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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-214085Attendance Summary by Grade: Support For Sub-Districts

Attendance Summary by Grade: Version 6.7
The report now supports the use of sub-districts. When running the report from the district office, users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter allowing them to select which sub-district to run for. Only schools assigned to that sub-district are included in the output. Running the report from a single school behaves as before.

All users will notice that the "Use" parameter is no longer presented when running from the district office. Since "District Wide" was the only selection that would allow the report to run, that option is now selected automatically.

PSSR-233202CA-Concurrent (Non-Primary) Enrollments - Add Validations for Required Fields

Concurrent (Non-Primary) Enrollments
Page level validations are added for the following fields:

  • School of Attendance
  • Enrollment Start Date
  • Enrollment Status Code
  • Grade Level
PSSR-232665CALPADS - Student Information Records Report (SINF): Support For Sub-Districts

Student Information Records (SINF): Version 5.3
The report now supports the use of sub-districts. When running the report from the district office, users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter allowing them to select which sub-district to run for. Only schools assigned to that sub-district are included in the output. Running the report from a single school behaves as before.

All users will notice that the "Use" parameter is no longer presented when running from the district office. Since "District Wide" was the only selection that would allow the report to run, that option is now selected automatically.

PSSR-232662CALPADS -SSID Enrollment Records Report (SENR): Support For Sub-Districts

SSID Enrollment Records Report (SENR): Version 7.0
The report now supports the use of sub-districts. When running the report from the district office, users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter allowing them to select which sub-district to run for. Only schools assigned to that sub-district are included in the output. Running the report from a single school behaves as before.

All users will notice that the "Use" parameter is no longer presented when running from the district office. Since "District Wide" was the only selection that would allow the report to run, that option is now selected automatically.

PSSR-232650Monthly Student Attendance: Support For Sub-Districts

Monthly Student Attendance: Version 8.6
The report now supports the use of sub-districts. When running the report from the district office, users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter allowing them to select which sub-district to run for. Only schools assigned to that sub-district are included in the output. Running the report from a single school behaves as before.

All users will notice that the "Use" parameter is no longer presented when running from the district office. Since "District Wide" was the only selection that would allow the report to run, that option is now selected automatically.

PSSR-232745School Immunization Report (Blue Card) - grade 7 Tdap booster - students should not need a grade level certification record to be reported as compliant

School Immunization Report (Blue Card): Version 3.5
School Immunization Report (Blue Card) report logic for the 7th grade compliance row has been updated to display based on the existence of a Tdap booster dose for students in grade level 6 and above.

PSSR-236130Student Incident Records Updates to Instructional Support and Removal to Interim Alternative Setting

Student Incident Records (SINC): Version 1.6

Field 18.16 (Student Instructional Support Indicator) is updated to always report a value if field 18.15 (Statutory Offense Indicator) is equal to "Y." If no value is present in the action attribute, a default value of "N" is reported.

Field 18.17 (Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code) is updated to report the value stored in the action attribute; it was previously reporting blank for all records. A validation check is added requiring that if 18.15 is "N," then 18.17 must be blank or "3."

PSSR-234199Validation message is not clear for Student Exceptions List file in Student Incident Report (SINC)

Student Incident Report (SINC): Version 1.5
Student Incident Results Records (SIRS): Version 1.5
Student Offense Records (SOFF): Version 1.5

The validation message for the Exceptions List in the Student Incident Report has been updated:

  • When you run the Student Incident Report using "Submission" mode, the message "Report run in Submission mode" appears.
  • When you run the Student Incident Report in "Exception" mode(Missing Records), no validation errors are generated, and the message "No exceptions found" appears.
    Note: The Student Incident Results Records and the Student Offense Records report version numbers are also updated.
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