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Electronic Score Reporting


The Electronic Score Reporting functionality provides electronic access to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) and the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) score reports. Administrators, teacher, and parents have access to these reports for individual students. Students have access to their reports.


  • In order to access Electronic Student Score Reporting, a valid, state-issued user name and secret key must be entered into the Electronic Reporting Communication Setup page. These credentials must be updated at least once every 90 days to maintain access to the reports. 

  • Access to Electronic Score Reporting functions is managed by page level security. Refer to the System Help menu in PowerSchool for more information on setting page level security.

  •  For  school year is 23-24 or higher, grade level mapped to LTK will be displayed. 

Access Score Reports

Administrator Access


Student Selection > State/Province – CA > Score Reports

To access Score Reports as an administrator:

  1. Sign in to PowerSchool.

  2. Select the student.

  3. Click State/Province - CA.

  4. Click Score Reports.

Teacher Access

Teachers can access the Student Score Report for individual students in the Teacher Portal.

To access the Score Reports from the Teacher Portal:

  1. Sign in to the PowerTeacher portal.

  2. Select the class in which the student is enrolled. 

  3. Click the Backpack icon.

  4. Select the student.

  5. Select Score Reports from the list of available pages.

Parent and Student Access

Parents can access the Student Score Report for students that they are authorized to access. Students can only access their Student Score Report.

To access the Score Reports from the Student and Parent Portal:

  1. Sign in to the PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal.

  2. Click Score Reports.

Request and View Score Reports

To request a Student Score Report:

  1. Select the assessment and test year.
    Note: Three years of reports are available.

  2. Click Get Report

  3. Click View in the results to open a PDF of the Score Report.
    Note: View links expire after 30 minutes. 

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