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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-263484All States/Provinces: Asset Inventory Enterprise Report

A new Asset Inventory Enterprise Report is now available for Enterprise Report Managers to add to their list of published Enterprise Reports.

This Enterprise Report requires the Asset Tracking functionality in PowerSchool SIS 21.4.0 or newer.

PSSR-263489All States/Provinces: Asset Management Enterprise Report

A new Asset Management Enterprise Report is now available for Enterprise Report Managers to add to their list of published Enterprise Reports.

This Enterprise Report requires the Asset Tracking functionality in PowerSchool SIS 21.4.0 or newer.

PSSR-262117All States/Provinces: Compliance Pages Updates to Support the New User Experience

The Staff Information page is updated and displays correctly without any errors when New User Experience is enabled.

PSSR-260209All States/Provinces: Health Report Update - Vision and Hearing

Health Report: Version 1.2
The Report has been updated and now pulls the Display Value (rather than the State Name) when outputting Vision & Hearing (Color Blindness and Outcome) screening results.

PSSR-258099All States/Provinces: Medication List Report Update

Medication List Report: Version 2.0

The Medication List report updated and now runs and completes as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-243166Added Exception Mode to the Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) Report

Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) Report: Version 3.3

An exception mode is added to the runtime parameter. If selected, an exception will be generated in the following scenarios:

  • The student is excluded from state reporting.
  • The student's enrollment is excluded from state reporting.
  • The student's school is excluded from state reporting.
  • The student's SSID is blank.
  • The student's ELA start date is in the future.
  • The student's ELA is excluded from state reporting.
PSSR-239512"Exit Date should be greater than Current Date" Message Occurs When Creating A New Enrollment With An Exit Date Before Today's Date

On the New School Enrollment page, users will now be able to enter an Exit Date that is less than or equal to the Current Date.

PSSR-261500CA – Large District – PSTS Extract Takes Over 24 Hours To Complete When Ran For All Schools

Postsecondary Status Extract Version: 1.7
The delay in generating the report is resolved. The report is now optimized for better overall performance.

PSSR-229661CALPADS - Added new LIP status fields to the [S_CA_STU_X] table

Added new fields to the student extension table to store the status of the LIP program records for each student.

PSSR-259945CALPADS ELA Status/Program History Page Updates For the New LIP Programs

The following updates are made to the CALPADS ELA Status/Program History page:

  • A new grid containing the following LIP programs is displayed in the English Language Program Eligibility History section of the page. If a record for any of these programs exists then such programs will be set to a 'Yes' in the grid.
    • 300 LIP - Developmental Bilingual Program
    • 301 LIP - Dual-Language Immersion Program
    • 302 LIP - Heritage or Indigenous Language
    • 303 LIP - Newcomer Program
    • 304 LIP - One-Way Immersion Program
    • 305 LIP - Structured English Immersion Program
    • 306 LIP - Transitional Bilingual Program
    • 307 LIP - Parent Opted Out of EL Program

  • A new check box field Uncheck to hide student table values is added to the English Language Program Eligibility History section of the page. This will be selected by default. If it's unchecked, the field label changes to Check to show student table values.
  • A new check box field Check to update the value for the related field in the Students table, based on the changes to this record is added to the New & Edit CALPADS ELA Program Eligibility pages. This will be selected by default.
PSSR-229659CALPADS - New LIP programs added for End of Year Program/Service Processing

Following LIP program are added to the CALPADS/CASEMIS Program/Service End of Year Preferences page (Start Page > District Setup > District Information > End of Year Program/Service Processing):

  • 300 LIP - Developmental Bilingual Program
  • 301 LIP - Dual-Language Immersion Program
  • 302 LIP - Heritage or Indigenous Language
  • 303 LIP - Newcomer Program (Various Models)
  • 304 LIP - One-Way Immersion Program
  • 305 LIP - Structured English Immersion Program or other predominantly English Language Instructional Models
  • 306 LIP - Transitional Bilingual Program
  • 307 LIP - Parent Opted Out of EL Program

During the EOY process, if any of the above programs are selected they should be processed in a manner similar to existing programs.

PSSR-229660Add New LIP Programs to the CALPADS Student Program Utility

CALPADS Student Program Utility Report: Version 2.0

Added the following programs to CALPADS Student Program Utility:

  • 300 LIP - Developmental Bilingual Program
  • 301 LIP - Dual-Language Immersion Program
  • 302 LIP - Heritage or Indigenous Language
  • 303 LIP - Newcomer Program (Various Models)
  • 304 LIP - One-Way Immersion Program
  • 305 LIP - Structured English Immersion Program or other predominantly English Language Instructional Models
  • 306 LIP - Transitional Bilingual Program
  • 307 LIP - Parent Opted Out of EL Program

CALPADS Student Program Utility will process the above programs in the same manner as the existing programs are processed.

PSSR-256030CALPADS - Student Programs extract - Update to runtime parameters in Custom mode

CALPADS Student Programs: Version 5.0
Two new values (193) Tribal Foster Youth & (307) LIP - Parent Opted Out of EL Program are added to the list of programs to select when the Submission Option is set to Custom.

PSSR-162493CALPADS Student Program Validation Report Displays the Students ID While Other Reports Display the Student Number

CALPADS Student Program Report: Version 5.0
The CALPADS Student Program Validation report is updated to extract the Student Number for the ID field.

PSSR-259039Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement Updated to Ignore Daily Absence Generated By Bridge Period

If a student was present in a class using meeting attendance but was marked absent for the day due to being marked absent in the bridge period with sync enabled, the Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement form was considering the student absent (code 100) for all classes that day.

The form is updated to look only at meeting attendance if it's enabled. A daily absence generated by a meeting absence in the bridge period will no longer be considered, and the student will be marked present (code 200) so long as he or she was present in that particular class.

PSSR-231034Electronic Score Report Page - Update to the Assessment Field.

The Assessment dropdown is updated to contain the following options in the Administrator, Teacher and Parent portals.

  1. CAASPP (Math/ELA/Science)
  2. Alternate Assessment for Science (CAAS)
  3. Spanish Assessment (CSA)
  4. Science Test Assessment (CST)
  5. ELPAC - Summative Assessment (ESA)
  6. ELPAC - Initial Assessment (EIA)
  7. Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS)
PSSR-262384Monthly Student Attendance 1.0 Uses Incorrect Date Format In The Footer

Monthly Student Attendance Report: Version 1.1
The report is updated to extract the date displayed on the footer in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

PSSR-234242New report - CALPADS Staff Assignment Audit Report

CALPADS Staff Assignment Audit Report: Version 1.0

This report identifies record mismatches between school assignments and staff assignments and generates a .csv file which lists the errors & warning for each staff record that meets the selection criteria.

Errors will be displayed for the following scenarios:

  • Staff assignment record tied to a school that the teacher is not assigned to.
  • No staff assignment for assigned school
  • Staff assignment where 'Job Classification Code' = 10, 11 with no 'Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment' value
  • The staff member is no longer active in a district, but staff assignment records exist where the end date is blank

A warning will be displayed in the following scenario:

  • Staff assignment with a start date in a previous school year and end date is blank
PSSR-255358New Report - Student Participation and Engagement Class Audit

Student Participation and Engagement Class Audit Report: Version 1.0
A new report is introduced, allowing users to generate a sortable list (CSV format) of classes/weeks for which a Daily Participation and Weekly Engagement form has not been submitted.
Classes are included if they met at least one day during the week, had a student enrolled on at least one of its in-session days, and are not excluded from attendance.

Results can be filtered by teacher and date range.

PSSR-209673New Report - UC Direct Electronic Transfers (TES - Excel Format)

UC Direct Electronic Transfers (TES - Excel Format): Version 1.0

A new report is introduced to generate the Transcript Evaluation Service (TES) submission in an Excel-compatible format. This new version distinguishes between a spring submission, which includes currently enrolled students and their courses (both completed and in-progress) and a fall submission, which includes the previous year's students/graduates and completed courses only.

The third tab of the spreadsheet (program participation) is intentionally left blank, and the fourth tab (test scores) is optional and controlled by a report parameter.

The report outputs two files zipped together: the extracted data and a list of validation errors. The extracted data is always included, even if validation errors are encountered. Note that the report output file, although given an extension of .xls, is actually formatted as XML. This can be opened in Excel by ignoring the format mismatch warning, then re-saved as an Excel Workbook (.xslx) and then submitted to TES.

PSSR-255136New Validation Added to the CALPADS Primary Residence Field

A validation has been added to the CALPADS Primary Residence field. This will be triggered only in cases where the value currently stored for a Student is not a valid state code.

This is applicable only for schools/districts that are also using PowerSchool Special Programs (PSSP).

PSSR-216698Request to Include the School Entry Date Field on The Students Health Immunization Page and make it editable.

Added the _School Entry Date _Field to the Students Health Immunization Page, so that users can enter and maintain this information from that page.

PSSR-231464Score Reports page - Alternate Shading of Rows Does not Display Properly when a student has multiple results

The Score Reports page is updated to correctly display the alternate shading of rows. This has been fixed in the Administrator, Teacher, and Public portals.

PSSR-257678Staff Assignment Validation For Assignment Code 6020 and Job Classification 11 is Incorrect

Staff Assignment Records - 3.7

The validation error “Job assignment code 6020 is no longer valid as of the 2019-2020 school year or invalid for job classification” has now been removed.

Users will no longer see this error for Teachers with Job Classification Code = 11 and Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment 1 = 6020 while generating the Staff Assignment Records report.

PSSR-242765Student Course Section Records Allows Invalid Values for Carnegie Units

Student Course Section Records: Version 4.4
The report was allowing values of 10 or greater for field 10.21 (Carnegie Units Earned), which does not meet the state's required format of (#, #.#, or #.##). To ensure successful submission, the report is updated to cap this field at the maximum allowable value of 9.99.

PSSR-261066Student Course Section Records Fails to Observe Census Day Teacher Override

Student Course Section Records: Version 4.4
When run for the Fall 2 submission, and when the lead teacher of a section as of census day did not have an SEID value populated, in most cases the report would not include any records for that section, even if the Census Day Teacher Override field was populated with a teacher having an SEID.

The report is updated to include records from such sections, so long as the teacher designated as the census day override does have an SEID.

PSSR-255134Update the Primary Residence Field to Use Common Code Set Tables

Primary Residence drop-down list value moved to Code Set table.

PSSR-261961Updates to the Polio Immunization Rules

Immunization rules for Polio have been updated to meet the following state rules:
1) If the School Entry Date is on or after 7/1/2019, then the following rule applies:

  • K-12: 4 doses required. Three doses of polio vaccine meet the requirement if one dose was given on or after the fourth birthday.

2) If the School Entry Date is before 7/1/2019, then the following rules apply:

  • 4-6 Years Old: 4 doses (3 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday)
  • 7-17 Years Old: 4 doses (3 doses OK if one was given on or after 2nd birthday)
PSSR-261322Weekly Engagement Form and Report Display Duplicate Records When Sections Span Multiple Periods

Student Participation and Engagement by Class: Version 1.1
When a section occupies multiple periods in its associated bell schedule, numerous problems were seen in the Weekly Engagement and Daily Participation form and reports. In the PowerTeacher form, section B would exhibit “off-by” errors, in which one day’s data is duplicated in the next day’s table row, shifting all output such that later days of the week are not reported at all (the labels still said Monday-Friday, but the data didn’t match). Assignments were also duplicated within each day’s table cell. Section C would display each student’s data row numerous times, sometimes to the point that the page was unable to load.

In the class-level admin report, section B would list each day multiple times (correctly labeled) and would also duplicate the assignment lists. Section C was unaffected.

The PowerTeacher form is fixed so that each of the five days is displayed in its correct table row, and assignments are no longer duplicated. The instructional minutes' value now displays the total length of all periods during which the section met that day. The delivery method is now marked as full-day if the section occupies all ADA-counting periods for the day.

The admin report is fixed to display each day of the week only once, and to no longer duplicate assignment lists.

PSSR-259282Work-Based Learning Extract (WBLR) Validations

Work-Based Learning Extract (WBLR): Version 1.1

A parameter Bypass Validations is added to the report run page. Choose Yes or No from the drop-down list to run the validation portion of the Work-Based Learning Extract, which is used to validate that specified fields used for the extract are populated correctly.

If the report identifies errors in data, an HTML page displays the list of the errors. If the report does not identify any data errors, the extract completes as expected.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.