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Verify Incident Management Setup


District Setup > Discipline and Log Entries: Incident Management

Code & Subcode Setup

Code types are used as an organizational tool to categorize incidents. PowerSchool includes the following 11 system-defined, non-editable code types that provide the basis from which all user-defined incident codes, subcodes, and secondary subcodes are created. For  information about California discipline incidents, see Discipline Incidents Setup.

Note: Incident codes and subcodes can be loaded automatically using Incident Management Code Mapping on the Enter District Info page.

Use the expand/collapse icon to display the code type list. After selecting a code type, the code and subcodes for that type are displayed at the bottom of the page with another expand/collapse icon.

To verify that a code exists:

  1. Click a Code Type. A section for the Code Type appears at the bottom of the page.

  2. Review the list of codes. If a code is missing, see "To add a new code".

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all Code Types.

To add a new code:

  1. Click a Code Type. A section for the Code Type appears at the bottom of the page.

  2. Click the green plus sign (+). The Incident Managment: Add Code page appears.

  3. Complete the fields and click Submit.

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Action Codes

Verify that California-specific Action codes exist.

For a list of codes, see Incident Management: Action Codes and Incident Management: CRDC Action Codes.

[Incident_LU_Code] Incident_Category


Stu Discipline



Attribute Codes

There are no California-specific Attribute codes.


Not Required

Behavior Codes

Verify that California-specific Behavior codes exist.

For a list of codes, see Incident Management: Behavior Codes and Incident Management: CRDC Behavior Codes.

Note: The CRDC Behavior codes must be added to report CRDC behaviors. If these codes are not set up, manual entry into CRDC will be required.

[Incident_LU_Code] Incident_Category


Stu Discipline



Participant Attribute Codes

There are no California-specific Participant Attribute codes.


Not Required

Location Codes

There are no California-specific Location codes.


Not Required

Object Codes

Verify that California-specific Object codes exist.

For a list of codes, see Incident Management: Object Codes.

[Incident_LU_Code] Incident_Category


Stu Discipline

Object Subcodes

Verify that California-specific Object subcodes exist.

For a list of subcodes, see Incident Management: Object Subcodes.



Stu Discipline

Participant Role Codes

There are no California-specific Participant Role codes. The following codes are available by default: Offender, Victim, Witness, Reporter.


Not Required

Time Codes

There are no California-specific Time codes.


Not Required

Duration Codes

Verify that California-specific Duration codes exist.

For a list of codes, see Incident Management: Duration Codes.



Stu Discipline

Action Change Codes

Verify that California-specific Action Change codes exist. For California, the Action Change codes are used to set up Expulsion Modification Category codes.

For a list of codes, see Incident Management: Action Change Codes.



Stu Discipline

Action Attributes

Verify that California-specific Action Attribute codes exist. For California, the Action Attribute codes are used to set up Instructional Support Indicator and Action Authority Codes.

For a list of codes, see Incident Management: Action Attributes.



Stu Discipline



Incident Types

Data Elements



Used in these Reports


Verify that the incident type CA State Reporting is set up. This incident type must not be removed.

For information about California discipline incidents, see Discipline Incidents Setup.

Note: The Local Use Only incident type can be modified for non-CA reporting.



Stu Discipline




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