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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-228942California Transcript - displaying some names in 'first, last' format

California Transcript: Version 3.5 
The report now displays all parent/guardian names in "Last, First" format.

PSSR-230892CALPADS - Student Incident Results Record (SIRS) - Performance Issues

Student Incident Results Record Report: Version 1.3

The performance of the Student Incident Results Record Report (SIRS) has been improved.

PSSR-232619CALPADS - Concurrent (Non-Primary) Enrollments Student Page Displays an Incorrect Description for (50) Non-ADA Enrollment Status Records

The CALPADS Concurrent (Non-Primary) Enrollment student page is updated to Display Enrollment Status Description "Non-ADA Enrollment Status" Records for Enrollment Status 50.

PSSR-232014CALPADS - Edit Section Page Improperly Requires Fields to be Populated at Section Level

The Edit Section page was incorrectly validating Course Content Area Subcategory Code, Online Course Instruction Type, Middle School Core Indicator, and High-Quality CTE Course Indicator based only upon values entered on that page.
The page is updated to validate these fields correctly, taking into account any values that might be set at the course level. If the course number is changed, the four fields are re-checked, and validation errors are set or cleared according to any values set in the new course's record.
In addition, to make it easier to determine whether or not an override value should be entered, and also to help explain changing behavior in the validations, the blank ("Same as Course") options' descriptions are updated to reflect the new course-level values whenever a new course number is entered.

PSSR-229073CALPADS - SSID Enrollment Records Report - Validation updates for Exit Code/Enrollment Status Code combinations

SSID Enrollment Records: Version 6.9
The report validations have been updated for Exit Codes E125, T260, and T280 when used in combination with Enrollment Status Code of 50 or 20.

PSSR-231928CALPADS - Student Offense Records (SOFF)- does not consider previous school enrollments within the current school year

Student Offense Records Report: Version 1.3
The Student Offense Records Report (SOFF) has been updated to improve the performance and to look at previous enrollment incidents within the current school year.

PSSR-229682CALPADS - Updated options for the Instructional Level Code - Course and Section level

The valid values for Instructional Level Code on the New and Edit course or and Section pages have been updated to match the list of valid values published by the state. The following value will no longer be available for selection in the 2019-2020 school year or beyond, but will continue to be available when editing a course or section in prior school years:

  • (16) College Credit
PSSR-229654CALPADS Postsecondary Status Code - a new value-added to the code set

On the State/Province – CA > Graduation and UC/CSU Information student page, an entry for (960) Refused to Answer has been added as an option in the Postsecondary Status Code list.

PSSR-205300CE Hourly Attendance Report Enhancement to add data for debited hours/minutes

CE Hourly Attendance: Version 1.5

Columns were added to track the "Week Debited" and "Hour/Min Debited". These new columns will be populated in any week where backfill minutes were debited. Existing columns for "Week Credited" and "Hour/Min Credited" will be populated for any week where backfill minutes were credited.

PSSR-230911Import Student SBAC Test Results - Page Updates

The interface for auto-importing SBAC results now reflects updated column headers as published by the state. Navigate to Start Page > Special Functions > Import Student SBAC Test Scores.

PSSR-198321SSID Enrollment Records: Customer SQL fails with an Oracle error

SSID Enrollment Records: Version 6.8
When you run custom SQL during the execution of this report, the procedure will no longer fail with an "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" error. TIN addition, the page logic has been updated to hide the custom SQL parameter (and forcing its value to No) if exception mode is selected.

PSSR-228408Submit/Delete Button Missing for Users with No State Reporting Access

The following pages have been updated to display the Submit and/or Delete buttons as expected for a user with no state reporting access:

  • Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > New Stored Grade
  • Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade
  • Start Page > Special Functions > Enroll New Student
  • Start Page > Student Selection > Edit Current Enrollment
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