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Create Course Sections

A section is an occurrence of a course. Each course can have several sections that meet in different rooms at different times and are taught by different teachers. Each section has an associated schedule expression, which is the combination of periods and days in which this section is taught.


School Setup > Scheduling: Sections > click a course link > New

Edit Section

Data Element



Use in these Reports

Course Name

The course name for the section. 


Course Number

The course number for the section. 

Required for CALPADS


Crs Sec


Att Reports

CE Weekly Att

Att Audit

Sec Att Status

Perkins E-1

Pupil Perm Rec


Select the meeting schedule for the section.


[Section_Meeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID

Scholarship Fed

Att Reports

CE Weekly Att

IS Monthly Att Audit


Choose the applicable term from the pop-up menu.

Required for CALPADS


Crs Sec


Att Reports

CE Weekly Att

CE Hourly Att

Perkins E-1

Pupil Perm Rec

Teacher - Section Lead

Click Add and choose the teacher from the Staff pop-up menu.


Crs Sec

Att Reports

CE Weekly Att

Att Audit

Sec Att Status


Enter the room number.


Weekly Att (M)

CE Weekly Att

Sec Att Status

Section Number

Enter the number for the section.

Note: Section numbers must be unique among sections of the same course for a given school year.

Required for CALPADS


Crs Sec

Att Reports

CE Weekly Att

Pupil Perm Rec

Grade Level

Enter the grade level associated with the section.

Note: For  school year is 23-24 or higher, grade level mapped to LTK will be displayed. 



Att Reports

Cls Size Reduc

Enroll by Sec

Current Enrollment

The current enrollment for this course.


Maximum Enrollment

The maximum enrollment allowed for this course.


District Where Taught
(Enter District ID If Taught At Different District. Otherwise, Leave Blank.)

The district where this course is taught.


School Where Taught
(Enter School ID If Taught At Different School. Otherwise, Leave Blank.)

The school where this course is taught.


Dependent Sections
(course.section, course.section, etc.)

The dependent sections.



Choose the appropriate special program from the pop-up menu.

Note: AEP attendance intervals/hours are only credited for sections associated with the appropriate special program.



Automated Walk-In Scheduling Program Restrictions

Choose to include or exclude the selected programs.


Record Attendance Using Attendance Mode

Choose an Attendance Mode from the pop-up menu.



Record Attendance

If the section spans more than one period/meeting, choose whether to record attendance for each period/meeting separately or to record attendance once for all meetings.


Att Reports

Exclude From Attendance

Select the checkbox to exclude attendance taken for the section from counting towards ADM/ADA for students.


Att Reports

Exclude From Storing Final Grades
(Use for Sections that are not graded so blank records are not stored with final grades.)

Select if you want to exclude this from final grades.




Grade Scale

Enter the grade scale.



Exclude from GPA?

Include or exclude from GPA



Exclude from Class Rank?

Include or exclude from Class Rank



Exclude from Honor Roll?

Include or exclude from Roll



Section Type

Select the section Type



Select the house



Select the team.


Close section at max

Select this option to close the section at the maximum defined number


Maximum Load Status

Enter the maximum load status.


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California State Reporting Information

Date Element



Used in these Reports

Exclude From State Reporting?

Select the checkbox to exclude this section from State Reporting.

The section will be excluded from the reports listed in the Used in these Reports column.


Crs Sec

Stu Crs Sec




Att Audit

Sec Att Status

Perkins E-1

Census Day Teacher Override

If the teacher of record on Census Day is different than the teacher of record on the section, choose the teacher. The options only include teachers for the current school.

Teachers with a SEID of 9999999999 can only be used on the following types of sections:

  • Sections taught by Charter school teachers without an SEID teaching non-core classes.

  • Sections where the CTE Provider Code = 1 (ROC/P).

  • Sections where the Instructional Level Code = 16 (College) and the course is delivered at the college.

Required for CALPADS if the teacher on the section record was not the teacher of record on Census Day.


Crs Sec

Multiple Teacher Status

If the section is taught by multiple teachers, choose the multiple teacher status.


Crs Sec

If Multiple Teachers, Select the Teacher (this field only appears if a Multiple Teacher Status is selected)

Choose a teacher who is not already associated with the section, and then enter that teacher's SEID in the Alternate Teacher SIED field.

Teachers with a SEID of 9999999999 can only be used on the following types of sections:

  • Sections taught by Charter school teachers without an SEID teaching non-core classes.

  • Sections where the CTE Provider Code = 1 (ROC/P).

  • Sections where the Instructional Level Code = 16 (College) and the course is delivered at the college.


Crs Sec

Alternate Course Number

Enter the alternate course number.


Crs Sec

Alternate Section ID

Enter the alternate section ID.


Crs Sec

Alternate Class ID

Enter the alternate class ID.


Crs Sec

Alternate Teacher Number

Enter the alternate teacher number.


Crs Sec

Alternate Teacher ID

Enter the alternate teacher ID.


Crs Sec

Alternate Teacher SEID

Enter the alternate teacher SEID.


Crs Sec

CALPADS Information

Note: For fields that are populated for the course, the course value displays in parentheses in the selection options. 

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Academic Term Override

if you would like a term other than the term on the section to be reported, choose the other term.


Crs Sec

Stu Crs Sec

Instructional Level Code

To indicate whether the content of the course is taught above or below a standard level, choose the instructional level code.

Choose (16) College to designate the course as a college course.

Choose one of the following values to designate the course as Honors:

  • (14) Honors – UC Certified

  • (15) Honors – Non-UC Certified (used by CSF only, not UC/CSU)

Choose the level of instruction, such as remedial or college, or equate the course content and instruction with a state or nationally recognized course of study, such as IB (International Baccalaureate) or AP (Advanced Placement).


Crs Sec

Education Service Code

To indicate a specific service performed within an Education Service Category, choose the education service code. Every Education Program provides one or more services to students.


Crs Sec

Language of Instruction Code

Choose a value to indicate in which language instruction is provided or received.

Note: English and American Sign Language are not options.

Required for CALPADS if the Education Service Code = 1 or Instructional Strategy = 600.


Crs Sec

Instructional Strategy Code

Choose the instructional strategy code.

Instructional strategy is the method used to deliver curriculum and instruction.


Crs Sec

Independent Study Indicator

Choose a value from the pop-up menu.

Independent study students work according to a written agreement and under the general supervision of a credentialed teacher. Instruction follows curriculum and district graduation requirements.

Required for CALPADS


Crs Sec



Distance/Online Learning Indicator

Choose a value from the pop-up menu.

Distance learning is an instructional method where the pupil and instructor are in different locations and interact via communications technology.

Required for CALPADS


Crs Sec



Education Program Funding Source Code

Choose a value to indicate the Education Program that represents a particular source of previous or current funding.

For example, a course may have been previously or currently funded by the California Partnership Academies Program.


Crs Sec

CTE Provider Code

Choose a value to indicate the Career Technical Education Course Provider Category and the entity providing a Career Technical Education course.

Required for CALPADS if the Course Content Code = 154 or a CTE State Course Code is populated (4010 – 5955).


Crs Sec

Perkins E-1

Course Content Area Subcategory Code

Choose a course content subcategory code representing a more detailed subject matter within the course content area.

Required for CALPADS if the State Course Code is 9000, 9051, 9080, 9090, 9130-37, 9155, 9222, 9223, 9291, 9292, 9293, 9294, 9316, 9381, or 9400.


Crs Sec

AP/IB Course Code Cross Reference

Choose the four-digit AP/IB course cross-reference to the actual AP or IB State Course Code for AP or IB courses that a local educational agency has mapped to a Career Technical Education 


Crs Sec

Online Course Instruction Type Code

Choose a value representing the type of online instruction that is being delivered in a course section.

Required for CALPADS if Distance Learning Indicator equals Y.


Crs Sec

Middle School Core Setting Indicator

Choose Y to indicate that a course in grades five through eight is being taught as part of a middle school core setting.

 Required for CALPADS if Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range equals MID (Middle Grades 5-8).



Crs Sec

Local Assignment Option Code

Choose the local assignment option code that represents the local assignment option approved by the local governing board to authorize a teacher to teach a course without the appropriate credential or authorization


Crs Sec

High Quality CTE Course Indicator

Choose Y to indicate if the course section and teacher meet the High Quality CTE Course qualifications.

Required for CALPADS if the State Course Code associated with the course section is between 7000-8999.


Crs Sec

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Distance Learning

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Distance/Online Learning Indicator

Select if the distance learning indicator is the same as the course.

Valid values:



Student Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement

Online Course Instruction Type Code

Select the online course instruction type:

  • Instructor-led

  • Facilitated

  • Learner-led


Student Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement

CAASPP Assessment Information

Data Element



Used in these Reports

CAASPP Subject Area

Choose the CAASPP Subject Area.

  • Same As Course

  • Math

  • ELA

  • All


Student Assessment Rosters

Perkins E-1 Information

Data Element



Used in these Reports

CTE Capstone Course

Choose Y from the pop-up if this section should be counted as a Capstone course for the purposes of Perkins E-1. The section value overrides the course value.


Perkins E-1

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Golden State Seal Merit Diploma (GSSMD)

Data Element



Used in these Reports


Choose the subject area of the GSSMD section. This field overrides the GSSMD Subject set at the Course level. The default value is Same as Course.



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