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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-237299Attendance Summary by Grade Updates to Handle Larger ID Values

Attendance Summary by Grade: Version 6.8

The report is updated to accommodate ID values for teachers ([SchoolStaff]id) and special programs ([Gen]id) that are too large for the Java integer data type. Users will not see any noticeable difference in the behavior of the report.

PSSR-231695CALPADS: Postsecondary Status (PSTS) data entry changes for 20-21

Navigation: *Student Selection > State/Province - CA > CA Graduation and UC/CSU Info *

To meet state reporting data requirements in the 20-21 school year, the following fields have been added/updated:
1. Educational Institution Type - a new field with the following options:
(10) Public
(20) Private Nonprofit
(30) For Profit
2. Post-High School Credential - a new field with the following options:
(10) Industry-recognized credential
(20) Certificate issued by a post-secondary institution
(30) Degree awarded by a post-secondary institution
(40) License issued by the State of California
(50) Other measures of technical skill attainment
3. Postsecondary Status - updated functionality to allow the selection of multiple options for the selected student

PSSR-235971CALPADS: (SSID/SENR) Updates to Student School Completion Status Codes for 20-21

The options for a student's School Completion Status has been updated as follows:

Pages impacted:

  • Student Selection > Transfer Information > Edit current/previous enrollment page
  • Functions > Transfer Out of School

Updated descriptions:

  • 320 Received a High School Equivalency Certificate (and no standard HS diploma)
  • 480 Promoted (matriculated to CAPubSchls)
    New option:
  • 485 Promoted (matriculated to NonCAPubSchls)

Deprecated options:

  • The following 3 options are moved to the bottom of the list, and are not selectable in the 20-21 school and later:
    • 104, 106, 108
PSSR-235969CALPADS: New ELA Status code (SELA) for 20-21

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > California State Information > CALPADS Student Information > CALPADS ELA Status/Program History > New/Edit

  • ELA status field: "(ADEL) Adult Age English Learner" is now an option.
PSSR-235962CALPADS: Field name updates for 20-21

Navigation: Student Selection > State/Province - CA > CA Graduation and UC/CSU Info page:
The field previously labeled: "Postsecondary Transition Status" is updated to: "Adult Age Students with Disabilities Transition Indicator".

PSSR-235960CALPADS: Program Code updates for 20-21 (SPRG)

Navigation: *Student Selection > State Province - CA > CALPADS Program Eligibility *
A new Program Code is available in the Program Code option list: "(193) Tribal Foster Youth". The Membership Category will display a value '(1) Eligible' for this program code.

PSSR-235968CALPADS: SSID Student Enrollment (SENR) Updates for 20-21

SSID Enrollment Records - 7.1

"SSID Enrollment Records" Report is updated as outlined below:

  1. Validation for Exit Code field: Exit Reason 450 - changed from being applied to grades PreK-6 to PreK Only (Grade level override is PS, TD, or IN)
  2. The following columns have been removed, along with any related report validations:
  • 1.35 Workforce Readiness (Strategic Skills) Certificate Program Completion Indicator
  • 1.36 Food Handler Certification Program Completion Indicator
  • 1.37 Certified (Registered) Pre-Apprenticeship Program Completion Indicator
  • 1.38 Not-Certified (Non-Registered) Pre-Apprenticeship Program Completion Indicator
  • 1.39 State or Federal Job Program Completion Indicator
PSSR-232666CALPADS: Student Program Records (SPRG) - Support for Sub-Districts

Student Program Records (SPRG) - Version: 4.9

The updated report now supports the use of sub-districts. When running the report from the district office, users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter allowing them to select which sub-district to run for. Only schools assigned to that sub-district are included in the output. Running the report from a single school behaves as before.

All users will notice that the "Use" parameter is no longer presented when running from the district office. Since "District Wide" was the only selection that would allow the report to run, that option is now selected automatically.

PSSR-235964CALPADS: Student Information Records (SINF) Updates for 20-21

Student Information Records: Version 5.4

A runtime parameter has been added, allowing users to specify if the report should populate two new optional fields: 2.43 and 2.44 for the students' preferred first and last names. If opting to populate, the report will do so for both fields only if either of them differs from what appears in the legal name fields earlier in the record. Users should expect to see more records than usual the first time they run in submission mode and including the preferred names. Upon submitting to history, subsequent runs will include only records where data has actually changed.

PSSR-243983CALPADS: Additional fields required for tracking and reporting Students with Disabilities (SWD)

The following pages are updated to reflect the latest requirements for reporting Students With Disabilities:

Student Selection > State/Province - CA > Special Education and CASEMIS Information: The page is renamed to: Students With Disabilities (SWD), and users can now view/edit values for the following new fields:

  • Reporting SELPA: Text entry
  • District of Special Education Accountability: Text entry
  • Special Education Meeting type Code
    • Options:
      • 10 - Part B Initial Evaluation
      • 15 - Part C Initial Evaluation
      • 20 - Annual Education or Service Plan Meeting
      • 30 - Pending Initial Evaluation
      • 40 - Triennial Evaluation
  • Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier: Text entry
  • Education Plan type Code
    • Options:
      • 100 - Individualized Education Program (IEP)
      • 150 - Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)
      • 200 - Individual Service Plan (ISP)
      • 700 - Eligible - No Education Plan (Parent Declined FAPE - Private Placement)
      • 800 - Eligible - No Education Plan (Other Reasons)
      • 300 - Pending
      • 900 - Not Eligible
  • Education Plan Amendment Date
  • Infant Regional Center Services Eligibility Indicator - Yes/No
  • Ten or More Weekly Hours in Setting Indicator - Yes/No

StudentSelection > State/Province - CA > Program Eligibility > Program record where program type = 144 > Add/Edit service:

  • Users can now view/edit values for the following field:
    • Nonpublic Agency Identifier(NPA) : Text entry
      • This field is only available when the "Provider Value" code = 400
PSSR-222227CBEDS: CDIF / SIF Extract Updates For 20-21

CBEDS Report - CDIF Version: 2.9
The report is updated according to the latest state specifications, including aggregated numbers for staff that are assigned a non-binary gender value.

PSSR-232651CDS Referral Method Report Updated to Support Sub-Districts

CDS Referral Method: Version 1.2

Users who have enabled sub-districts will see a new parameter prompting them to select one sub-district for which to run the report. Only students having a school enrollment at a school within that sub-district, overlapping the report start and end dates, are counted. A second line is added to the report header to indicate which sub-district the report was selected at run time.

Users who have not enabled sub-districts will see no change to the report behavior or layout.

The "Report Period" parameter is removed for all users. This parameter had no use as it was not impacting the report behavior in any way.

PSSR-245431Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement Form Added to Teacher Portal

To comply with the requirements in CA Senate Bill 98 (SB 98), a page has been added to the teacher portal to track students' daily participation and weekly engagement in each section. A new icon has been added to the end of each row in the teachers' home page. Upon selecting this function for a section, a form is rendered displaying the current week's data. Other weeks within a section's term can be selected at the top of the page.

For each day of the selected week, displayed information includes whether the section was in-session, length of the section in minutes, names and descriptions of any assignments due that day, and indicators of whether the section represents a full or partial day and in-person, remote synchronous, or remote asynchronous instruction.

Below this, methods of engagement are displayed for each student enrolled in the section that week. The selected codes are determined by whether a student was absent, whether he or she had any missing assignments that day, whether the class was in-person or remote, and any comments entered for the assignments.

Teachers should certify the correctness of the data by checking a box near the bottom of the form, at which point they may submit the data. If modifications are needed after certification, once the underlying data is corrected, a "re-calculate" button is available to re-populate the form and re-enable submission to the database.

PSSR-243550ORA A & B Extract: Updates For 20-21

CBEDS-ORA File A Extract version: 2.3
CBEDS-ORA File B Extract version: 2.4

CBEDS-ORA File A Extract and CBEDS-ORA File B Extract have been updated according to the latest state specifications, including aggregated numbers for staff that are assigned a non-binary gender value.

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