolled in or transferred to their current school on or after 7/1/2019


  • 15 months to 5 years - 1 dose given on or after the 1st birthday

Grades TK/K - 12

  • 2 doses - given on or after the 1st birthday.

Students who enrolled in or transferred to their current school before 7/1/2019


  • 15 months to 5 years - 1 dose given on or after the 1st birthday

Grades TK/K - 12

  • 4-6 years old:
    2 doses meet TK/K-12 requirement. Doses must be given at age ≥1 year.
  • 7-17 years old:
    1 dose given on or after the 1st birthday

7th grade:

  • 2 doses of MMR or any measles-containing vaccine. Doses must be given on or after the 1st birthday

Varicella (Chickenpox)

Students who enrolled in or transferred to their current school on or after 7/1/2019


  • 15 months - 5 years: 1 dose

Grades TK/K

  • All ages/grades - 2 doses

Students who enrolled in or transferred to their current school before 7/1/2019


  • 18 months - 5 years: 1 dose

Grades TK/K - 12

  • 4-12 years old - 1 dose
  • 13-17 years - 2 doses

Tdap (Tetanus, reduced diphtheria, and pertussis)

7th grade: 1 dose

  • 1 dose given on or after the student's 7th birthday meets requirements for 7th-grade advancement and 7-12 grade admission
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