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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-309568All States/Provinces: ReportWorks Startup Time Update

The ReportWorks/SRP config files have now been modified to be called only through the re-initialization cycle. This improves the SRP startup times and avoids previously reported failures.

PSSR-311828All States/Provinces: State Validation Tab Visible for All States

The State Validation tab that was introduced in SR 22.12.2 in error is now removed from the System Reports area of PowerSchool.

PSSR-308481All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report Update

Incident Profile Report: Version 1.3

The Incident Profile report has been updated and no longer duplicates incident data.

PSSR-310985Attendance Summary by Grade - Data Missing for Schools Using Interval Attendance When the All Schools Option Is Selected

Attendance Summary by Grade: Version 2.1

The reporting logic is updated as follows:

  • If the option to run for All Schools is selected in the report parameters, all schools are included in the report output. This logic matches the existing logic used if schools are selected manually.
PSSR-310311Attendance Summary By Grade 2.0 - Performance Issue

Attendance Summary by Grade: Version 2.1

The reporting logic has been updated to provide improved performance.

PSSR-309177CALPADS Concurrent Enrollments - New Locations for VIewing and Adding Records at the Student Level

The locations for creating, viewing, or editing a CALPADS Concurrent Enrollment record have been updated:

  • A new CALPADS Concurrent Enrollment record can be created for a student as noted below:
    • Select a student
    • Select the Functions link from the Enrollment section in the left navigation panel.
    • Select the link labeled: Create New Concurrent Enrollment
  • All CALPADS Concurrent Enrollment records will be displayed on the student’s Transfer Info page. To access these records:
    • Select a student
    • Select the Transfer Info link from the Enrollment section in the left navigation panel.
    • Existing CALPADS Concurrent enrollment records will be displayed in a new section at the bottom of the page.
      • These records are displayed chronologically, with the newest record at the top of the list.
    • To edit an existing record, click any link in the desired record.
PSSR-306915CALPADS: Student Absence Summary Records Report: Non-Generating ADA And Generating ADA Values are Missing if Daily Attendance Is Used

Student Absence Summary Records (STAS): Version 3.6

For schools using an FTE that is set to use Daily Attendance, the reporting logic is updated to generate accurate values for the following columns:

  • (21) Non-ADA Generating Independent Study Days
  • (22) ADA Generating Independent Study Days
PSSR-311559Customers Are Able To Submit a Concurrent Enrollment Record If Required Values Are Blank

The CALPADS New/Edit Concurrent (Non-Primary) Enrollment pages are updated to prevent submission of the record if the required values are missing.

PSSR-311283Staff Assignment Records Update

Staff Assignment Records: Version 4.1

The CALPADS Staff Assignments Records report no longer generates validation errors for the following Job Classification Code and Job Assignment Code combinations, and the resulting records will include the new codes as expected.

  • 6028 - Teacher on Special Assignment is valid with Job Classification Codes 12, 26, and 27.
  • 6029 - Special Education Case Manager (non-instructional) is valid with Job Classification Codes 10, 12, 26, and 27.
  • 6030 - Program Coordinator - School Site Level is valid with Job Classification Codes 12, 26, and 27.
PSSR-265128Student General Demographics: New Federal Ethnicity and Race Validation

The following validations are added for Federal Ethnicity and Race if no value is selected:

  • Student General Demographics page
    • Ethnicity
      • Validation message displayed: Please select the Ethnicity
    • Race not set
      • Validation message displayed: Please select at least one Race
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