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Migrate to Unlimited Contacts

Prior to using PowerSchool Unlimited Contacts, you must migrate your legacy contact information from the state-specific tables to the Unlimited Contact tables.

You must be running PowerSchool 19.4.4 or higher to migrate to Unlimited Contacts.

Use the following steps to migrate your legacy contact information and enable Unlimited Contacts:

  1. Load templates into Data Export Manager.

  2. Migrate contacts.

    1. Export Contact information to a spreadsheet.

    2. Update and verify the contact information.

    3. Import the updated contact information back into PowerSchool.

    4. Set the legal guardian flag for students.

  3. Set the preference to use Unlimited Contacts in California state reporting.

Load Templates

Before migrating the legacy contact information, load three pre-defined templates to aid in the migration process. These templates will select, order, and label the columns in a manner that is compatible with the Data Import Manager.

  1. Navigate to District Setup > District Info > Student Contact Migration.

  2. Click Load Data Export Manager Templates. The following templates will be available to you:

    1. CA Contact Migration - Step 1 - New Contacts: identifies students whose Guardian 2's do not already exist in the Person table.

      • STUDENTS.New_Contact_Identifier > New Contact Identifier

      • STUDENTS.First_Name > First Name

      • STUDENTS.Last_Name > Last Name

      • STUDENTS.Gender > Gender

      • STUDENTS.Student_Name > Student Name

      • STUDENTS.Student_Number > studentNumber

      • STUDENTS.Legacy_Relationship > Legacy Relationship

      • STUDENTS.Relationship_Type > Relationship Type

      • STUDENTS.Relationship_Note > Relationship Note

      • STUDENTS.Possible_Duplicate > Possible Duplicate

    2. CA Contact Migration - Step 2 - New Associations: identifies students who do not have an existing contact for their Guardian 2, but a related student has a guardian of the same name.

      • PERSON.Contact_ID > Contact ID

      • PERSON.First_Name > First Name

      • PERSON.Last_Name > Last Name

      • PERSON.Student_Name > Student Name

      • PERSON.Student_Number > studentNumber

      • PERSON.Relationship_Type > Relationship Type

      • PERSON.Relationship_Note > Relationship Note

    3. CA Contact Migration - Step 3 - Legal Guardian Flag: generates records to set the Legal Guardian flag for each student's contacts based on the CALPADS Parent/Guardian 1 and 2 designations.

      • PERSON.Contact_ID > Contact ID

      • PERSON.First_Name > First Name

      • PERSON.Last_Name > Last Name

      • PERSON.Student_Name > Student Name

      • PERSON.Contact_Priority_Order > Contact Priority Order

      • PERSON.Student_Contact_ID > Student Contact ID

      • PERSON.Legal_Guardian > StudentContactDetail.LegalGuardian

      • PERSON.Guardian_Type > Guardian Type

      • PERSON.Guardian_Code > Guardian Code

      • PERSON.Original_Contact_Type > State Contact Type

      • PERSON.Original_Contact_Priority > Original Contact Priority

are added to aid in the migration of State-specific student contact data to the Unlimited Contact tables.

On the new Student Contact Migration page (District Setup > District Info > Student Contact Migration), a new Load Data Export Manager Templates section is added, with a button to initiate the seeding of three templates for the currently logged-in user. If the current user already has the templates loaded, the button is replaced with a message indicating as such. Once the seeding is complete, the user will have three new templates available under the My Templates tab in Data Export Manager, named CA Contact Migration - Step 1 - New Contacts, CA Contact Migration - Step 2 - New Associations, and CA Contact Migration - Step 3 - Legal Guardian Flag. These templates will select, order, and label the columns in a manner that is compatible with the Data Import Manager.

Migrate Contacts

The migration process is a two-step, user-initiated process utilizing Data Export Manager, followed by Data Import Manager.

Export Legacy Contact Information

CA Contact Migration - Step 1 - New Contacts

CA Contact Migration - Step 2 - New Associations

Update and Verify Contact Information

Import Updated and Verified Contacts

CA Contact Migration - Step 3 - Legal Guardian Flag

Enable Unlimited Contacts for State Reporting

Only set the preference after all contacts are verified and migrated.

To set the preference

  1. Navigate to District Setup > District Info > Student Contacts Migration

  2. Select the option to Enable Unlimited Contacts for State Reporting.

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