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Processing Methods

CALPADS reporting uses one of the following three processing types to create an extract. For a list of extracts and related processing types, see Index of Extract Processing Types and Operational Keys.

Transaction Processing

Extracts only include records updated since the last time data was submitted to the CALPADS Operational Data Store (ODS) and saved to the CALPADS Submission History table in PowerSchool. This processing type is used for records with a specific start and end date*, such as school enrollments and program enrollments. SSID Enrollment Records and Student Program Records are reports that use Transaction Processing.

Add/Update Transaction: Records are submitted with a blank transaction type (the default) and the record is either updated or added in the CALPADS ODS.

Delete Transaction: Records are submitted with a delete (D) transaction type and removed from the CDE database.

Replace Transaction: Records are submitted with a replace (R) transaction type. Unlike Replacement Processing, the replace transaction type allows districts to replace individual records in the CDE database that match the current student, school and school year.

*Notes regarding the Report End Date:

When generating a report for a particular submission (Fall 1, Spring, etc.), use the Census Date as the report end date. Using the Census Date will create a file with data updates up to that Census Date, and will set the Effective Start Date on most records to that Census Date. Records with an effective start date that is after the Census Date will not be included in the certification.

When a report is submitted  on an ongoing basis (recommended every 14 days), use the current calendar day as the report end date.

Never use a report end date that is in the future.

Effective Date Processing

Extracts only include records updated since the last time data was saved to the CALPADS Submission History table in PowerSchool. This processing type is used for records that do not have a specific start and end date, such as demographics. The report end date is used as the effective start date in most cases, e.g. the snapshot date for the data. For example, if the current date is 10/1/2009, but the report is run with the end date 9/15/2009, then the effective start date on most records is reported as 9/15/2009. Students that have exited are reported with their exit date as the effective start date. Student Information Records and Staff Demographics Records are reports that use Effective Date Processing.

Add/Update Transaction: Records are submitted with a blank transaction type (the default) and the record is either updated or added in the CDE database.

Delete Transaction: Records are submitted with a delete (D) transaction type and removed from the CDE database.

Replacement Processing

Extracts include all records that meet the selection criteria. This processing type is used for records that do not need to be tracked for updates, such as course enrollments. When replacement processing is used, all records stored in the CALPADS ODS are removed and replaced by new records sent by the district. For example, if a student has five course enrollments stored in the CALPADS ODS, all five course enrollments are replaced with new course enrollments sent by the district.

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