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Health: Set up Immunizations, Screenings, and Certifications


The information below pertains to the setup of California-specific immunizations. screenings, and health certificates. For general health setup, see Help > System Help > Health Management.



District Setup > Health: Health Setup > Immunizations tab


Note: Health code values and rules are loaded automatically with the installer. Currently, deleting seeded data elements also deletes the immunization rules attached to the element. Until further notice, it is recommended not to delete seeded data elements. Enter any additional values manually. See the Appendix for valid values.

Data Elements



Used in these Reports

Vaccine Name

Enter the name of the vaccine.

The following vaccines must set up for California:

  • Polio

  • DTP

  • MMR

  • HIB Meningitis

  • Varicella

  • Hepatitis B

  • Hepatitis A (Optional)

  • Tdap (Pertussis Booster)

See the Appendix for a complete list of vaccine values.


Blue Card

Pupil Perm Rec

Vaccine Code

Enter the vaccine code or abbreviation.

See the Appendix for valid values.


Blue Card

State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the CDE, if applicable.

See the Appendix for valid values.


Blue Card

State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this vaccine, if applicable.

Note: Do not populate this field with a value other than what is specified in the Appendix.  If a vaccine is being added that isn’t in the Appendix, leave the State Report Code blank.

Refer to the Appendix for valid values.


Blue Card

Number of Doses

Enter the number of doses required for this vaccine.

See the Appendix for valid values.

Note: If your district requires additional doses than what was set up by PowerSchool, you can increase the number of doses.


Blue Card


Enter a description of the vaccine.


Blue Card

This vaccine is optional

Select the checkbox if the vaccine is not required.


Required Setup

Rules Engine

The rules engine is available to automatically determine whether a student is compliant for a vaccine.

Refer to Appendix for the Health Immunization Rules.

Each vaccine can only be bound to one rule. Once a vaccine is bound to a rule, the Unbind rule checkbox is available on the Edit Vaccine dialog box.


Blue Card

Exception Types

Note: Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Enter any additional values manually. See the Appendix for documentation of valid values.

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Exemption Name

Enter the name of the exemption type.

The following exemption types must set up for California:

  • Medical

  • Occurrence

  • Personal

  • Religious

See Health Immunization: Exemption Type Code for a complete list of immunization exemption type values.


Blue Card

Exemption Code

Enter the exemption type code or abbreviation.

See Health Immunization: Exemption Type Code for a complete list of immunization exemption type codes.


Blue Card

State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the CDE, if applicable.


Blue Card

State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this exemption type, if applicable.


Blue Card

Certificate Types

Note: Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Enter any additional values manually. See the Appendix for documentation of valid values.

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Certificate Name

Enter the name of the certificate type.

See Health Immunization: Certificate Type Codes for a complete list of immunization certificate type values.


 Blue Card

Certificate Code

Enter the certificate type code or abbreviation.

See Health Immunization: Certificate Type Codes for a complete list of immunization certificate type .


Blue Card

State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the CDE, if applicable.


Blue Card

State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this certificate type, if applicable.


Blue Card

Default Certificate

Select the checkbox to indicate that this is the default certificate associated with immunization records.


Not Required



District Setup > Health: Health Setup > Screenings tab

Note: Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Enter any additional values manually. See the Appendix for documentation of valid values.

Data Element



Used in these Reports


Click Hearing to add or edit hearing screening elements.

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

  • Screening Provider Type

  • Left Ear Test Result

  • Right Ear Test Result

  • Test Type

  • Screening Outcome

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element, such as LeftEarTestCode)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)


Not Required

Oral Health

Click Oral Health to add or edit oral health screening elements.

  • See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

    • Screening Provider Type

    • Treatment Urgency

    • Oral Health Waiver Reason

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)


Oral Screen


Click Scoliosis to add or edit scoliosis screening elements.

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

  • Screening Provider Type

  • X-Ray Film Impression

  • Screening Outcome

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)


Not Required


Click Tuberculosis to add or edit tuberculosis screening elements.

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

  • Screening Provider Type

  • Chest X-Ray Impression

  • Skin Test Result

  • Skin Test Type

  • Screening Outcome


(Screening element)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)


Blue Card

Vision and Color

Click Vision and Color to add or edit vision and color screening elements.

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

  • Screening Provider Type

  • Color Blind Test Result

  • Left Eye Test Result

  • Right Eye Test Result

  • Screening Outcome

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element, such as LeftEyeTestCode)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)


Not Required

Vital Signs / Biometrics

Click Vital Signs/Biometrics to add or edit vital signs/biometrics screening elements.

See the Appendix for valid values for the Weight Status element.

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)


Not Required

Grade Level Entry Certification Configuration


District Setup > Health: Health Setup > Grade Level Entry Certification tab

Grade Level Entry Certification

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Grade Level

Click Add and choose a grade level from the pop-up menu. The grade level will appear in a menu on the students’ Grade Level Entry Certification page as available for certification.

Note: If your District requires additional grade certifications, you can add additional certifications beyond those that were seeded.


Blue Card


Enter a description for the grade level entry certification.


Not Required

Certification Status Values

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Display Value

Enter the display value for this data element. The value will display as a Certification Status on the students’ Grade Level Entry Certification page.

See the Appendix for a complete list of certification status values.


Blue Card

State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the CDE, if applicable.


Not Required

State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this grade level certification status, if applicable.


Blue Card


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