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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-238595CA - Monthly Student Attendance report - Updated logic for "Emergency Closure" days

Monthly Student Attendance Report: Version 8.7
The reporting logic for "Emergency Closure" days logic has been updated as follows:

  • Any calendar day marked with Emergency Closure (In-session) will be counted in the ATT Column and any absences during the "Emergency Closure" days will be still counted in ABS Column.
  • Students who are 'Transferred out" on any day marked as Emergency Closure (In-session) will have each of these days counted in the N/E column.
PSSR-238909CA School Logo Field

You can now add or delete a logo image from the following path under web_root tree in CPM(Custom Page Management): Reporting/state/images/schoollogo.
Files deleted from this location will no longer be available in the School Logo field drop-down selector on the Schools/ School Information page. If the deleted file is used in one or more schools, a new image file should be selected when printing transcripts for the impacted school(s).

PSSR-238389CA Transcript: Updated logic for reporting Graduation Date / Expected Graduation Date For Non-Graduated Students

Student Transcripts Report: Version 3.7
The report has been updated to report students based on the following logic:

  1. If Grade level= 99 and School = 999999 (Graduated Students School):
    • Report Graduation Date using the 'Exit Date' from the student's most recent previous enrollment record. If this value is null, the Exit Date from the student's current enrollment will be used.
  2. If a Grade level is not 99 and school is not 999999 (Graduated Students School):
    • Report Expected Graduation Date using the value stored in the ExpectedGradDate student field. If this value is null, no value will be extracted for this field.
  3. If the student has completed their high school career but has not yet been graduated/ promoted in PowerSchool (EOY) and the following fields are populated with valid values:
      • Exit code
      • Completion status
    • Report Graduation Date using the value stored in the ExpectedGradDate student field. If this value is null, the Exit Date from the student's current enrollment will be used.
PSSR-239891CA – Implement Sub-district functionality - CBEDS County District Information Form (CDIF) - Ability to track CALPADS staff assignments at the subdistrict level

Staff assignments create/update functionality have been updated to gather information for Sub-District of Assignment to report values in CBEDS County District Information Form (CDIF) report accordingly.
When Sub-District Functionality is enabled and the School of Assignment is set to District, a sub-district drop-down is presented and must be populated to ensure that the correct district-level values are reported for each record.

PSSR-232657CA – Implement Sub-district functionality - CBEDS County District Information Form (CDIF)

CBEDS County District Information Form (CDIF): Version 2.8
The report now supports the use of sub-districts. When running the report from the district office, users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter allowing them to select which sub-district to run for. Only schools assigned to that sub-district are included in the output. Running the report from a single school behaves as before.
NOTE: When Sub-district functionality is enabled, the District number is extracted using the Sub-District Number on the Edit Sub-district page.

PSSR-232661CA – Implement Sub-district functionality - CBEDS-ORA File B

CBEDS-ORA File B: Version 2.3
The report now supports the use of sub-districts. When running the report from the district office, users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter allowing them to select which sub-district to run for. Only schools assigned to that sub-district are included in the output. Running the report from a single school behaves as before.
NOTE: When Sub-district functionality is enabled, the District number is extracted using the Sub-District Number on the Edit Sub-district page.

PSSR-230979CA: School Logos missing for California Transcripts Report

Minimum PowerSchool version for new Custom Page Management (CPM) functionality: 12.1.0.

To import school logo images for CA schools, district should perform the following steps
Step 1: Go to Start Page > System Administrator > Page and Data Management > Custom Page Management.
Step 2: Create a folder path reporting/state/images/schoollogo under web_root tree.
Step 3: Upload your images.
Step 4: For each school, select the desired image name in the School Logo dropdown field: Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School

PSSR-237496California Transcripts Report - Updated Functionality for Storing and Retrieving School Logos

California Transcripts Report: Version 3.7
The report has been updated to pull the School Logo from the Custom Page Management file structure.

PSSR-235959CALPADS - Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) updates for 20-21

Student English Language Acquisition Report (SELA): Version 3.0 - 20-21
Student English Language Acquisition Report (SELA): Version 2.2 - 19-20

A new version of the report is now available. This version has been updated to reflect changes for the 2020-2021 academic year. The previous version of the report has been renamed and moved to the Legacy reports section of the report listing page. This legacy version of the report can be used for viewing or uploading data for the 2019-2020 academic year.

PSSR-239097CALPADS - Student Incident (SIRS) & Student Offense (SOFF) Extracts Fail When Run With 'Bypass Validations' Set to No

Student Offense Records (SOFF) - 1.6
Student Incident Results Records (SIRS) - 1.6
Student Incident Records (SINC) - 1.6

The listed reports are updated to prevent the following error from occurring: _ORA-00904: "REMOVE_ALT_SETTING_CODE": invalid identifier _

PSSR-239896CBEDS County District Information Form (CDIF) - Ability to track New HIre values at the subdistrict level

The Sub-District Configuration page has been updated to gather information for New-Hire Forecast to report values in CBEDS County District Information Form (CDIF) report when running for any Sub-District.

PSSR-236821District Attendance Charter ADA Hours - Update to Support Sub-Districts

District Attendance Charter ADA Hours: Version 1.4

The report and its related input page are updated to support the use of sub-districts.

Users who have enabled sub-districts will now see one additional field when creating or editing records on the Attendance by District of Residence (Charter Schools) page (under District Setup > District Info), which is used to assign the table of values to a specific sub-district.

When running the report, sub-district users now see an additional parameter to select a specific sub-district. Lines A-1 and A-2 aggregate ADA from only those students enrolled in schools belonging to the selected sub-district. Lines A-3 through A-8 pull values from the aforementioned District Info screen assigned to the specific combination of district of residence, reporting period, and sub-district. The report header now displays the sub-district name and number in place of the server-level values (from the prefs table). Only schools belonging to the selected sub-district are considered when searching for the county name.

Users who do not enable sub-districts will not see any change to the report or associated setup.

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