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Create Segments for Non-Monthly Reports

Reporting Segments

Use Reporting Segments to define the beginning and end dates for special reports. Reports use segments when the reporting period dates do not fall at the beginning or end of the month. Reporting Segments must fit within a school year and have no school days missing between adjacent segments for accurate results.

Do not skip dates between reporting segments you define or reports might not be accurate.

These manually created reporting segments are not used by the California-specific attendance reports. Instead, reporting segments for those reports are generated dynamically. Each segment is four weeks long, starting on the Monday of the first in-session week of school. Winter Break Exclusion weeks are skipped, with all subsequent segments adjusted accordingly. These four-week segments are dynamically generated in the report parameters by the system, per the state’s requirements, and the last segment should not extend past the last day of school.

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Segment Name

Enter the segment name.



Adult Ed Enroll

Start Date

Enter the first day of the reporting segment.



Adult Ed Enroll

End Date

Enter the last day of the reporting segment.



Adult Ed Enroll

Sort Order

Select the order in which you want the segment to appear on the sort order page.



Winter Break Exclusion

You can exclude up to two consecutive weeks from the reporting segments for winter break. For example, Segment 5 includes the weeks between 12/13/21 - 1/7/2022. If you exclude one week in December, the end date for Segment 5 is pushed out to 1/14/2022, and Segment 6 starts on 1/17/2023. If you exclude two weeks in December, the end date for Segment 5 is pushed out to 1/21/2022, and Segment 6 starts on 1/24/2023.

  1. On the start page, click School.

  2. Under the Calendaring section, click Winter Break Exclusion.

  3. Choose a School Year.

  4. Select up to two weekly date ranges for the winter break. If you select two weeks, they must be consecutive.

  5. Click Submit.

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