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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Health Report Update

Health Report: Version 1.6
Vision Screenings: Version 1.0
Health reports and Vision Screening reports dealing with the new vision and screening fields are displayed accordingly.


"mis", New Language Code - UI Fix

The users have been seeing issues when selecting the language code “mis“, as upon saving the page, it shows as “ira“. This has been fixed.


California School Immunization Record - Report Update

CA California School Immunization Record, Version 3.8

The California School Immunization Record, Version 3.8 has been updated to adhere to the Localization mapping. When a user has set up the Translated Grade level, to be calculated and reported as of another Grade Level, the report will adhere to the rules of the assigned grade level.


Courses and Section Page - UI Update

The "Charter Non-Core, Non-College Prep Indicator" field has been removed from the courses and section page as it is no longer required to be collected and reported.


Electronic Reporting Communication Setup - UI Typo Fix

A typographic error on the Electronic Reporting Communication Setup page where the word “values“ was misspelled has been corrected.


Student Information Page - UI Update

The Legal Name Suffix field in the “Student Information“ Page has been updated to comply with the PowerSchool field level security.


Update School Mobility Script - Fix

CA Script Update School Mobility Version: 2.2

The Script Update School Mobility, Version: 2.2, has been fixed to update the “School Entry Date“ correctly.


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