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Student Participation and Engagement By Student


This report helps administrators to view and print data on students' weekly engagement and daily participation, as captured by the related page in PowerTeacher

The report is run at the school level and outputs data that has been verified and stored via the Combined Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement Template in the teachers' portal. This report focuses on the student-level daily participation codes and organizes them on a per-student basis. 

If you are on PS version 23.1 or higher and LTK Pref is enabled, when you run the reports with the selected school year 23-24 or higher, the mapped LTK grade values will be displayed. 

Selection Criteria

This report will generate one form per selected student and include each class that meets the following criteria:

  • The student was enrolled in the class during a week falling within the date range specified in the report parameters.

  • A weekly form was verified and submitted by the teacher.

  • The class belongs to the currently selected school.

Note: This is a school-level report. Running from the district office will not return any results.

Report Input



Select the Date Range 

Select one of the following options:

  • Reporting Period

  • User Defined Start Date and End Dates

Select Students

Select the students for whom you want to generate the report.

  • The selected student

  • All students

Select Grade Level

Select the grade level(s) to be reported. Leave blank to include all grade levels

Sort Option

Select a sort option and click Submit.

  • Student Name

  • Grade Level, Student Name

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.

Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is pdf. This report displays the system time in the report output.

Class Details

This section contains general data related to the school and district where the class is taught. 

Field Name



Student Name

Displays the Student name in Last, First format.

Students [Last, First]

School Site

The school name is displayed.

Derived from Sections.SchoolID


Date Range

The date range selected in the report runtime parameters is displayed. 


Class Period

The period in which the class is scheduled to meet.


Class Title

The name of the course linked to the section being reported

Derived from the Sections table based on the selected class.


Grade level

Indicates the grade level for the class being reported.

Derived from the Sections table based on the selected class.


Student Daily Participation

This section displays the details regarding the students participation and engagement as recorded by the teacher for each day of a the week(s) being reported.

Field Name




Displays the start and end date for each week being reported



Indicates all participation codes that were applied to the student for this day and class combination, as certified by the teacher



Indicates all participation codes that were applied to the student for this day and class combination, as certified by the teacher



Indicates all participation codes that were applied to the student for this day and class combination, as certified by the teacher



Indicates all participation codes that were applied to the student for this day and class combination, as certified by the teacher



Indicates all participation codes that were applied to the student for this day and class combination, as certified by the teacher


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