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Student Discipline Records Report


Student Discipline records are used to submit student discipline information. This extract is formatted in a caret (^) delimited text file. The Student Discipline records may be submitted independently of other records; however, a student enrollment record must exist for the student in the incident. The Student Discipline report uses the Replacement processing method.

Note: Multiple student offense records may be associated with a single incident. For students committing multiple offenses within a single incident, a separate student discipline record is generated for each of the different offenses committed within the single incident, repeating the same Academic Year ID, School of Attendance, SSID, and Disciplinary Incident ID Local in each record.

For information about setting up discipline data, see CALPADS Discipline Quick Entry.

Selection Criteria

The extract includes student discipline incidents based on the following criteria:

  • The incident must be assigned a student offender who has a valid SSID and an active school enrollment (concurrent or regular) at the school of the incident on the date of the incident.

  • The incident must occur within the reporting period.

  • The incident must occur at a school that is not excluded from state reporting.

  • The student offender and their school enrollment at the time of the incident must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The incident must be assigned an incident type of 'CA State Reporting' or 'CA State Reporting^'.

  • The incident must have at least one of the following criteria:

    • A student offender involved in a weapons offense (codes 100, 101, 103, 104, and 105), regardless of the action taken.

    • The incident must be assigned a behavior that is a valid CALPADS code, regardless of the action taken.

  • The incident has at least one Action assigned.

    • When the assigned action code for an incident containing a reportable offense is a local action code and not a valid CALPADS code, the incident is extracted with a default action code of 300.

Note: We recommend using the first day of the school year as the start date of the report and the last day of school as the end date of the report.

Report Input

This report is run at the District and School level.

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.

  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Data to be filled

Select the checkbox next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Set All from the pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Reset All.

Start Date

Enter the report start date. It is recommended to enter the first day of the current school year, as defined in the Years & Terms, as the start date.

End Date

Enter the report end date. It is recommended to use the last day of the school year so that all discipline incidents and truancy is captured in the extract for the full academic year.

Bypass Validation

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to run the validation portion of the CALPADS Student Discipline Records, which is used to validate that specified fields used for the extract are populated correctly.

If the report identifies errors in student data, an HTML page displays the list of the errors. If the report does not identify any data errors, the extract completes as expected.

See Extract Validations for a list of potential validation errors.

School Group 
Note: This overrides the Use selection above.

Choose a group of schools to override the above "Use" parameter indicating District Wide vs.Current School Only. The extract includes student records associated with the selected schools that meet the selection criteria.

Note: This parameter is optional.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

The records are sorted in the extract file using the values in the following fields:

  • Student Last Name

  • Student First Name

  • Student Number

  • Education Program Membership Start Date

  • School Number (CSIS School Number)

Operational Keys: School of Attendance, Academic Year ID

Processing Method: Replacement

Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is caret delimited.

Field #

Data Element



Max Length

Field Type




Record Type Code

The type of data record being submitted.

Always SDIS






Transaction Type Code

The action taken when the data record is submitted.

CALPADS processes the following Transaction Type Codes:

  • Blank: Add or update the record

  • D: Delete the current record

  • R: Replace the record

This value is calculated based on the updatable fields and operational keys.






Local Record ID

A local use field to provide the system record identifier for a submitted record in any CALPADS file format.

This field is calculated by concatenating internal ID fields. The values for the internal fields may be separated by periods.

Discipline records:










Reporting LEA

The district number; a unique identifier for the LEA responsible for obtaining and maintaining a student's SSID by way of an enrollment record in the CALPADS.

State Business Rules:

The 7-digit county district (CD) code must be reported if the reporting LEA is a district or county office.

The school (S) code must be reported if the reporting LEA is an independently reporting charter school.








School of Attendance

The 7-digit school code for the school that is associated with the incident.

The report locates the School of Attendance for a student based on the school associated with the incident. Each school is assigned a 7-digit School Number, which is used as the School of Attendance value.

State Business Rules:

If the student attends an independently reporting charter school, the school number (S) must be submitted.

If the student attends an NPS school, the School of Attendance must be 0000001.










Academic Year ID

The period during which school is in regular session and provides a required number of days of instruction (175 days in California).

Extracted in the format CCYY-CCYY, such as 2008-2009.



The report extracts the last four digits of the date value stored in both the FirstDay and LastDay fields.







The unique identifier for the student assigned by the first California district in which the student is enrolled.

State Business Rules:

Must be a valid CALPADS SSID.







Local Student ID

A unique identifier assigned to the student by an LEA.

State Business Rules:

Updates to this field must be made through the SSID Enrollment extract.







Student Legal First Name

The first name given to the student after birth or through legal action.

State Business Rules:

Updates to this field must be made through the Student Information extract.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.








Student Legal Last Name

The last name given to the student after birth or through legal action.

State Business Rules:

Updates to this field must be made through the Student Information extract.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.








Student Birth Date

The student’s birth date, extracted in the format CCYYMMDD, e.g. 20081025.

State Business Rules:

Updates to this field must be made through the Student Information extract.







Student Gender Code

The student’s gender.

State Business Rules:

Updates to this field must be made through the Student Information extract.


  • If populated, the student's legal gender overrides the student's preferred gender.

  • If the student's preferred gender is X, the student's legal gender must be M or F.








Disciplinary Incident ID Local

The unique identifier for the incident. A disciplinary incident is one or more student offenses that occur on the same date at the same time.

This value is used to track the incident throughout multiple student records. In Incident Management, this value is system generated.

State Business Rules:

This value must be unique per Academic Year and school.

Fields 4.13 (incident ID) and 4.23 (truancy indicator) are mutually exclusive – only one may be reported.







Disciplinary Incident Occurrence Date

The date on which the disciplinary incident occurred.

State Business Rules:

The date must be within the academic year specified, on or after the student’s first date in CALPADS and on or before the current date.







Student Offense Code

The student’s offense.

In Incident Management, this is the Behavior Code. The behavior must be assigned to the appropriate offender to be reported.

See the Appendix for a list of valid code values.

State Business Rules:

If the Weapon Category is populated, then the Offense Code must be 100, 101, 103, 104, or 105.








Incident Most Severe Offense Code

The student offense determined by the LEA to have the highest degree of severity compared to other offenses in the same incident.

In Incident Management, this is the behavior with the Primary Behavior checkbox selected. In the case where the student is the offender assigned the primary behavior, then the primary behavior is reported for that student both fields 4.15 and 4.16.

Note: The Primary Behavior fields only need to be selected on incidents with more than one behavior.

State Business Rules:

Report the most severe offense for the incident. The most severe offense code must be repeated for each record with the same disciplinary incident ID.








Weapon Category Code

The type of weapon used in the incident.

In Incident Management, this is the Object subcode. The object must be associated with the appropriate offender to be reported.

Note: If there are multiple weapons associated with the student and at least one of the weapons is a firearm, the weapon will be reported as:

50 – Multiple Weapons with Firearm


[Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 4.17 (Weapons)





Yes, if the Student Offense Code is 100, 101, 103, or 104, 105.


Incident Disciplinary Action Taken Code

The final disciplinary action taken against the student for the incident. The action must be the final action taken, not necessarily the action recommended for the student. For example, if the student was initially suspended and then later expelled, report the expulsion only.

In Incident Management, the Action Code with the latest Action Begin Date is used. If two Action Codes have the same Action Begin Date, the action added second will be reported. The action must be associated with the appropriate offender or behavior to be reported.

The incident is extracted with a default action code of 300 in the following scenarios:

  • When there is no action code for an incident containing a reportable offense.

  • When the only assigned action codes for an incident containing a reportable offense are local action codes and not valid CALPADS codes.
    Note: When the incident contains both local and reportable action codes, the most recent reportable action code is extracted.

State Business Rules:

If a Disciplinary Action Modification Code is reported, then the Disciplinary Action Taken Code must be 200 (Expulsion).








Disciplinary Action Authority Code

The agency that authorizes any disciplinary action taken against the student.

In Incident Management, this is the Action Authority Code.

State Business Rules:

This field is only required for special education students, i.e. those students with a CALPADS program record where the Education Program Code is 144 and the Action Taken Code is not equal to 300.


[Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 4.19





Yes, if the student has an Education Program Code of 144 and the Action Taken Code is not equal to 300.


Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days

The length of the disciplinary action.

In Incident Management, this is the Actual Duration.

The value is calculated incrementally, which allows for increments of less than one day.

Format: ###.##

The duration for incidents with an action code of 300 is reported as '0'.

If the student has multiple state-reportable action codes, the report extracts the most recent reportable action code and a sum of the duration for the reportable codes.

If the student was suspended prior to a final disciplinary action of expulsion, the duration includes:

  • The number of instructional days that the student missed instruction due to the suspension that preceded the expulsion; and

  • The number of instructional days the student missed due to the expulsion, which is the number of instructional days from when the student is exited due to the expulsion to when the student is enrolled in a subsequent school, or the end of the school year, whichever comes first.





Yes, if the Action Taken Code is not equal to 300.


Student Instructional Support Indicator

Indicates whether the student receives instructional support from the LEA during a disciplinary action.

State Business Rules:

This field is only required for special education students, i.e. those students with a CALPADS program record where the Education Program Code is 144.

Valid values:

  • Y – The student receives instructional support.

  • N – The student does not receive instruction support (a total cessation of educational services).

State Business Rules:

This field is only required for special education students, i.e. those students with a CALPADS program record where the Education Program Code is 144 and the Action Taken Code is not equal to 300.


[Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 4.21





Yes, if the student has an Education Program Code of 144 and the Action Taken Code is not equal to 300.


Disciplinary Action Modification Category Code

The code describing a modification made to a disciplinary action order, such as shortening the term of the suspension or expulsion.

In Incident Management, this is the Action Change Code and subcode.

State Business Rules:

This field is only required if the disciplinary action is 200 (expulsion).


[Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 4.22





Yes, if the Disciplinary Action is 200 (Expulsion).


Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code

Indicates the student was removed to an interim alternative setting as a result of the discipline.

Valid values:

1 – Removal by Hearing Officer

2 – Removal by School Personnel

3 – No Removal

State Business Rules:

This field only applies to special education students, i.e. those students with a CALPADS program record where the Education Program Code is 144 and the Action Taken Code is not equal to 300.


[Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_RPT_Code = 4.23





Yes, if the student has an Education Program Code of 144 and the Action Taken Code is not equal to 300; otherwise No.

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