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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-274229All States/Provinces: Attendance Page Error Logging Update

The meeting, clock-in/clock-out attendance page has been updated and will no longer throw the following error in the system log:

ORA-00936: Missing Expression

PSSR-270907All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report - Perfect Attendance Update

Attendance Profile Report Version: 1.2
The Attendance Profile report now includes students that have blank attendance. Additionally, these students will display the following message to alert end-users as to why there is no attendance listed.

No attendance records have been entered for this student

PSSR-269245All States/Provinces: Preferred Name Fields Needed

Fields have been added to the S_STU_X table to track a student's preferred first, middle, and last names:

  • Pref_First
  • Pref_Middle
  • Pref_Last

These fields are currently only exposed in WI but can be added to the UI via page fragments and other supported methods of customization options.

PSSR-272625All States/Provinces: Security Updates to Certain HTML tags

It has been identified that certain HTML tags used in common compliance pages are a security vulnerability. Common compliance pages where these tags were used and all have been updated to address the security vulnerability.

PSSR-267931'Primary Residence field' should only be Mandatory for Customers who are Using PowerSchool Special Programs (PSSP)

Removed the required validation from the field Primary Residence for customers who are not using PowerSchool Special Programs (PSSP)

PSSR-242912CBEDS-ORA: File A and File B 21-22 - update to only use "Current School" when the report is run at the school level

The CBEDS reports are modified to only include data for Current School when the report has been run in the context of a single school. Previously, the report allowed the user to select from a list that includes all schools, plus the district office even when in the school context. This option is removed.

PSSR-268552Graduation, Postsecondary Status and UC/CSU Information Page: Checkbox For - Parental Authorization To Submit Transcripts is Missing

Added the new field for capturing Parental Authorization To Submit Transcripts.

PSSR-265550Student Assessment Rosters Does Not Have Correct School Natural ID For Customers Using Sub-District Functionality

Student Assessment Rosters functionality is updated to extract the appropriate Sub-District number for ‘School NaturalId’ for districts that have enabled Sub-District functionality.

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