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Entering Fitness Test Results


Student Selection > State/Province – CA > Physical Fitness Tests

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameUsed in these Reports

Grade Level

Enter the grade level of the student at the time the test was taken.

Note: This field is automatically populated with the student’s current grade level.


Phys Fit

Test Date

Enter the date that the student began the Physical Fitness test.


Phys Fit

Incomplete Data

Choose an option from the pop-up menu if the student’s Physical Fitness Test results are incomplete.

Valid values:

  • 1 – No – Student Fully Tested
  • 2 – Yes – Student With Partial Tested
  • 3 – Yes – Student Not Tested

Note: For records created prior to 2009, the values may display differently in the pop-up menu.

No longer collected.



Reason for Incomplete Data

If Yes is chosen for Incomplete Data, choose a value from the pop-up menu to explain the reason for the incomplete data.

Valid values:

  • [blank] – No reason
  • 1 – Absent on test date and all make-up sessions
  • 2 – Individualized education program (IEP)/Disabilities
  • 3 – Extraordinary circumstances
  • 4 – Medical excuse

Note: For records created prior to 2009, the values may display differently in the pop-up menu.

No longer collected.



PACER (20 meter)

Enter the number of laps that the student completed.

Note: If the 15-meter PACER is administered, the scores must be converted to 20-meter. The conversion table can be found on the FITNESSGRAM® Web site.

Valid values: 001 - 190


Phys Fit

Mile Run

Enter the time taken to complete a mile in minutes and seconds.

Note: If the student begins and cannot complete the mile run, enter 99 minutes and 59 seconds.

Valid values: 00 – 59 (seconds)

Valid values: 03 – 59 (minutes)



Phys Fit

Walk Test – Time

Enter the time taken to complete the walk test in minutes and seconds.

Note: If the student begins and cannot complete the walk test, enter 99 minutes 59 seconds.

Valid values: 00 – 59 (seconds)

Valid values: 03 – 59 (minutes)



Phys Fit

Walk Test – Heart Rate

Enter the student’s heart rate in beats per 60 seconds.

Valid values: 030 - 250


Phys Fit

Walk Test – Weight

Enter the student’s weight in pounds.


Phys Fit

Skinfold Measurement – Triceps

Enter the measurement of the student’s triceps in millimeters.

Valid values: 01 - 40


Phys Fit

Skinfold Measurement – Calf

Enter the measurement of the student’s calf in millimeters.

Valid values: 01 - 40


Phys Fit

Body Mass Index (BMI) – Height

Enter the student’s height in feet and inches.

Valid values: 01 – 07 (feet)

Valid values: 01 – 11 (inches)



Phys Fit

Body Mass Index (BMI) – Weight

Enter the student’s weight in pounds.

Valid values: 001 – 500


Phys Fit

Bioelectric Impedance / Automated Skinfold Calipers - % Body fat

Enter the student’s percentage body fat.

Note: The field accepts one decimal place.

Valid values: 00.1 – 99.9


Phys Fit

Abdominal Strength – Curl-ups

Enter the number of curl-ups complete by the student.

Note: The value must not exceed 75.

Valid values: 01 – 75 (Max = 75)


Phys Fit

Trunk Strength – Trunk Lift

Enter the trunk lift achieved in inches.

Valid values: 00 – 12 (Max = 12)


Phys Fit

Upper Body Strength – Push-Ups

Enter the number of push-ups completed by the student.

Valid values: 01 – 75 (Max = 75)


Phys Fit

Upper Body Strength – Pull-Ups

Enter the number of pull-ups completed by the student.

Valid values: 01 – 75 (Max = 75)


Phys Fit

Upper Body Strength – Flexed Arm Hang

Enter the number of seconds the student sustained a flexed arm hang.

Valid values: 00 – 90 (Max – 90)


Phys Fit

Flexibility – Sit and Reach Left

Enter the number of inches that the student could reach to the left while sitting.

Valid values: 01 – 12 (Max = 12)


Phys Fit

Flexibility – Sit and Reach Right

Enter the number of inches that the student could reach to the right while sitting.

Valid values: 01 – 12 (Max = 12)


Phys Fit

Flexibility – Shoulder Stretch Left

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student could touch their fingertips while performing the shoulder stretch.

Valid values:

  • [blank] – Not Measured
  • 1 – Yes – able to touch fingertips
  • 2 – No – not able to touch fingertips


Phys Fit

Flexibility – Shoulder Stretch Right

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student could touch their fingertips while performing the shoulder stretch.

Valid values:

  • [blank] – Not Measured
  • 1 – Yes – able to touch fingertips
  • 2 – No – not able to touch fingertips


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